How to Report on Evaluation in AIRs: Experiences and outlook

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Publication date: 
October, 2017

This report summarises the major outcomes of the Good Practice Workshop, 'How to report on evaluation in the Annual Implementation Reports: experiences and outlook', which took place on 19-20 September, 2017 in Riga (Latvia). 

The aim of the workshop was to provide a forum for the discussion of challenges faced when carrying out the necessary monitoring and evaluation activities related to the AIR submitted in 2017. Furthermore, this workshop provided a space for the exchange of solutions and the engagement of participants to contribute to the simplification and improvement of the evaluation in the AIRs submitted in 2019 and the ex post evaluation.

This workshop brought together evaluators, Managing Authorities, EC representatives and members of the Evaluation Helpdesk team.

Case studies from Slovakia, Finland, and Latvia, and informative speeches from Spain and the Czech Republic were presented during this workshop and are summarised in this report.