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European Commission Digital

Versions Compared


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<p class="cef-mb-0">
<span class="cef-badge cef-badge-sm cef-primary-light-bg cef-mr-2 cef-mb-2">eSignature</span>

<h1 class="cef-mt-3">

<span class="cef-display-3 cef-date-day">24<span class="cef-h6 cef-date-month">June</span></span>

<span class="cef-d-block cef-mt-4 cef-mb-2">DSS Webinar for advanced users</span>
<span class="cef-d-block cef-h3 cef-font-weight-normal cef-mb-0">This DSS webinar aims to present advanced features of the library as well as best practices.</span>
<p>Taking the DSS library to the next level</p>

<ul class="cef-list-unstyled">
<li class="cef-ico-conjunction cef-ico-schedule-white">3 PM CET</li>
<li class="cef-ico-conjunction cef-ico-play-circle-white">Online event</li>

<p><a href="">Download privacy statement (PDF)</a></p>

<p>This webinar is <strong>open for registration</strong>. <br>Registration ends at 5pm the day before.</p>

<a class="cef-btn cef-btn-secondary" href="" onclick="_paq.push(['trackEvent', 'conversion','webinar-esignature-060721','esignature-dss-banner']);" target="_blank"><span class="cef-link-external">Register for the webinar</span>

CSS Stylesheet

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/*--- CEF COMPONENTS ---*/

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/*--- CEF MACRO ---*/

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<h2>Webinar agenda and materials</h2>
<p class="cef-h3">The CEF eSigntaure Building Block is holding a webinar on June 24th 2021.<p>
<p>Register to this webinar to discover eSignature DSS library for advanced users and learn about advanced features of the library and best practices.</p>
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<h3><span class="cef-display-2 cef-date-day"><strong>24</strong><span class="cef-h6 cef-date-month">June</span></span></h3>
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<div class="cef-mt-3 cef-timeline">
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      <h4 class="cef-h5"><strong>3.00 - 3.10 PM CET</strong></h4>
	  <p>Opening <br>// By Tolis Apladas & Sofia Machairidou
		<p> Welcome & Introduction to the Webinar

 <div class="cef-timeline-container"> 
	<div class="cef-timeline-content"> 
      <h4 class="cef-h5"><strong>3.10 - 4.45 PM CET</strong></h4>
<p> // By Pierrick Vandenbroucke - DSS Lead Developer (at Nowina Solutions)</p>
	  <p><b>Different uses of the DSS JAXB modules</b></p>
	<p> Creation of Trusted Lists - Performing Trusted Lists conformance checks & Creation of HTML/PDF reports with the provided style sheet
	  <p><b>Composite TSP sources</b> </p>
	<p> Configuring DSS to use several timestamp services (e.g. fallback in case of unavailability of one source)</p>

	  <p><b>PAdES visible signature </b></p>
	<p>Using the DSS pdf-box module to create visible signatures in PDFs</p>
	  <p><b>Certificate verifier configuration</b></p>
	<p>How to configure properly the certificate verifier to ensure a correct signature extension & Setting up alerts in case of missing revocation data or revoked certificate.

	<p><b> Trust anchor configuration</b></p>
	<p>How to use DSS with the EU TLs and a home-made PKI.</p>
	  <p><b>Certificate validation (standalone)</b></p>
	<p>How to validate a certificate and retrieve its qualification</p>
	  <p><b>Timestamp validation (standalone)</b></p>
	<p>How to validate a timestamp an retrieve its qualification</p>

     <p><b>Internationalization (i18n, how to translate validation report)</b></p>
	<p>How to translate validation reports using the DSS i18n module</p>

    <p><b>SOAP and REST services demonstration</b></p>
	<p>How to use DSS SOAP and REST webservices.</p>


<div class="cef-timeline-container">
   <div class="cef-timeline-content">
    <h4 class="cef-h5"><strong>4.45 - 5.00 PM CET</strong></h4> <p>Closing session & Q&A  </p>

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<p><strong class="cef-display-2 cef-d-inline-block cef-mt-3 cef-mr-3 cef-outline cef-outline-white">Join this event</strong>
<span class="cef-h4 cef-mr-3 cef-mb-3 cef-d-block">This event is open for registration. Registration ends at 5pm the day before</span>

<a class="cef-btn cef-btn-secondary" href="" onclick="_paq.push(['trackEvent', 'conversion','webinar-esignature-060721','esignature-dss-agenda']);" target="_blank"><span class="cef-link-external">Register for the webinar</span>
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<p><img src="" alt=""></p>
<p class="cef-h5"><strong>Tolis Apladas</strong> <span class="cef-d-block cef-h6">Program Manager - eSignature Product Owner</span></p>
titleRead more

Tolis Apladas is eSignature Product Owner, European Commission’s corporate management service for electronic signatures and seals. He's in charge of the product development, stakeholder management as well as the successful penetration and adoption of electronic signatures and seals in the European Union Institutes, Agencies and Bodies (EUIBAs).

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<p><img src="" alt=""></p>
<p class="cef-h5"><strong>Pierrick Vandenbroucke</strong> <span class="cef-d-block cef-h6">DSS Lead Developer (at Nowina Solutions)</span></p>
titleRead more

The last 6 years, Pierrick Vandenbroucke is the lead developer of CEF Digital Signature Service (DSS), an open-source software library for electronic signature creation and validation. At Nowina Solutions, he is also involved as technical lead & expert in eSignature implementation projects and products: local signing and smartcard communication, remote signing, legal archiving (PSDC in Luxembourg), PKI etc.


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<h2>Contact us</h2>
<p>If you have any questions about the event, feel free to contact us.</p>
<p><a class="cef-btn cef-btn-secondary" href="" target="_blank"><span class="cef-link-external">Contact us</span><span class="cef-sr-only">(opens in a new tab)</span></a></p>
<p class="cef-mb-0">
<span class="cef-badge cef-badge-sm cef-primary-light-bg cef-mr-2 cef-mb-2">eSignature</span>

<h3 class="cef-h1 cef-mt-0">
<span class="cef-display-3 cef-date-day">24<span class="cef-h6 cef-date-month">June</span></span>
<span class="cef-d-block cef-mt-4 cef-mb-2">DSS Webinar for advanced users</span>

<p>This DSS webinar aims to present advanced features of the library as well as best practices.
<br>Taking the DSS library to the next level</p>

<p class="cef-mb-0"><a class="cef-btn cef-btn-primary" href=""><span>Register for><span>Discover the webinar</span></a></p>
