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"In search of solidarity" – A photo competition of the Socialist Group in the Committee of the Regions

In search of solidarity banner

The Socialist Group in the Committee of the Regions has decided to devote its annual photographic competition to poverty and social exclusion.  It is an opportunity for Young Europeans to have their say on the European year for combating poverty and social exclusion.

Take your camera out and about and put together a documentary comprising 3 to 6 images illustrating initiatives taken to help the most deprived sections of the population, thus contributing to the fight against poverty and social exclusion in your area, town or region.

The aim of the Socialist Group is to promote, through this competition, a society which supports and improves quality of life, social well-being and equal opportunities for all.Winners will be invited to Brussels to attend a seminar on combating poverty in Europe, during which they will be awarded one of a number of substantial prizes comprising professional photographic equipment.