
European Commission Digital

Meet the Pilot for the International Compatibility of Trust Services

European Commission launches, through CEF eSignature, the Pilot for the International Compatibility of Trust Services.

eIDAS is an EU regulatory framework that sets out rules for electronic identification and trust services in Europe – namely electronic signatures, electronic seals, time stamp, electronic delivery and website authentication services.

These services help verify the identity of individuals and businesses online and facilitate secure digital transactions.  

An increasing number of third countries are keen on aligning with eIDAS Trust Services’ legal and technical interoperability framework. 

As a first step towards alignment, the European Commission usually recommends a technical feasibility pilot.

That is why it has launched the Pilot for the International Compatibility of Trust Services to ensure the alignment and interoperability of a third country's Trusted List with the EU Trusted Lists.

This is very important as Trusted Lists contain information about trust services and providers in a given country. Its compatibility with the EU Trusted Lists can help mapping and comparing the situation in both the EU and other non-EU countries.

The project delivered two outcomes for any third country willing to increase its interoperability with Europe:

  1. A set of documents including a "Toolbox/Cookbook" with legal and technical requirements allowing third countries’ readiness for local trust services to be recognised as equivalent to EU qualified trust services.
  2. Enhancements to CEF eSignature products, e.g. DSS library, TL Browser and the EU List of Trusted Lists  in order to accommodate the trust anchors of the third country trust services and trust service providers once they are recognised as equivalent to EU Qualified Trust Service Providers.

If this technical project is coupled with a legal assessment of the EU and a third country’s framework, the combined process could pave the way for their mutual recognition in accordance with the eIDAS Regulation.