
Ecumenical Conference and Exhibition in the European Parliament

Lähettäjä 30/09 Vastaanottaja 30/09

In the framework of the European year for combating poverty and social exclusion, Eurodiaconia is co-organising a conference with CEC, Comece and Caritas Europa, bringing together Members of the European Parliament, representatives of the other European institutions and representatives of the different churches, of Caritas and Diaconia from all European countries and providing an unique opportunity to exchange experiences in the combat against poverty and social exclusion and to foster the cooperation between the European institutions and the churches, Caritas and Diaconia. This will also be an occasion for our four organisations to launch our common recommendations on poverty and social exclusion to the European Union and its Member States. The conference will close on the opening of an exhibition of the work of Christian actors across Europe in tackling poverty and social exclusion.

We are therefore delighted to invite you to join us for this high-level conference to take place on Thursday 30th September from 2.30pm to 5.30pm in the European Parliament in Brussels.

Combating poverty and social exclusion is an essential element of our Christian faith. Still today, churches in Europe, Caritas and Diaconia are the biggest non-state providers of social services in the EU. They are based at grassroots level, close to the people and very often the places to go for those who are falling through the safety nets of the social protection systems. In so doing, churches and diaconal organisations are bridge-builders for a socially cohesive society for all. We therefore believe our voice is worth listening to.

Please register before 13th September by sending the registration form to aisling.vanvliet@eurodiaconia.org

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