Cooperation Offer

5starnature (5*Nature)

Offer name: 
5starnature (5*Nature)
Expiry date: 
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Looking to cooperate with

Type of area:

Project idea

Project type:
Project topic:

The main target of the project is to support wilderness and countryside destinations and incentive rural tourism. In the Finnish counterpart area the natural tourism is an important source of income as well there are relatively lot of different tourism enterprises in the area. The entrepreneurs need, however, networking and to develop the collaboration still more between them as well the marketing approach of the area is important. The international context would help to identify better each others positive and negative qualities and to help in identifying of good tourism products.

Project idea summary: 

Nature and rural cultural tourism is a quickly growing but still innovative segment of the global tourism market. From a mere niche it has during the last years became an important segment that involves millions of travellers each year.
The potential benefits produced by nature and culture tourism for the host regions and the involved stakeholders are huge and many sided. Nature tourism is an important opportunity to diversify local rural economies that have lost part of their economic base.
Moreover, natural and cultural tourism supplies important financial resources and of course contributes thus to the overall liveability of the destination area and obviously tourism contributes to the visibility of the region as such (the so-called territorial brand) but also contributes to raise awareness that operating touristic firms are an important part of the social and economic texture of a region and the attractiveness of the region for the different stakeholders is supposed to be boosted.
The development of natural tourism therefore not only leads to a concrete injection in terms of high quality jobs, but it also enhances the image of the places, contributing eventually to the civic pride of the local inhabitants.
In practice, this proposal addresses the possibility of participating regions to innovatively engage in nature and rural cultural tourism development, either pursuing the valorisation of their heritage or through the utilisation of. It aims at exchanging best practices and at generating a Europe wide network of nature tourism experiences that helps in creating flexible itineraries that link different nature and rural cultural tourism destinations with each other.
The « five star »nature integrates every partners’ local themes concerning the nature valours to be identified and supported and developed locally and internationally. Every partner choose five thematics/local natural beauty themes to be marketed as « stars » and to be specially highlighted within the project work. For instance (as here under) :
Partner 1. Sea, river, forest, archipelago and fishing (Merikarvia, Finland)
Partner 2. xxxx proper areas « particularities »
Partner 3.
Partner 4.
and possibly more partners if interested ones identified.


Promote the development of common activities in the tourism sector, based on an integrated conservation and exploitation in Europe, in all partner regions focusing in rural area;
- To support the exchange of experience and good practices in improving the standards of services in the area and for the development of common tourism products specific for the area;
- Exchange of experience and knowledge, transfer and further development of policies dedicated to:
o protecting and enhancing nature, cultural heritage and landscapes
o development of innovative approaches
o supporting risk management in the field of nature tourism, cultural heritage and cultural landscapes
- To develop nature tourism events like fairs
- To develope marketing campaign with new approaches
- Supporting the development of tourism with a particular focus on integrating sustainability aspects
- To develop the potential benefits produced by nature and cultural rural tourism for the host regions and the involved stakeholders
Target group of the project: rural enterprises and their clients and general public internationally