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  • EvaluationWORKS! 2016 experiences from the Member States
  • Preparing the evaluation of innovation in RDPs 2014-2020
  • Fourth Good Practice Workshop: 5-6 December Bordeaux, France

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This factsheet provides an overview of the tendering and contracting procedures for the ex ante evaluation in Slovenia of the rural development programme (RDP) 2014–2020.

This study creates a methodological framework and system of quantitative evaluation of medium-term and long-term impact within the RDP 2014-2020 for the following forestry measures: M08 - Investments in the development of forest areas and improvement of forest viability (sub-measures 8.3 and 8.4); M12 - Natura 2000 payments and under the Water Framework Directive (sub-measure 12.2); M15 - Forest-environmental and climate services and forest protection (sub-measure 15.1).


This report summarises the major outcomes of the Good Practice Workshop (GPW), “National Rural Networks’ (NRNs) support to the evaluation of RDPs”, which took place on 30 November – 1 December in Athens (Greece).

The aim of this workshop was to explore the possible activities of NRNs in supporting the evaluation of RDPs throughout the evaluation cycle. This workshop provided a space for the exchange of experiences on how NRNs can support building evaluation capacities and raising awareness on evaluation. Furthermore, participants discussed challenges and developed recommendations for the more efficient use of NRN resources in supporting RDP evaluations.

This workshop brought together evaluators, Managing Authorities, NRNs, EC representatives, researchers, evaluators, rural development stakeholders and members of the Evaluation Helpdesk team.

Practical examples from the Italian and Portugese NRNs as well as poster presentations from Germany, France, Latvia, Poland and Estonia were presented during this workshop and are summarised in this report.

As part of the technical support for the RDP 2014-2020, it is the LfULG's responsibility to assess the areas of agri-environmental and climate measures (AUKM) and organic farming (ÖBL) and the guideline (RL) Natural Heritage (NE) with regard to their goal, their acceptance and check practical feasibility. This report primarily focuses on a survey of the measure C.1.

The assessment of the effectiveness of environmental measures of the Mainland Finland RDP was first conducted in 2017 and will be repeated in 2019. The evaluation examined the extent to which the RDP has supported the implementation of measures promoting biodiversity and landscape, good quality of water and soil, as well as climate change mitigation. The evaluation was mainly based on monitoring information provided by the Agency for Rural Affairs (PA). 

The national evaluation system has been built on the common principles, which were detailed at the EU level. The assessment of the Mainland Finland performance was made in relation to the target values set for the measures. This interpretation was supplemented, as far as possible, by existing research data, opening up  the wider environmental impact of the RDP measures

The assessment of the effectiveness of environmental measures of the Mainland Finland RDP was first conducted in 2017 and will be repeated in 2019. The evaluation examined the extent to which the RDP has supported the implementation of measures promoting biodiversity and landscape, good quality of water and soil, as well as climate change mitigation. The evaluation was mainly based on monitoring information provided by the Agency for Rural Affairs (PA). 

The national evaluation system has been built on the common principles, which were detailed at the EU level. The assessment of the Mainland Finland performance was made in relation to the target values set for the measures. This interpretation was supplemented, as far as possible, by existing research data, opening up the wider environmental impact of the RDP measures.

This report charts innovation in Flemish agricultural and horticultural companies. In order to gain a better insight into improvements or innovations in the products, the processes, the organization or the marketing in Flemish agriculture and horticulture, a survey was organized among the participants in the Agricultural Monitoring Network. The results are presented and discussed in this report. This happened for the fourth time after previous surveys in 2007, 2012 and 2014.
