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European Commission Digital

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<p class="cef-badge cef-primary-medium-bg cef-mt-3">Spotlight </p>
<h3 class="cef-h3 cef-font-weight-normal">Once>EU OnlyMember TechnicalStates System,moving theforward firstwith Europeanthe data space<OOTS</h3>

<p>On 2214 JuneOctober 2022, EUnational countriesexperts votedmet in favourthe toSingle createDigital aGateway data(SGD) spacecoordination betweengroup EUto public administrations. With its rollout in every Member State by the enddiscuss the implementation of 2023, the Once -Only Technical System (OOTS)between -the composed of EU-wide building blocks such as eID and eDelivery - may become a template for other data spaces in different sectorsMember States.</p>

<p><a target="_blank" class="cef-btn cef-btn-secondary" href=""><span class="cef-link-external">Read the post</span><span class="cef-sr-only">(opens in a new tab)</span></a></p>
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