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Belgium takes lead in fight against poverty - La Belgique se pose en chef de file dans la lutte contre la pauvreté - België neemt voortouw in strijd tegen armoede

Belgian launch conference speakers

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Press Conference for the launch of the European Year for combating poverty and social exclusion – Maison des Savoirs (Molenbeek) - 09/02/2010

"The fight against poverty is everybody's business." Under this slogan the Federal, Community and Regional Ministers responsible for combating poverty launched on 9 February 2010, the 2010 European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion. In the Framework of this European Year, the Belgian Steering Committee highlighted its ambition to strengthen the social dimension of the European project.

According to the Secretary of State Philip Courard, "Belgium has a special responsibility in putting Poverty on the agenda." During the second half of 2010, Belgium will chair the Council of the European Union. Poverty is a priority for the Belgian Presidency which will highlight three main themes:

• Minimum income and social protection
• Homelessness and housing
• Poverty of children and their families

Belgium websites site for the European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion