Methodology for mapping the distribution of small farms in Europe

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The SALSA project used a specific methodological approach to develop a European-level map of the distribution of small farms at the NUTS 3 level. Before this project, very little was known on small farms' spatial distribution, context specificity, and typology. Typologies focused on farming systems and rural types at the European level, but none focused on small farms. The growing recognition of small farms in policy has led to increased efforts in developing methodologies for assessing and mapping the distribution of small farms. The SALSA project applied this methodology in 30 reference regions. However, it can also be potentially applied to other regions.

The methodology consists of four steps:

The cluster analysis conducted in two steps by testing different combinations of non-correlated variables, allowed the narrowing down of potential clusters and culminated in the production of a typology and distribution of small farms in Europe in relation to dominant farm structures within regions. Six clusters, grouped in three categories of NUTS 3 regions accounting for the diverse structure and distribution of small farms in Europe, was produced.

Relevance for monitoring and evaluation of the CAP

Understanding the intervention logic of measures: In the preparation stage of an evaluation, when reviewing the intervention logic, it is important to understand the architecture of interventions addressing small farms, which contribute to the redistribution of support towards smaller farms and look to address the income disparities between farms and regions. To this end, the spatial distribution of small farms according to key characteristics can help understand how policy is designed to address their needs. 

Possibility to differentiate beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries: The maps do not include the boundaries of the small farm, so it is not possible with the current maps to differentiate between supported and not supported farms. There are, however, other possibilities such as to overlap maps of SALSA with information from the PA to identify similar farms and compare them.

Data collection for CAP indicators and triangulation: The use of data from Eurostat, notably the Farm Structure Survey, has been fed into a large number of variables (approximately 35) which serve to cluster farms according to their physical and economic characteristics. Some of these variables can be useful when computing CAP indicators or even for providing additional information for triangulation purposes.

Definition of indicators. The project defined indicators relating to the extension of small farms to the regional territory and to the regional agricultural area. This establishes a new way to assess the importance of small farms when compared to their share in structure and economic terms.

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