
European Commission Digital

Your views are important: consultation on AS4 2.0 and SMP 2.0  

The launch of Public Consultations 

The eDelivery team is opening two Public Consultations on the new draft Specifications of the eDelivery AS4 profile 2.0 and eDelivery SMP profile 2.0. The proposed changes have already been presented in early May 2023 during the eDelivery Informal Cooperation Forum (slides available here) and now members of the eDelivery community are invited to share their views, comments and suggestions on both proposals before the specifications are finalised and published (the next step of eDelivery Specification Change Process – see the visual below).  

The community is invited to either post its feedback as comments on the public consultation pages linked underneath or send it by email to by the 10th November 2023. After this date there is no certainty that proposed changes or suggestions could be implemented in the specifications, which should be published by the end of the year. 

For the AS4 2.0 Draft Specification please post your comments here or send them to with [eDelivery AS4 profile version 2.0] in the title of the email. 

For the SMP 2.0 Draft Specification please post your comments here or send them to with [eDelivery SMP profile version 2.0] in the title of the email. 

(Please note that the Draft Specification consultation page can only be accessed with EU Login)

The received feedback and its assessment will be presented in the eDelivery Interoperability Forum on the 28th November 2023. The final approval and publication of the consultation reports should happen towards the end of 2023. Following the publication, eDelivery implementations will need to be adapted and conformance tested over a period of at least one year before the new specifications can be effectively used by projects. 

Draft Specifications of the eDelivery AS4 and eDelivery SMP profiles 2.0 

The version of the new Draft Specification of the eDelivery AS4 profile 2.0 has updates for the security section, where more state-of-the art protocols and algorithms are introduced, and two new Profile Enhancements are proposed, one introducing ebCore Agreement Update and one supporting alternative curves and algorithms for encryption and digital signing. The changes are detailed on both the Public Consultation and new Draft Specification pages. This new Draft Specification marks a backwards-incompatible evolution of the profile, where Access Points operating with profile version 2.0 cannot exchange messages with Access Points operating with profile version 1.x. 

The new Draft Specification of the eDelivery SMP profile 2.0 is equally backwards-incompatible, where SMP data compatible with profile version 2.0 cannot be consumed by legacy clients. It supports OASIS SMP version 2.0, allows publishing multiple certificates (signing, encryption and key exchange) for a transport and supports both eDelivery AS4 profiles 1.x and 2.0. One can read more about the proposed changes on both the Public Consultation and new Draft Specification pages. 

The two proposed Draft Specifications were designed to work together. 

Stay tuned for the latest updates on the eDelivery services by checking the building block's twitter and web page. For more information, do not hesitate to register for personalised news or contact us via our portal or by e-mail: 

The eDelivery Building Block   

eDelivery is a building block that provides technical specifications and standards, installable software and ancillary services to allow projects to create a network of nodes for secure digital data exchange.   

Domibus is the sample software provided by the European Commission to implement an eDelivery AS4 Access Point for the interoperable, secure and reliable data exchange. It is based on the eDelivery AS4 profile, an open technical specification for the secure, web-based, payload-agnostic exchange of data or documents.   

DomiSMP is the sample software provided by the European Commission to implement an eDelivery Service Metadata Publisher for publishing and retrieving data necessary for an eDelivery party to dynamically configure its system for message exchange with counterparties using eDelivery. It is based on the  eDelivery SMP profile, an open technical specification for publishing service metadata within a 4-corner network.   

DomiSMLis the sample software provided by the European Commission to implement an eDelivery Service Metadata Locator for an eDelivery party to discover the URLs of other counterparties using eDelivery Access Points and their corresponding metadata. It is based on the eDelivery BDXL profile, an open technical specification for locating Access Points within a network, and on the PEPPOL SML Specification, a technical specification defining a BDXL administration API.   

Photo by fabio on Unsplash