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European Commission Digital

DSS v5.0RC1

This page collects the Digital Signature Service v5.0 RC1, released in January 2017. 

Download DSS v5.0.RC1

Source code and .tar.gz file available here

Bugs, issues or suggestions?

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This release mainly brings a complete refactoring of the ASiC part (creation, extension and validation) and the compliance to eIDAS regulation.

Release Note


  • [DSS-924] - extractCNName return bad name if no CN
  • [DSS-932] - Validating ASiC-E/XAdES without manifest.xml succeeds
  • [DSS-939] - dss-pades depends on jcl-over-slf4j
  • [DSS-943] - Enforce the NotQualified SIE qualifier
  • [DSS-967] - NPE when attempting to load an absent TL
  • [DSS-1110] - XADES DSA ASN1 signature not properly converted to DSIG
  • [DSS-1113] - Failed OCSP request causes NPE upon signature validation
  • [DSS-1114] - Incorrect encoding of OCSP nonce in OCSP request
  • [DSS-1115] - OnlineOCSPSource does not support changing nonces
  • [DSS-1116] - Visible signature image metadata stream is not closed
  • [DSS-1124] - XAdES : Incorrect SigningCertificateV2 content
  • [DSS-1125] - No exception is thrown when LOTL Signature is not valid


  • [DSS-716] - DSS support for Android
  • [DSS-769] - PNG support
  • [DSS-824] - It would be nice to be able to zoom on PAdES signature images
  • [DSS-848] - Update PDFBox dependency to new 2.0.0 version
  • [DSS-864] - Scale signature image
  • [DSS-881] - Error handling in KeyStoreCertificateSource could be improved
  • [DSS-882] - NullPointerException when DSSUtils.loadCertificate is called with an input stream which is not a certficate
  • [DSS-891] - Remove annotation @PostConstruct on TSLValidator job
  • [DSS-894] - Support of expiredCertsRevocationInfo tag from the TL
  • [DSS-902] - Time-dependent Service information extensions
  • [DSS-908] - Support of additionalServiceInformation from the TL
  • [DSS-920] - Validating XAdES signature using precalculated data file hash
  • [DSS-935] - Retrieve token by alias in keystore
  • [DSS-958] - Very high memory usage when validating some signatures
  • [DSS-962] - Bogus warnings: XMLSignatureException: Signature length not correct: got 256 but was expecting 512 for some successfully validated signatures
  • [DSS-974] - PAdES visual signature, JPEG too big
  • [DSS-1103] - ASiC Plugtests
    • [DSS-1104] - Split ASiC with XAdES/CAdES
    • [DSS-1105] - Remove getNextValidator from DocumentValidator
    • [DSS-1106] - Remove get/setNextDocument from DSSDocument
    • [DSS-1107] - Add information about ASiC container in the validation report
    • [DSS-1108] - Allow to sign more than one document with the demo/webservices
    • [DSS-1109] - Remove setNextReport from Reports
    • [DSS-1111] - ASiC-E + CAdES : incorrect ASiCManifest.xml structure
    • [DSS-1118] - ASiC-E with CAdES : Validation of the manifest files
    • [DSS-1119] - ASiC-S : multi documents signature
  • [DSS-1112] - Allow to set _signatureCards in MOCCASignatureTokenConnection
  • [DSS-1120] - PAdES : upgrade pdfbox dependency
  • [DSS-1122] - Upgrade BouncyCastle dependency
  • [DSS-1123] - Add support for PNGs in PdfBoxSignatureService
  • [DSS-1128] - eIDAS compliance
  • [DSS-1129] - Split framework and demos


  • [DSS-955] - License should be added to github and to validation-policy project
eSignature standards
Digital Signature Services (DSS)
ETSI Signature Conformance Checker
eSignature Service Desk
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