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European Commission Digital

Domibus v3.3

This page collects the resources for Domibus version 3.3, released in October 2017. 

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We are happy to announce the release of Domibus 3.3 sample implementation of the eDelivery Access Point.

The Domibus 3.3 release candidate includes a number of improvements, including:

  • Domibus configuration with a single properties file 
  • New Administration console
  • Large files support up to 2GB
  • Improved logging
  • Implement New API to monitor the status of the messages
  • Implement New API to log the acknowledgements from C3 to C4
  • eDelivery Access Point to support pull MEP
  • Memory consumption enhancement
  • Custom truststore for SSL communication
  • Possibility to resend a failed message 
  • Possibility to download the PMode configuration file
  • Add message DOWNLOADED status to API and MSH
  • Configurable HTTP chunking
  • Configure the deletion of Message from Sending Access point when the message status is SEND_FAILURE
  • New Domibus plugin: File System Plugin

Domibus 3.3 is backwards compatible with 3.2.x and the upgrade is not mandatory. PMode configuration files that were used with Domibus 3.2.x can also be used in Domibus 3.3 without any change.


Quick Start Guide (pdf)
This guide allows the user to quickly get started with Domibus. After completing this document, you will have a local Domibus instance up and running locally on a Tomcat/MySQL environment.
Testing guide (pdf)
 This document is intended for developers that want to perform a set of checks on their Domibus installation and testers that want to have a starting point to create their own test cases.
Interface Control Document of the default JMS (pdf)
The purpose of this document is to outline the JMS Data Format Exchange to be used as part of the default JMS backend plugin.
Interface Control Document of the default WS plugin (pdf)
This document describes the WSDL and the observable behaviour of the interface provided in the default WS plugin.
Interface Control Document of the File System plugin (pdf)
The purpose of this document is to outline the file system messages exchange as part of the default File System (FS) backend integration solution for the Domibus Access Point.
Administration Guide (pdf)
The purpose of this guide is to provide detailed information on how to deploy and configure Domibus on WebLogic, Tomcat and WildFly with MySQL and Oracle. It also provides detailed descriptions of related Security Configurations (Policies, Certificates, TLS Configuration), Message Filtering, PMode Configuration, Application Monitoring, Registration of custom plugins and Troubleshooting.
File System Plugin Administration guide (pdf)
The purpose of this guide is to provide detailed information on how to configure and deploy the File System Plugin available in Domibus 3.3 and later versions.
Plugin cookbook (implementation manual) (pdf)
After reading this document the reader should be aware of the capabilities provided by the Domibus plugin system. Additionally a developer familiar with the AS4 protocol will be able to implement a plugin integrating an existing back office application into Domibus.

Domibus Software Architecture Document (pdf)
This document provides a comprehensive architectural overview of the system, using a number of different architectural views to depict individual aspects of the system.  It is intended to capture and convey the significant architectural decisions that have been made on the system.
Licence (pdf)
European Union Public Licence.

Migration from 3.2.x to 3.3

In order to upgrade to Domibus 3.3 it is necessary to run the SQL migration script, which depends on the DB vendor used.

The external Spring configuration files are not used anymore for configuring Domibus. All the properties defined in those files have been externalized in a new property file named which is specific to each supported server(Tomcat/WebLogic/WildFly). In order to migrate the properties values please copy the file distributed in the domibus configuration specific to each server to "\conf\domibus". Then adapt the properties values from based on the configured properties defined in the old Spring configuration files.

The logging framework has changed from Commons Logging to SLF4J and Logback. So the file is not used anymore and it has been replaced by logback.xml. 

Afterwards install the domibus.war and replace the plugin(s) jar(s) into \domibus\conf\domibus\plugins\lib". 

For a more detailed description of the Domibus upgrade procedure click here.

Release note

Please find below the list of improvements, new features and solved bugs.

New Features

  • [EDELIVERY-1941] - Implement New API to monitor the status of the messages
  • [EDELIVERY-1859] - eDelivery Access Point to support pull MEP
  • [EDELIVERY-1940] - Implement New API to log the acknowledgements from C3 to C4


  • [EDELIVERY-1094] - Improve the memory consumption on the msh part (send and receive)
  • [EDELIVERY-1277] - Possibilty to use a custom truststore for SSL communication
  • [EDELIVERY-1192] - Adapt listPendingMessages to limit the maximum number of messages
  • [EDELIVERY-1205] - WebLogic/WildFfly: Possibility to configure logging via an external configuration file located in ${domibus.config.location}
  • [EDELIVERY-1207] - Harmonize the domibus configuration amongst the supported servers
  • [EDELIVERY-1215] - Set up the Docker infrastructure
  • [EDELIVERY-1230] - Put Domibus in the FIWARE catalogue
  • [EDELIVERY-1274] - Possibility to download the PMode
  • [EDELIVERY-1309] - Domibus configuration should be done only with .properties files
  • [EDELIVERY-1310] - Create the Domibus docker images for Tomcat and Mysql
  • [EDELIVERY-1332] - Transaction are started by default if no transactional annotation is present
  • [EDELIVERY-1540] - Quartz should use managed threads in WebLogic/WildFly
  • [EDELIVERY-1542] - Add message DOWNLOADED status to API and MSH
  • [EDELIVERY-1628] - Improve logging in Domibus
  • [EDELIVERY-1722] - HTTP chunking should be configurable
  • [EDELIVERY-1792] - Admin console (basic features)
  • [EDELIVERY-1932] - Adapt the default ws plugin in order to use DataHandler for attachments
  • [EDELIVERY-1091] - externalize dispatchContainer concurrency from jpa-config.xml to domibus-configuration.xml
  • [EDELIVERY-1982] - Configure the deletion of Message from Sending Acess point when the message status is SEND_FAILURE
  • [EDELIVERY-1757] - The security authenticator and the security services should be re-usable
  • [EDELIVERY-2233] - Default-jms-plugin should expose in the OUT queue message the payload file location
  • [EDELIVERY-2384] - Possibility to notify the plugins when the message status changes
  • [EDELIVERY-2542] - The sendMessageQueue should not redirect failed messages to the DLQ

Fixed Bugs

  • [EDELIVERY-975] - PartyInfo/From/Role and PartyInfo/To/Role values are not checked
  • [EDELIVERY-1321] - Submitting messages with parameters not exsting in P-Mode succeeds.
  • [EDELIVERY-1331] - Investigate if Atomikos is configured to use the configured transaction manager
  • [EDELIVERY-1361] - Message without optional parameter can't be submitted.
  • [EDELIVERY-1362] - Message with empty optional parameter can't be submitted.
  • [EDELIVERY-1371] - No space/tab trimming for some message parts.
  • [EDELIVERY-1464] - Potential security issue in Domibus
  • [EDELIVERY-1466] - Domibus Admin page - filtered search fails if user fills fields FROM/TO
  • [EDELIVERY-1547] - MessageID: special characters handling.
  • [EDELIVERY-1554] - Message ID case sensitivity.
  • [EDELIVERY-1555] - Message parameters case sensitivity.
  • [EDELIVERY-1598] - Fix Quartz configuration
  • [EDELIVERY-1624] - Error message in the logs when doNothing policy is used.
  • [EDELIVERY-1639] - Retention undownloaded value applied for 2 parties.
  • [EDELIVERY-1657] - Remove extra line in domibus-security.xml
  • [EDELIVERY-1670] - The JMS connection factory should be XA enabled
  • [EDELIVERY-1672] - During Submit, BackendMessageValidator triggers a NullPointer
  • [EDELIVERY-1725] - In WebLogic the total number of messages in the queue is not displayed correctly
  • [EDELIVERY-1795] - Incorrect behaviour when sender checks certificate validity of the receiver.
  • [EDELIVERY-1801] - Sometimes Domibus fails without retrying
  • [EDELIVERY-1802] - listPendingMessages does not return the entire list of pending messages in a cluster (Weblogic) environment
  • [EDELIVERY-1849] - Dynamic discovery in a mixed configuration.
  • [EDELIVERY-1963] - Error when sending large files(>1GB)
  • [EDELIVERY-1992] - Domibus Core - Specify persistence unit name for entity manager and refactor persistence unit configuration
  • [EDELIVERY-1994] - ProcessingModeMismatch build 09-Mar-2017 13:56:37 detail: The initiator party's name [blue_gw] does not correspond to the access point's name [blue_gw]
  • [EDELIVERY-2201] - Verfication of the sender based on the certificate should not be blocking
  • [EDELIVERY-2226] - Backwards compatibility issue(business level) with the DOWNLOADED message status
  • [EDELIVERY-1798] - Domibus Default Web console credentials / spring BCRYPT do not recognised bew BCRYPT hash
  • [EDELIVERY-1048] - Domibus Admin Console sometimes does not show the message filters
  • [EDELIVERY-1375] - RedeliveryPolicy is not taken into account in ActiveMQ
  • [EDELIVERY-2200] - Exchanging messages between parties having the same role should be allowed
  • [EDELIVERY-1252] - If type attribute is missing for specific elements, the value must be an URI
  • [EDELIVERY-1690] - Receiving an incomplete message triggers NPE
  • [EDELIVERY-1897] - Domibus Web Admin Console: Last Send Attempt not accounted
  • [EDELIVERY-2296] - Admin console: "Next Attempt" value always set
  • [EDELIVERY-2289] - Problem with truststore update
  • [EDELIVERY-2698] - Last send attempt timestamp is not cleared

Known issues and limitations

For more information, please contact us via our portal or by e-mail: