
European Commission Digital

CEF eInvoicing at the European Exchange Summit 2016

Thomas Fillis | 20 October 2016

The event gathered experts and professionals in the field of electronic Invoicing (eInvoicing), Purchase to Pay, eProcurement, Supply Chain Finance. Participants travelled from across Europe and the Americas to discuss key trends and challenges for the eInvoicing and eProcurement industry and policy developments that influence it.

A range of speakers and participants attended the event on behalf of the European Commission, demonstrating the Commission's commitment to collaborate with the industry as part of the Digital Single Market.

Andrea Servida, from the European Commission's Directorate General for Communications Networks, Content & Technology (DG CONNECT), presented on the eIDAS Regulation and the Digital Single Market. Thomas Spoormans, from the Directorate General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW), presented on eProcurement and eInvoicing. On behalf of the Directorate General for Informatics (DIGIT), João Rodrigues Frade held a number of bilateral meetings with several stakeholders involved in the CEF Digital 2018 programme.

A public meeting of the European Committee for Standardization’s (CEN) was held in parallel at the end of the conference providing an insight into its ongoing work to define the eventual European Standard on eInvoicing, expected to be finalised in 2017.

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