
European Commission Digital

Adoption of the CEF Building Blocks reaches new heights in first semester of 2020

The European Commission is happy to publish the latest reuse figures for the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Building Blocks, and other CEF-financed digital infrastructure, covering the first semester of 2020.

These figures show that an increasing number of projects are adopting and reusing the Building Blocks. The CEF Building Blocks are open and reusable solutions that interconnect Europe's digital ecosystem, building a Digital Single Market.

Uptake at a glance

Two additional big data pilots have started using the cloud testing infrastructure of the Big Data Test Infrastructure (BDTI) Building Block. One of these two pilots focuses on COVID-19. The aim of this pilot is to develop a tool to analyse and synthesise the huge quantity of existing scientific evidence and regulation documentation on COVID-19, to support clinicians and managers with advanced data visualisation tools. Find out more about that pilot in this news item.

Almost 68 million documents were exchanged through CEF eDelivery access points. This confirms a steady and continuous increase in the number of documents exchanged.

Denmark has peer-reviewed and notified its first eID scheme: NemID.

Three additional EU/EEA countries have deployed a Business-to-Government solution that is compliant with the European Standard on eInvoicing. You can explore the eInvoicing country factsheets to learn more about the approach for receiving and processing electronic invoices in Europe.

The various releases of the CEF eSignature Digital Signature Services (DSS) open-source libraries have been downloaded 3.771 times via the CEF Digital platform. This shows a promising increase in the number of downloads.

15 additional solutions have integrated the DSS open-source library to create and/or validate electronic signatures and electronic seals, compliant with the eIDAS Regulation and related standards.

Almost 90 million additional translation requests were carried out using the CEF eTranslation system. This is the steepest increase in one semester since the launch of the eTranslation system. Find out more about eTranslation features on CEF Digital.

Find more more in-depth information on the uptake of each Building Block via the monitoring dashboard.

Reuse at a glance

Adoption of the CEF Building Blocks reached an all-time high of 316 projects reusing or committed to reusing the CEF-financed open and reusable solutions during the first half of 2020. This represents an increase of more than 50% compared to the first half of 2019, when recorded reuse-cases stood at 208.

Q4 2014 - Q2 2020, CEF monitoring dashboard

Discover more insight in the CEF reuse dashboard. The reuse journey evolves from analysis, to commitment and finally into reuse after the implementation of one or more CEF Building Blocks.