Member StateCzech Republic
Title of the schemeNational identification scheme of the Czech Republic
eID means under the scheme

CZ eID card

Level of assuranceHigh




OJEU2019/C 309/09
Date of Pre-notification

Date of Opinion of the CN


Link to the Opinion of the CN
Date of Publication to the official journal


Documentation about the CZ eID scheme: 

Notification form:

1 Comment

  1. Dear Members of Cooperation Network,

    by means of this message we would like to inform you about changes related to our national eID cards issued in the notified electronic identification scheme of the Czech Republic.

    Two different kinds of changes are or will be implemented:

    1. replacement of a contact chip currently used in the eID cards for electronic identification and authentication with a new type in the first half of 2022, and
    2. changes stemming from the new legal act on identity cards - the Act. No. 269/2021 Coll., On identity cards.

    With regards to the first kind of changes, there would by „only“ a change to the new version of the contact chip: „Carte IAS Classic en version 4.4.2 avec serveur MOC 1.1 sur plateforme Multiapp v4.0.1“. This new version of the chip has also the QSCD certification. The Authentication mechanism as described in the chapter 2.3.1. in LoA mapping remains the same. Although the use of this version of the chip is still being negotiated, we are reasonably sure that the above mentioned contact chip will be the one to  replace the current contact chip in  the eID cards. We will confirm this information during next few months. Please find more certification details for this new contact chip in attachements.

    With regards to the second kind of changes, the new Act. No. 269/2021 Coll., On identity cards, has been published in the Collection of Laws of the Czech Republic on 19 July 2021. One of the main reasons for the adoption of this new legal framework is the implementation of biometric data into the eID cards as prescribed in the REGULATION (EU) 2019/1157. Despite the fact that implementation of biometric data as itself will not change how the electronic identification and authentication works via our national eID cards, nor has any effect on the contact chip used for the electronic identification and authentication, there are or will be some changes with regard to the process of registration and delivery of the eID cards. The new legal act is applied from 2 August 2021 (with some small exceptions). Since the legislative procedure has been finalized recently, we were unfortunately unable to announce these changes to the Cooperation network more in advance. Please find bellow a description of the changes relevant to the electronic identification scheme.

    Description of changes which take effects from 2 August 2021:

    • It is not possible for a citizen to apply for the eID card remotely, nor to use a digital photo made by a photographer.
    • From 2 August 2021, the eID card will expire automatically after 45 days in these situations:
      • A notification of a change of place of the citizen's permanent residence,
      • the entry into force of the decision to change the given name, or names, and surnames,
      • the entry into force of the decision on the change of a personal identification number if it is stated in the identity card,
      • a citizen undergoes gender reassignment,or,
      • the change of marital status if it is stated in the identity card.

    Please note that during this time period of  45 days  we will provide the current data about the citizens in the eIDAS data set because the data in the eIDAS data set come from the base register of inhabitants and not from the eID card itself.

    • The validity of eID card will expire if the holder reports a risk of misuse of the eID card (formerly, this occurred only in case of reporting a risk of misuse of the identification certificate data to the relevant office). If the eID card holder assumes that there could be “only” a risk of misuse of identification certificate data, the holder could also contact issuer of the identification certificate (which is the National Registers Authority) and request a deactivation of the  electronic identification function of the eID card (this deactivation will then be permanent).
    • In case, that it is not possible for an authority to hand over the new eID card to its holder using a standard procedure, for example, in case of disabled persons or persons serving a sentence, the authorized official will pay a personal visit to a person in such situation.  This provision was applicable also according to former legislation, however there is now a new possibility to hand over the new eID card to the deputy based on the power of attorney.  The eID card is provided without an activation of the electronic identification function.
    • During the handover of the new eID card, the official has to verify the identity of the person to whom the eID card is being handed over by submitted documents proving identity of the citizens, or, according to the new provisions, the official has to verify the identity of the citizens using the new eID card (by comparing the appearance of the persons with the photo in the eID card, by checking of personal data,  issuing offices are also provided with guideline to ask the person to whom the eID card is being  handed over for information about person’s relatives or other information kept in the public information systems ). 
    • Citizens are be able to report also loss of the eID card to the Police of the Czech Republic (formerly it was only possible to file a police report in case of eID card theft).
    • Citizens can no longer report loss, stealing or destruction of eID card to registry offices.
    • The deputy based on power of attorney could report loss, stealing or destruction of eID card.
    • Citizens will be able to report loss, stealing or destruction of eID card also through the data mailbox (national e-delivery service) or email of the relevant office.
    • The data retention policy is changed in case of some data stored in information system of identity cards - will be kept for a longer period. 

    Description of changes which will take effects from 2 August 2023:

    • 60 days prior to the eID card expiration date a notification will be sent to the citizen via data mailbox (i.e. a national e-delivery service), e-mail, SMS, if the citizen has an active data mailbox, phone number or an e-mail address specified in the base registry of inhabitants.
    • Citizens will be able to report loss, stealing or destruction of eID card also throught the electronic application.

    Description of changes which will take effects from 1 January 2025:

    • Citizens can apply for a new eID card and to handover of new eID card also at the specified representative offices of the Czech Republic (Issuance and delivery of the eID card take longer in this case - 120 days instead of 30 days in a standard process).