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European Commission Digital

Domibus v4.0

This page collects the resources for Domibus version 4.0, released in September 2018. 

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We are happy to announce the release of Domibus 4.0 sample implementation of the eDelivery Access Point.

The Domibus 4.0 version includes a number of new features, improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Multitenancy support
  • Messages page: performance increase with millions of messages
  • TEST service that allows to "ping" a communication partner
  • Audit support
  • Export UI tables metadata as CSV files
  • Management of participants through the administration console
  • Alert management module
  • Domibus support for Wildfly 12
  • Keep the history of PMode changes
  • Configurable Domibus Admin Console title
  • Support ofr LDAP CRLs
  • Fix the Unique Particle Attribution violations in the Default WS Plugin

Domibus 4.0 is backwards compatible with 3.3.x and the upgrade is not mandatory. Please note that the custom plugins and the backend integration with the WS plugin must be updated in order to be compatible with Domibus 4.0. PMode configuration files that were used with Domibus 3.3.x can also be used in Domibus 4.0 without any change.


Quick Start Guide (pdf)
This guide allows the user to quickly get started with Domibus. After completing this document, you will have a local Domibus instance up and running locally on a Tomcat/MySQL environment.
Testing guide (pdf)
This document is intended for developers that want to perform a set of checks on their Domibus installation and testers that want to have a starting point to create their own test cases.
Interface Control Document of the default JMS (pdf)
The purpose of this document is to outline the JMS Data Format Exchange to be used as part of the default JMS backend plugin.
Interface Control Document of the default WS plugin (pdf)
This document describes the WSDL and the observable behaviour of the interface provided in the default WS plugin.
Interface Control Document of the File System plugin (pdf)
The purpose of this document is to outline the file system messages exchange as part of the default File System (FS) backend integration solution for the Domibus Access Point.
Administration Guide (pdf)
The purpose of this guide is to provide detailed information on how to deploy and configure Domibus on WebLogic, Tomcat and WildFly with MySQL and Oracle. It also provides detailed descriptions of related Security Configurations (Policies, Certificates, TLS Configuration), Message Filtering, PMode Configuration, Application Monitoring, Registration of custom plugins and Troubleshooting.
File System Plugin Administration Guide (pdf)
The purpose of this guide is to provide detailed information on how to configure and deploy the File System Plugin available in Domibus 3.3 and later versions.
Plugin cookbook (implementation manual) (pdf)
After reading this document the reader should be aware of the capabilities provided by the Domibus plugin system. Additionally a developer familiar with the AS4 protocol will be able to implement a plugin integrating an existing back office application into Domibus.
Domibus Software Architecture Document (pdf)
This document provides a comprehensive architectural overview of the system, using a number of different architectural views to depict individual aspects of the system.  It is intended to capture and convey the significant architectural decisions that have been made on the system.
REST services documentation
Documentation on the REST services.
Licence (pdf)
European Union Public Licence.

Migration from 3.3.4 to 4.0

In order to upgrade to Domibus 4.0 it is necessary to run the SQL migration script, which depends on the DB vendor used. For Multitenancy mode, a new general database schema has to be created using the provided database script. 

Important Note: To resolve a known issue in the SQL upgrade scripts, execute the following statement:



Afterwards please update the file and  install the domibus.war and replace the plugin(s) jar(s) into "\domibus\conf\domibus\plugins\lib". Please note that the custom plugins need to be updated in order to be compatible with Domibus 4.0. 

For a more detailed description of the Domibus upgrade procedure click here.

Release note

Please find below the list of improvements, new features and fixed bugs.

New features


Fixed Bugs

  • [EDELIVERY-931]   - Empty eb:Description element is not rejected
  • [EDELIVERY-1561] - domibus-backend.xsd violates Unique Particle Attribution
  • [EDELIVERY-1548] - Download Message specials characters.
  • [EDELIVERY-1596] - With secure login enabled, receiver is not authorized to get the status of his destined message.
  • [EDELIVERY-1597] - User with no "ORIGINAL_USER" specified (null) succeds to download messages.
  • [EDELIVERY-1926] - Not existing folder handling for
  • [EDELIVERY-2057] - Incorrect Domibus behaviour for missing eb3:MessageProperties part in message
  • [EDELIVERY-2058] - Incorrect behaviour when the AS4 message does not have any PartProperties defined in the PartInfo
  • [EDELIVERY-2296] - Admin console: "Next Attempt" value always set.
  • [EDELIVERY-2490] - Set a default 'source' in JMS Monitoring page
  • [EDELIVERY-2531] - Not clear error when the mime type of the payload does not match that indicated in the PMode
  • [EDELIVERY-2706] - UI:Message Filter - small issues
  • [EDELIVERY-2709] - UI:User strange behavior when start editing the User and click logout
  • [EDELIVERY-2713] - UI - Date and Time fields should accept only date/time
  • [EDELIVERY-2760] - LDAP CRLs are not supported
  • [EDELIVERY-3213] - Case sensitivity different between pmode dao implementations
  • [EDELIVERY-2803] - Not all log lines in domibus have the MDC d_messageId set
  • [EDELIVERY-2804] - Proxy configuration in Dynamic discovery
  • [EDELIVERY-2860] - Incorrect error message when upload incorrect PMode       
  • [EDELIVERY-2884] - UI: PMode: order of buttons in bottom menu incorrect
  • [EDELIVERY-2885] - UI: PMode: Uploaded archive Pmode filename incorrect
  • [EDELIVERY-2911] - UI: JMS Monitoring: Can't see queues names
  • [EDELIVERY-3027] - CSV is not correct for Message Filter
  • [EDELIVERY-3034] - Message status remains in "SEND_ENQUEUED" when sending very large payloads.
  • [EDELIVERY-3039] - With secure login enabled, Sender is not authorized to get the status of his message
  • [EDELIVERY-3043] - With secure login enabled - can't retrieve message if not authorized user tried to retrieve it earlier
  • [EDELIVERY-3084] - The notifications events sent to the plugins should be configurable
  • [EDELIVERY-3127] - Log about status change from [BEING_PULLED] to [WAITING_FOR_RECEIPT] not present
  • [EDELIVERY-3161] - Load test: few message are not sent.
  • [EDELIVERY-3297] - Selected message counter doesn't reset when preforming a new search
  • [EDELIVERY-3320] - When trying to download a signal message from the admin console the whole site crashes
  • [EDELIVERY-3334] - WS Plugin with schema-validation-enabled for large payload with MTOM
  • [EDELIVERY-3354] - UI: PMode upload: "Failed to upload the PMode file due to: \n StaleStateException: " when click 2 times on upload
  • [EDELIVERY-3358] - UI: PMode Archive List: Desynchronization between the list content and selected page number
  • [EDELIVERY-3359] - UI: The left menu component shows too many operations when the session expired and the console is redirected lo Login Page.
  • [EDELIVERY-3389] - UI: Save button is disabled although the data are not saved
  • [EDELIVERY-3395] - Error while browsing DomibusBusinessMessageOutQueue on JMS Monitoring page
  • [EDELIVERY-3396] - UI: The isDirty flag remains active although the user decided to Save changes
  • [EDELIVERY-3470] - JMS Monitoring page - Number of messages in the queue selector differs from the number of messages in the message grid
  • [EDELIVERY-3543] - FS Plugin does not create an error file when the submit message is not valid against the XSD
  • [EDELIVERY-3606] - ErrorMessage has no refToMessageId
  • [EDELIVERY-3660] - PKCS12 format is not supported for keystore/truststore
  • [EDELIVERY-3316] - Self sending of message create a new SIGNAL message in SEND_IN_PROGRESS status
  • [EDELIVERY-3616] - Domibus Dynamic discovery do not work with T-systems Certificate


  • [EDELIVERY-1789] - Phase out support for Java 7
  • [EDELIVERY-1983] - Implement messageSendFailed(final String messageId) for default WS plugin
  • [EDELIVERY-2397] - UI: Harmonize the date picker in all the screens
  • [EDELIVERY-2489] - Upgrade several libraries to the latest version
  • [EDELIVERY-2755] - Possibility to export table metadata as CSV files (Messages, Message Filter and Error Log screens)
  • [EDELIVERY-2903] - Remove the deprecated methods from the default-ws-plugin
  • [EDELIVERY-2917] - Tackle the warnings issues while compiling Domibus
  • [EDELIVERY-3000] - Upgrade CXF/WSS4J to the latest version
  • [EDELIVERY-3192] - Remove the property domibus.pmode.dao.implementation from the Domibus properties
  • [EDELIVERY-3269] - Adapt the sample Pmodes
  • [EDELIVERY-3278] - Remove deprecated methods from the Plugin API
  • [EDELIVERY-3341] - Add the domain title in all the pages
  • [EDELIVERY-3343] - JMS Plugin security modifications for Multitenancy
  • [EDELIVERY-3344] - FS Plugin security modifications for Multitenancy
  • [EDELIVERY-3345] - Possibility to override the Domibus properties for each domain
  • [EDELIVERY-3346] - The caching mechanism of the DynamicDiscoveryCachingProvider should be done per domain
  • [EDELIVERY-3347] - Segregate the Domibus logs per domain
  • [EDELIVERY-3353] - Implement design changes on PMode page and menu
  • [EDELIVERY-3424] - JMS Monitoring page with Multitenancy
  • [EDELIVERY-3430] - Multitenancy support for WildFly and WebLogic
  • [EDELIVERY-3454] - Clean the distributed security policies

Known issues and limitations

  • [EDELIVERY-2608] - Unable to use Admin Console in IE (not EDGE)
  • [EDELIVERY-3210] - Max retry limit may be exceeded on Wildfly 9
  • [EDELIVERY-3335] - Messages page: performance decrease when filters are applied on millions of messages
  • [EDELIVERY-3575] - UI admin console: user is logged out when logging-in in another tab
  • [EDELIVERY-3634] - Issue starting Tomcat/WildFly cluster the first time with an empty MySQL schema
  • [EDELIVERY-3768] - Alerts management for super users
  • [EDELIVERY-4635] - DB inconsistency in Domibus 3.3.4 to 4.0 migration

For more information, please contact us via our portal or by e-mail: