
European Commission Digital

Change Requests to the European standard on eInvoicing through CEN

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The European Commission would like to note that Requests for Change to the European standard on eInvoicing may be addressed directly through the procedure set out by the European Committee for Standardization (CEN).

The European standard for eInvoicing (EN16931) was developed and published by CEN at the request of the European Commission. The European standard makes it possible for sellers to send electronic invoices to many customers using a single eInvoicing format. This means they do not have to adjust their sending or receiving parameters to connect with individual trading parties, increasing efficiency and saving time and money.

You can contribute to the European standard on eInvoicing by making requests for potential changes to the standard, which will then be reviewed.

All requests to change the European standard or its supporting documents are not in the remit of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Digital team and are dealt with directly by CEN.

If such requests are made via CEF Digital’s service desk, they will be forwarded to CEN (which may delay the processing of any such Requests for Change).

The European Commission and EU Member States promote the use of eInvoicing through the CEF eInvoicing Building Block. CEF eInvoicing supports public administrations implement the European standard in-line with EU legislation, and helps private sector providers align their services accordingly.

To see how electronic invoicing is connecting Europe, visit CEF Digital.