
European Commission Digital

CEF eInvoicing Self-Assessment Tool Workshop, 14. September 2016

Thomas Fillis | 3 September 2016 

The European Commission held an all-day workshop to validate the CEF eInvoicing self-assessment tool with representatives of public entities, solution and service providers in Brussels on 14. September 2016.

Experts expressed satisfaction with the development of the self-assessment tool since the previous workshop on 15. June 2016 and at being involved as part of this process during this period. Specifically, experts highlighted the series of four conference calls – held between the two workshops – to develop and finalise a robust tool that satisfied all stakeholders involved.

The development of this tool forms a key part of the website supporting the readiness for eInvoicing (amongst solution providers and public entities) in anticipation of the upcoming European standard on eInvoicing, with finalisation expected in 2017.

In addition, the workshop covered a number of other topics related to upcoming activities to support public entities to adopting eInvoicing as part of their operations and solution and service providers to understand where the opportunities lie.

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