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European Commission Digital

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<p class="cef-badge cef-primary-medium-bg cef-mt-3">Spotlight</p>
<h3 class="cef-h3 cef-font-weight-normal">The European Commission launches the Once-Only Hub</h3>

<p>This Hub is a platform where national teams from the EU Member States (Implementers) will work to realise the Once-Only Technical System, which implements the Once-Only Principle. It is also a resource for journalists, academics, students, interested parties and citizens who want to learn more about the Once-Only Technical System and the ‘Once-Only’ principle.</p>

<p><a target="_blank" class="cef-btn cef-btn-secondary" href=""><span class="cef-link-external">Read the post</span><span class="cef-sr-only">(opens in a new tab)</span></a></p>
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