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European Commission Digital

DomiSMP 5.0

This page collects the resources for the Service Metadata Publisher DomiSMP version 5.0  released in June 2023.

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We are happy to announce the release of the Service Metadata Publisher DomiSMP 5.0.

DomiSMP is the sample implementation of an eDelivery Service Metadata Publisher by the European Commission.

The DomiSMP 5.0 release is conformant with the eDelivery SMP profile based on the OASIS SMP 1.0 specification, and it also adds support for the OASIS SMP 2.0 specification in preparation for the planned update of the eDelivery SMP profile.

DomiSMP 5.0 includes the following new features and fixed bugs:

New features:

  • Multiple document types can now be published via a new extension mechanism. The product is shipped with extensions for Oasis SMP 1.0 and Oasis SMP 2.0
  • Support for ECDSA and EdDSA XML signatures for XML responses to DomiSMP client
  • Option to start DomiSMP as a Spring Boot application (for demo and testing)
  • Renewed look and feel of the UI​ and more flexible management of Access Point administrators by DomiSMP administrator via multiple management layers
  • Users can have multiple security tokens as well as TLS certificates for REST API authentication
  • The resources (ServiceGroups and Service Metadata documents) can be set as private on Domain, Domain subgroup or Resource level. The protected resource document can be accessed only by authenticated users with sufficient access rights
  • The resources (ServiceGroups and Service Metadata documents) are versioned
  • Support for new platform versions: 
    • WebLogic 14c (Oracle JDK 11)
    • Tomcat 9
    • MySQL 8
  • Various security and UI enhancements

Fixed bugs:

  • Space character URLs encoding in service-group response

  • Wrong ebCore party identifier serialization in XML response

  • Registering redirect service metadata using the UI tools fails

DomiSMP 5.0 is backward compatible with 4.2.x.

Supported platforms:

  • Application servers:
    • WebLogic 14.1c (with Oracle JDK 11) and WebLogic 12.2c (with Oracle JDK 8) (tested versions, future version might also work)
    • Apache Tomcat 9 (with Oracle JDK 8) (tested versions, Oracle JDK 11 and other Java distributions might also work with Tomcat 9)
  • Database:
    • MySQL 8 (tested version, future versions might work)
    • Oracle 11 XE and Oracle 19c (tested version, future versions might work)
  • Java:
    • Oracle JDK 11 (tested with WebLogic 14.1c, other Java distributions might work)
    • Oracle JDK 8 (tested with WebLogic 12.2c and Tomcat 9, other Java distributions might work)


Administration Guide (pdf)
The purpose of this guide is to provide detailed information on how to deploy and configure the Service Metadata Publisher.
Interface Control Document (pdf)
The purpose of this document is to exhaustively specify the interface of the Service Metadata Provider.
Software Architecture Document (pdf)
This document provides a comprehensive architectural overview of the system, using a number of different architectural views to depict individual aspects of the system.  It is intended to capture and convey the significant architectural decisions that have been made on the system.
License (pdf)
European Union Public Licence.

Migration from DomiSMP 4.2 to 5.0

In order to upgrade to DomiSMP 5.0, please follow the steps:

  • MySQL or Oracle migration scripts has to be manually executed in DB prior to re-deployment of new WAR version. Scripts are located in

Release notes

Please find below the list of new features, improvements, solved bugs and known limitations.

Improvements and new features

Fixed bugs

For more information, please contact us via our portal or by e-mail: