
European Commission Digital

Unlocking the future of eInvoicing: Upcoming webinar to shape the future of electronic invoicing in Sweden

The European Commission is pleased to announce that an eInvoicing webinar with Swedish authorities will take place on 15 June 2023. This webinar will offer a unique opportunity to contribute to discussions surrounding EU initiatives and national developments that will shape the future of electronic invoicing in Sweden. This virtual event aims at bringing together industry experts, authorities, and leading Swedish organisations, fostering collaboration and driving innovation in the evolving landscape of electronic invoicing.

During the three-hour webinar, participants will delve into a wide array of topics. In the first part of the webinar, the latest key EU initiatives will be addressed by representatives from the European Commission, including DG GROW and DG TAXUD. They will provide valuable insights into pivotal initiatives such as the evaluation of Directive 2014/55/EU on eInvoicing in public procurement, the legislative proposal on Value Added Tax in the Digital Age (ViDA), and the maintenance of the European eInvoicing Standards. Moreover, Swedish authorities, such as the Agency for Digital Government (Digg), the Swedish Tax Agency, and the Company Reg. Office, will share their expertise on the legislative framework's evolution and the technical implementation of eInvoicing in Sweden. This session will also include a dedicated Q&A session, allowing participants to seek clarifications and gain deeper insights into the topics presented

After the coffee break, participants will gather again to get to know about Business-to-Business (B2B) eInvoicing from well-known Swedish industry leaders like Volvo and Spotify that will take the stage to share their experiences and perspectives on Business-to-Business (B2B) eInvoicing, providing firsthand accounts of their successful eInvoicing practices. Furthermore, Företagarna, Sweden's largest network for entrepreneurs, will contribute their informed perspective on B2B eInvoicing.

The European Commission eInvoicing webinars will be offering a remarkable opportunity for stakeholders, not only in Sweden but also in other Member States such as Greece, Belgium and Spain to shape the future of eInvoicing actively and collaboratively.