
European Commission Digital

European Commission updates eInvoicing Country Factsheets

The European Commission is happy to announce the update of the first batch of eInvoicing Country Factsheets of 2023. These Country Factsheets provide comprehensive information on the eInvoicing policies and practices of all 27 EU Member States and 4 additional European Economic Area (EEA) countries. Such information includes policy frameworks, eInvoicing platforms (if existing), strategy in place to receive and process electronic invoices, as well as the use of Core Invoicing Usage Specifications (CIUS). These updated factsheets may also include, in relevant cases, information on the national Digital Reporting Requirements, covering obligations for VAT-taxable persons to submit transaction data digitally.

The eInvoicing Country Factsheets provide an objective, up-to-date picture of the eInvoicing approaches across Europe. It analyses the implementation of electronic invoicing in the EU Member States and additional European Economic Area countries and their alignment with the eInvoicing Directive. Don't miss out on the opportunity to explore and share them!

The first batch of 2023 eInvoicing Country Factsheets includes the following 15 countries: Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain.

Over the following months, the eInvoicing Building Block team will update all 31 eInvoicing Country Factsheets. A second batch of eight updated Country Factsheets is planned for April 2023, and a third batch including the remaining eight factsheets is foreseen for May 2023.

Additionally, the Commission launched a Call for Evidence on the evaluation of eInvoicing policy in March 2023 to ensure that the eInvoicing Directive remains aligned with stakeholders' needs, as well as the emerging trends and needs. We encourage you, our stakeholders, to share your views by 14 April 2023 via the Have your say portal.


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Photo Source: EC - Audiovisual Service