
European Commission Digital

CEF eSignature DSS Now Compliant with eIDAS

The European Commission is happy to announce the release of version 5.0 of the Digital Signature Services (DSS) open-source library of the eSignature building block, supported by the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF).

DSS is an open-source library supporting the creation and validation of electronic signatures in line with European legislation and standards.

In addition to a range of new features, version 5.0 is fully compliant with Regulation No 910/2014 on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market, better known as the eIDAS Regulation.

While DSS version 4.9 was already fully eIDAS-compliant in terms of electronic signature creation, with version 5.0, DSS can now validate e-signatures created before and after the coming into force of the eIDAS Regulation (in compliance with draft standard ETSI 119 172-4).

The eSignature building block supports the use of cross-border interoperable electronic signatures in Europe. This means that a Greek entrepreneur can sign a permit application in Helsinki and expect it to be recognized by public authorities in Dublin. 

To discover how CEF eSignature is #Connecting Europe and learn more about grant funding available to support the uptake of the building block visit CEF Digital 2018 now.