LAG Profile

Leader Aktiivinen Pohjois-Satakunta

LAG code: 
Main ESI Fund: 
European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD)
ESIF Programme:
Contact information
Spoken languages:
LAG email: 
LAG manager: 
Juha Vanhapaasto
LAG manager email: 
+35 850 5206 396
Keskuskatu 51 B
38700 Kankaanpää
Additional information on the strategy: 

LAG Aktiivinen Pohjois-Satakunta was founded 20 years ago and is currently implementing 4th period of LEADER programme. The LAG has implemented since 1997 nearly 900 Leader-projects and works also as European Commissions Information point.

Our LAG operates on two different regions (Satakunta and Pirkanmaa). In our strategy we highlight sustainability.  Our strategy is focused to sources of livelihood in rural areas, service production in rural areas, community approach and internationality. We aim to work considering the needs of the clients, new ideas and working methods, vast scale  collaboration networks and know-how.

We have implemented approximately 70 international and transnational projects as well being part of different other initiatives like Erasmus+ and Youth-projects and Nordic Councils project partnership. The overall quantity ranges among Finnish LAGs as topmost. During this programming period the quantity of projects is approximately 160 actually. All together we have nearly 1000 Leader projects implemented and under implementation stage.

Many of the transnational project have been elected winners in different competitions and elected as best practise examples for Brussels database.

The LAG has the biggest quantity of transnational projects among Finnish LAGs and European LAGs. Actually for this programming period we have now 14 international projects implemented/ongoing and some other under preparation (estimated the approval of minimum 5 new transnational projects this year). The quantity of national collaboration projects is also quite high.

Look a bit more information:

Physical & demographic characteristics of LAG area:
Assets & land use of the LAG area:
Size of territory (km²): 
No. of inhabitants: 
Municipalities covered: 
Honkajoki, Jämijärvi, Kankaanpää, Karvia, Lavia, Merikarvia/Sastmola, Pomarkku/Påmark, Siikainen, Ikaalinen/Ikalis, Kihniö, Parkano
Sub-municipal level: 

We have very active villages in our LAG area. Some of them have been prized in regional level for their activity.

Number of entities in LAG decision body: 
Number of LAG staff: