
European Commission Digital

Grant Funding for CEF eDelivery Available Now!

Supported by the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), the Call for Proposals (CEF-TC-2017-2) provides grant funding of up to €0.5 million to support the adoption of eDelivery in Europe. CEF funding is provided to help you adopt eDelivery in your organisation, covering up to 75% of the costs of implementation. The call has just opened, but be careful not to wait too long, as applications close on 21 September 2017.

What is CEF eDelivery?

CEF eDelivery helps public administrations to exchange electronic data and documents with other public administrations, businesses and citizens, in an interoperable, secure, reliable and trusted way. CEF eDelivery is a network of nodes for digital communications. It is based on a distributed model where every participant becomes a node using standard transport protocols and security policies.

CEF eDelivery is based on the AS4 messaging protocol, open and free for all, developed by the OASIS standards development organisation. To ease its adoption in Europe, eDelivery uses the AS4 implementation guidelines defined by the Member States in the e-SENS Large Scale Pilot. Organisations must install an Access Point, or use a Service Provider, to exchange information with the AS4 messaging protocol. 

Who Can Apply?

Proposals may be submitted by:

  • One or more Member States;
  • With the agreement of the Member State(s) or EEA countr(y)ies concerned, international organisations, Joint Undertakings,9 or public or private undertakings or bodies established in Member States;
  • Countries in the European Economic Area (EEA);

How does CEF Funding Support those Implementing CEF eDelivery?

The activities supported under this call should, as far as possible:

  • Comply with the requirements set in the eIDAS Regulation to allow their use for the provisioning of electronic registered delivery services, including qualified ones;
  • Comply with the requirements set in relation to deployment and/or operation of access points within other sectorial European Regulations (e.g. eInvoicing, transport, environment, energy, health, public e-procurement, justice…);

This will be done by supporting the setting up of additional access points and service metadata publishers (SMP) throughout Europe that link to the EU Core Service Platform. This supports the cross-border exchange of electronic documents between both public and private sectors, as well as between such entities and citizens and businesses.

An Access Point is an implementation of the e-SENS AS4 Profile developed by e-SENS. The SMP is an implementation of the SMP profile developed by e-SENS on top of the OASIS SMP Specification. The specifications of CEF eDelivery are profiles, meaning that several options of the original technical specifications were narrowed down in order to increase consistency and interoperability, as well as simplify deployment.

What is the Process?


* Find related documents here.

** To help you find consortium partners, we have created a LinkedIn group, here.