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European Research fosters social inclusion

Immigrants are one of the population groups most at risk of poverty. One of the ways of fighting this risk is education. How can schools help with social inclusion? What can European Research contribute?

Four EU funded research projects on how education fosters social inclusion were presented in Barcelona on 27 April, in the context of the 2010 European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion.

The four projects are:

  • The EMILIE project is a response to the current 'crisis of multiculturalism' and the lack of a common EU intellectual framework to discuss the relevant related challenges
  • The EDUMIGROM project shows how ethnic differences in education contribute to the diverging prospects for young people from different ethnic groups (including Roma) in urban settings
  • The YIPPEE project describes the situation of young people from a public care background and provides some ideas on how to keep them in educatio
  • The INCLUD-ED project is a pan-European research project on schooling which mobilises research institutions from 14 EU countries on educational strategies research

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