
European Commission Digital

eInvoicing is Connecting Europe! eInvoicing Standard Launch Event 2017

European Commission, 2017

On 23 October 2017, the European Committee for Standardization (CEN), in partnership with the European Commission, held a launch event to mark the publication of the reference to the European standard on eInvoicing in the Official Journal of the European Union on 17 October 2017.

The European Commission mandated CEN to define the standard in accordance with Directive 2014/55/EU on electronic invoicing in public procurement. The Directive allows for an 18-month implementation period after the publication of the standard, with 18 April 2019 fixed as the deadline for this.

The publication of the standard is a major milestone towards the digitalisation of public procurement in Europe and marks an important step towards realising the Digital Single Market.

The event gave representatives from the private and public sectors a forum for discussion on the adoption of eInvoicing in Europe. It also represented the launch of the next big step for eInvoicing B2G as it kicked-off the implementation stage in EU Member States and EEA countries.

In addition to high-level interventions from the European Commission, CEN and the private sector, Member State representatives provided valuable insights on the status of eInvoicing in their respective countries.


Electronic invoicing is the exchange of an electronic invoice (eInvoice) document between a supplier and a buyer. An electronic invoice is an invoice that has been issued, transmitted and received in a structured electronic format that allows for its automatic and electronic processing, as defined in Directive 2014/55/EU.

In 2017, there is a total of €10 million grant funding available to support eInvoicing respecting the European standard. The deadline for submissions is 28 November 2017. Please note that the the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) help-desk closes one week prior to the deadline for submission.

The grant funding aims to:

  • Foster the uptake of eInvoicing solutions compliant with the European Standard: public entities will be supported for putting in place eInvoicing solutions compliant with the European Standard and its ancillary deliverables;
  • Support the update of eInvoicing solutions compliant with the European Standard: to ensure full compatibility of the existing solutions with the European Standard and its ancillary deliverables, solutions providers and public authorities will be supported for updating their eInvoicing solutions accordingly;
  • Facilitate the integration of CEF eDelivery services.

On 5 July 2017, the European Commission hosted a webinar looking at how to apply for CEF funding and examples of beneficiaries. You can see recordings of the webinar here.

Finally, on 7 December 2017, the European Commission is organising the high-level conference 'Connecting Europe with Building Blocks: Making the Digital Single Market a Reality'. The main objective of this important event is to showcase concrete examples of how the building blocks, including eInvoicing, successfully contribute to creating a Digital Single Market. Spaces are limited, so don't hesitate to register.