Methodology for assessing the impact of adopting organic farming on farms’ economic and environmental performance

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FACEPA used the General Cost of Production Model (GECOM) to contrast organic and conventional forms of commodity production in terms of costs and environmental performance. The methodology supports a discussion of production costs in organic farming regarding the respective agri-environmental policies in selected EU Member States. It explores the potential of FADN systems for deriving environmental impacts at the farm level and calculating and comparing selected indicators for organic farms. The method was applied in Austria, Denmark, Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Sweden and the UK.

The methodology investigates the possibility of using farm economic data from FADN to calculate environmental indicators. Environmental indicators included:

  • the level of inputs (fertiliser, crop protection, purchased feed),
  • the intensity of the agriculture (intensification indicator, livestock units per forage area),
  • participation in agri-environmental activities as shown by monetary receipts from agri-environmental schemes,
  • diversity of cropping in the form of a Shannon index,
  • availability of wildlife habitats as a proportion of land that is permanent grassland, woodland or fallow.

The results showed statistically significant differences between organic and conventional farms regarding fertiliser cost, crop protection cost and intensification. There were no significant differences between organic and conventional farms regarding crop diversity except for mixed and lowland grazing livestock farms where organic farms have a statistically significantly lower diversity. There is also no significant difference between organic and conventional farms in terms of the proportion of land that is woodland, permanent grass or fallow except for general cropping farms where organic farms generally have a higher ratio.

Relevance for monitoring and evaluation of the CAP

Method to support the evaluation of organic farming interventions: The expansion of organic agriculture in Europe is one of the core targets of the Farm-to-Fork strategy. This tool provides a method to evaluate the cost difference between conventional and organic farming and the impact of organic farming on the rural environment using only FADN data. It may be used in an ex ante context to assess the costs and benefits of interventions that support organic farming compared with conventional farming and the potential effects of organic farming on sustainability and climate change. It can also be used during the implementation of CAP Strategic Plans or in an ex ante or ex post context to assess the likely or actual effects of proposals or interventions on sustainability through organic farming practices.

The tool utilises economic theory and FADN data to fit and test a model that compares organic versus conventional farm practices concerning their financial and environmental performance. The model requires only econometric skills and access to FADN farm-level data and can be adapted and used to organic versus conventional farming for a range of products in all Member States.

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