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European Commission Digital

Domibus 5.0

This page collects the resources for Domibus version 5.0, released in June 2022.

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We are happy to announce that the release of Domibus 5.0 is available. Domibus is the sample implementation of an eDelivery Access Point maintained by the European Commission.

In addition to new features, Domibus 5.0 also comes with a new database schema design that supports unprecedented performance improvements. This new version can reliably handle a throughput of more than 1,000 messages/s* and, with added support for table partitioning, ensures this high level of performance even as the size of the database increases. The introduction of an API for archiving messages facilitates moving data from the database to an external long-term archival system.

Domibus 5.0 contains several changes that will impact the compatibility of the plugins developed for earlier versions of Domibus. Such plugins will have to be adapted to be compatible with version 5.0 and onwards. This will affect projects relying on custom plugins and/or the standard Domibus Web Service (WS) plugin. Please click here for further details concerning the backwards compatibility of plugins in Domibus 5.0.

Domibus 5.0 includes a number of new features, improvements, and bug fixes, among which:

  • Possibility to visualize the non-repudiation receipts in the Admin console
  • Improved overall performance including refactoring of the database to allow partitioning
  • Optimized pull locking for Oracle 
  • Possibility to use an external agent to archive Domibus messages
  • Default WS Plugin: Possibility to operate the plugin in PUSH mode
  • Possibility to filter messages retrieved by the listPendingMessages method of the WS Plugin
  • Implement offloading the SSL traffic to an external component
  • Improve the decoupling of the Domibus core from the plugin implementations 
  • Possibility to validate incoming UserMessages using a Validation Extension
  • Possibility to reference JMS Plugin payloads via HTTP endpoints
  • Possibility to add and remove a domain at runtime
  • New client authentication trust store admin console page
  • New WS Plugin which uses the edelivery namespace
  • UI Replication has been removed

Important note: there is a known issue on the Domibus 5.0 version with the reload keystore functionality: due to a caching issue in the reload keystore functionality, Domibus requires restart when changing the keystore.
The steps to replace the keystore are:

    • change the keystore file on the disk
    • press ReloadKeystore in Domibus Admin Console - the new keystore will be visible in the UI but not used for exchanging messages
    • restart Domibus (to be fixed in next hotfix release)

Domibus 5.0 is backward compatible with 4.2.x. The upgrade is not mandatory, but it is highly recommended.

*Results measured during a 2-hour period with Domibus working in single-tenancy mode, deployed in a 4-node cluster, using Oracle WebLogic Server and Oracle Database with partitioning enabled, configured to receive 500 messages/s of 5 kB each and send 1,000 messages/s of 500 B each.

Supported platforms:

  • Application servers:
    • WildFly 26.1.x
    • WebLogic (tested version, future versions might work)
    • Apache Tomcat 9.0.x
  • Database:
    • MySQL 8 (future versions might work)
    • Oracle 12c R2 and Oracle 19c
  • Java 8 features / compile with Oracle JDK 8: tested to run correctly with:
    • Oracle JDK 8/ WebLogic
    • OpenJDK 11/ WildFly + Tomcat (tested with AdoptOpenJDK 11 version

Security Note: To ensure their system’s security, users installing any of the Domibus packages labelled as “Full Distribution” have the responsibility to update the application servers to the latest version after the installation.

Technical Notes:

  • Note 1: In the pMode XML of Domibus 5.0, the twoWay MEP with pushAndPush, pushAndPull, pullAndPush are deprecated, meaning a pMode file containing these values are successfully uploaded but a warning is displayed:
    "WARNING: Two-way mep with binding [pushAndpush] is not supported for process [tc1Process]. In the pMode XML it is required to use 2 one-way processes to simulate two-way communication."




Quick Start Guide (pdf)
This guide allows the user to quickly get started with Domibus. After completing this document, you will have a local Domibus instance up and running locally on a Tomcat/MySQL environment.
Testing guide (pdf)
This document is intended for developers that want to perform a set of checks on their Domibus installation and testers that want to have a starting point to create their own test cases.
Interface Control Document of the default JMS (pdf)
The purpose of this document is to outline the JMS Data Format Exchange to be used as part of the default JMS backend plugin.
Interface Control Document of the default (new) WS plugin (pdf)
This document describes the WSDL and the observable behaviour of the interface provided in the default WS plugin.
Interface Control Document of the default (old) WS plugin (pdf)
This document describes the WSDL and the observable behaviour of the interface provided in the default WS plugin. 
Interface Control Document of the File System plugin (pdf)
The purpose of this document is to outline the file system messages exchange as part of the default File System (FS) backend integration solution for the Domibus Access Point.
Administration Guide (pdf)
The purpose of this guide is to provide detailed information on how to deploy and configure Domibus on WebLogic, Tomcat and WildFly with MySQL and Oracle. It also provides detailed descriptions of related Security Configurations (Policies, Certificates, TLS Configuration), Message Filtering, PMode Configuration, Application Monitoring, Registration of custom plugins and Troubleshooting.
File System Plugin Administration Guide (pdf)
The purpose of this guide is to provide detailed information on how to configure and deploy the File System Plugin available in Domibus 3.3 and later versions.
Plugin cookbook (implementation manual) (pdf)
After reading this document the reader should be aware of the capabilities provided by the Domibus plugin system. Additionally a developer familiar with the AS4 protocol will be able to implement a plugin integrating an existing back office application into Domibus.
Extension cookbook (pdf)
This document details the technical specifications of Domibus extension mechanism. It lays out applicable guidelines to support the technical implementation of an extension.
Validation extension cookbook (pdf)
This document details the technical specifications of Domibus Validation Extension mechanism. Its scope are the functional aspects of the extension mechanism and the technical and operational aspects of the extension mechanism.
Domibus Software Architecture Document (pdf)
This document provides a comprehensive architectural overview of the system, using a number of different architectural views to depict individual aspects of the system.  It is intended to capture and convey the significant architectural decisions that have been made on the system.
Domibus REST services documentation
Documentation on the Domibus REST services.
Domibus eArchiving REST services documentation
Documentation on the Domibus eArchiving REST services.
Licence (pdf)
European Union Public Licence.
Domibus upgrade and downgrade procedure
The purpose of this document is to describe the details of making a backup of Domibus and restore Domibus previous version if it is needed.

Upgrade from 4.2.11 to 5.0

For a detailed description of the Domibus upgrade procedure, click here.

Release notes

Please find below the list of new features, improvements, solved bugs and known limitations.

New features

  • [EDELIVERY-9070] - Possibility to use an external eArchiving agent
  • [EDELIVERY-3746] - Download eDelivery Message Receipts for Non repudiation purposes
  • [EDELIVERY-7284] - Default WS Plugin: possibility to implement PUSH
  • [EDELIVERY-7628] - Offloading the SSL traffic to an external component
  • [EDELIVERY-6194] - Scan uploaded files by antivirus software
  • [EDELIVERY-8882] - Possibility to reference the payloads via a REST endpoint in the JMS Plugin
  • [EDELIVERY-4627] - SSL- client authentication truststore in GUI


  • [EDELIVERY-3247] - Domibus Admin console : plugin information available on MessageDetails
  • [EDELIVERY-3485] - Domibus Alert system open to the plugins
  • [EDELIVERY-4321] - Pull locking for Oracle optimized
  • [EDELIVERY-4649] - Remove pull dependency from JMX
  • [EDELIVERY-4789] - Segregation between domain specific configuration improvement
  • [EDELIVERY-4808] - Possibility to filter messages retrieved by the listPendingMessages WS Plugin method
  • [EDELIVERY-4810] - FS Plugin should have property file per each tenant
  • [EDELIVERY-4932] - Enhance the handling of TLS custom and cacert certificate in plugins and extensions
  • [EDELIVERY-7091] - Show the certificate about to expire in orange
  • [EDELIVERY-7378] - Performance optimizations
  • [EDELIVERY-7382] - Adapt WS Plugin to use edelivery namespace
  • [EDELIVERY-7591] - Make Domibus Properties console page load faster
  • [EDELIVERY-2676] - Search pages should have a Clear button to reset filter form
  • [EDELIVERY-3742] - [GUI] Load truststore: after entering the password: Enter for OK
  • [EDELIVERY-3853] - UI admin console: downloading the pmode from the 'Current pmode' page 
  • [EDELIVERY-8596] - Possibility to remove (or disable) a domain without downtime 

Fixed bugs

  • [EDELIVERY-2094] - Message is not immediately deleted after download when attachement storage location is psecified.
  • [EDELIVERY-3296] - Message type drop down needs an extra empty option
  • [EDELIVERY-3335] - Messages page: performance decrease when certain filters are applied on millions of messages
  • [EDELIVERY-3740] - When uploading a PMode: the field description is not marked as mandatory(in red) after selecting a file
  • [EDELIVERY-3744] - Load truststore with invalid keystore password
  • [EDELIVERY-3985] - Alerts management: UTF-8 special characters in alert emails subjects
  • [EDELIVERY-4186] - Small irregularities in downloaded alert CSV file
  • [EDELIVERY-4438] - JTA transaction error is masking original JPA/Hibernate error
  • [EDELIVERY-4592] - Edit and Delete operations on Pmode Parties do not require confirmation
  • [EDELIVERY-4757] - Exported CSV alerts file should match the columns in the UI grid
  • [EDELIVERY-4759] - Exported CSV file that contains plugin users contains some extra columns
  • [EDELIVERY-4784] - Issue with browsing the jms queues in case of clustered external activemq server.
  • [EDELIVERY-4892] - EDGE Specific : Distorted Ui for field EndPoint & Party Id on Pmode:Parties page
  • [EDELIVERY-4985] - Not possible to access the truststore if the keystore password is wrong.
  • [EDELIVERY-5540] - Delete party sometimes makes pmode created and deleted events appear in reverse order in UI
  • [EDELIVERY-6411] - Confusing color for warning messages on Save PMode
  • [EDELIVERY-6480] - $jacoco Data column present in all CSV files resulted from downloading info listed in grids
  • [EDELIVERY-6611] - Improve error message in the logs in case of empty partyID for FS plugin.
  • [EDELIVERY-6613] - Improve error message in the logs in case of empty party role for FS plugin.
  • [EDELIVERY-6617] - Improve error message in the logs in case of empty mime-type for FS plugin.
  • [EDELIVERY-6652] - Build-Time shown in console (on the login page) is not accurate
  • [EDELIVERY-6697] - Blank description in alert email generated for ACKNOWLEDGED status
  • [EDELIVERY-6942] - Domibus-MSH-soapui-tests cannot be built with openjdk
  • [EDELIVERY-7046] - Extra column is shown in downloaded CSV of Alert page
  • [EDELIVERY-7094] - Domibus UI - browser console has a lot of warnings
  • [EDELIVERY-7137] - The configuration for the default domain is confusing
  • [EDELIVERY-7262] - User can create 2 parties with the same party id
  • [EDELIVERY-7266] - Changing property "domibus.logging.payload.print" at runtime has no effect.
  • [EDELIVERY-7290] - Refactor Service classes having a lot of dependecies
  • [EDELIVERY-7301] - domibus.logging.cxf.limit cannot be Integer.MAX_VALUE
  • [EDELIVERY-7353] - Domibus properties should be cached
  • [EDELIVERY-7416] - Incomplete error message on Plugin users page having multiple duplicate entries
  • [EDELIVERY-7419] - Event of Suspended User/Plugin user with wrong password is captured on Audit page with wrong user name
  • [EDELIVERY-7420] - 404 Error while editing Pmode party having no certificate
  • [EDELIVERY-7458] - [Mac OS X] Unable to create SAAJ meta-factoryProvider on Docker Tomcat 9 in Domibus built on Mac OS
  • [EDELIVERY-7471] - Unable to create SAAJ meta-factoryProvider on Docker Tomcat 9 in Domibus built on Mac OS
  • [EDELIVERY-7472] - Sometimes duplicate plugin users can be created by pressing save multiple times
  • [EDELIVERY-7502] - Current party is always a participant in all processes regardless of user choice
  • [EDELIVERY-7517] - CSV export of Properties has extra column "Cluster Aware"
  • [EDELIVERY-7518] - Cannot sort properties grid by column "Usage"
  • [EDELIVERY-7524] - HTTPS Configuration Issue on domibus-wildfly
  • [EDELIVERY-7527] - Adapt Bamboo Plans to the new session cookie name
  • [EDELIVERY-7533] - All properties can be edited in UI Domibus Properties
  • [EDELIVERY-7545] - Incorrect value of fsplugin.messages.notifications property generating stack trace in logs
  • [EDELIVERY-7572] - Error when trying to filter global domibus properties .
  • [EDELIVERY-7592] - Changing the Domain in a Multitenancy Fails in Domibus 5.0
  • [EDELIVERY-7645] - Uumds extension must align with the new version of Ehcache 3.8.x
  • [EDELIVERY-7648] - Error when filtering in the Pmode - Parties page
  • [EDELIVERY-7649] - Error when filtering in the JMS Monitoring page
  • [EDELIVERY-7650] - Error when filtering in Audit page
  • [EDELIVERY-7651] - Error when filtering with both Show Domain Properties and Is Writable unchecked in Properties page
  • [EDELIVERY-7652] - Possible infinite loop when changing domain with error message opened
  • [EDELIVERY-7653] - Searching only for deleted users returns no results
  • [EDELIVERY-7654] - Columns Message Fragment and Source Message visible in UI and not in CSV
  • [EDELIVERY-7678] - Error when listing messages in Message Log page
  • [EDELIVERY-7685] - Cannot update global properties
  • [EDELIVERY-7687] - Cannot download message in Message log page
  • [EDELIVERY-7688] - Cannot filter by message status in Message Log page
  • [EDELIVERY-7689] - Minor inconsistencies in column names between Properties page and downloaded CSV file
  • [EDELIVERY-7704] - Domibus not starting with 4 domains deployed.
  • [EDELIVERY-7759] - NoClassDefFoundError in logs
  • [EDELIVERY-7776] - Issue with certificate added to the truststore after dynamic discovery process.
  • [EDELIVERY-7777] - Investigate bamboo Dynamic Dyscovery plan failures
  • [EDELIVERY-7778] - UI - edit pmode: error message when 'Cancel' button is pressed
  • [EDELIVERY-7780] - New certificate plugin user operation returns error
  • [EDELIVERY-7794] - PMode upload error without <payloadprofiles> in Domibus
  • [EDELIVERY-7795] - domibus-weblogic122 image won't start on windows because it's missing file
  • [EDELIVERY-7815] - Fix the cause for ERROR and WARN log entries
  • [EDELIVERY-7818] - fsplugin: ConcurrentModificationException error appears in the log on the receiving side
  • [EDELIVERY-7830] - should be renamed to
  • [EDELIVERY-7836] - PoC to delete messages using partitions
  • [EDELIVERY-7846] - Party name not validated while receiving message
  • [EDELIVERY-7871] - Updating property "wsplugin.mtom.enabled" at runtime has no effect.
  • [EDELIVERY-7872] - Unable to edit/delete Certificate type Plugin user
  • [EDELIVERY-7873] - Extra option present in the Alert type dropdown in Alerts page that only contains "PLUGIN"
  • [EDELIVERY-7875] - Error when trying to filter by alert type Plugin
  • [EDELIVERY-7880] - domibus fails to start on wildfly with BeanCurrentlyInCreationException (related to CertificateServiceImpl)
  • [EDELIVERY-7882] - Error in retentionWorkerJob: ClassCastException: class eu.domibus.api.message.MessageSubtype cannot be cast to class java.lang.String
  • [EDELIVERY-7891] - Validate the MPC received as a UserMessage attribute to the mpc configured in the pMode
  • [EDELIVERY-7912] - Error in PartyServiceImpl: Party partly lost IM0020051419
  • [EDELIVERY-7915] - If domibus.ui.pages.messageLogs.countLimit is set to 9,11 or 13 and user changes page size the Messages page will show no results
  • [EDELIVERY-7921] - Null pointer on Domibus when SoapFault is received as response to sending a UserMessage
  • [EDELIVERY-7922] - Domibus encounters NullPointer when SoapFault is received as response to sending a UserMessage
  • [EDELIVERY-7928] - Split&Join error on Tomcat/Oracle setup
  • [EDELIVERY-7931] - Message expired if retry timeout is too large
  • [EDELIVERY-7933] - [TAPAS] - IM0020083359 - Wrong date for PMODE Archive records
  • [EDELIVERY-7934] - Unknown error for wrong security in AS4 messages
  • [EDELIVERY-7956] - update not applied
  • [EDELIVERY-7964] - [Docker] Circular Reference When Deploying Domibus on Wildfly
  • [EDELIVERY-7966] - Sometimes the messageId is missing from the MDC context
  • [EDELIVERY-7968] - Fix integration test UserMessageLogDaoIT after performing 4.2.1 merge into development (5.0)
  • [EDELIVERY-7983] - PoC to use sequences using a specific format for Oracle
  • [EDELIVERY-7985] - Migration script to convert from local dates to UTC
  • [EDELIVERY-7994] - quartz issue on wildfly: Can't call rollback when autocommit=true
  • [EDELIVERY-8004] - PULL processes with dynamic initiator are not handled properly in Domibus
  • [EDELIVERY-8027] - Sometimes Domibus fails to start.
  • [EDELIVERY-8030] - Unable to update wsplugin.dispatcher.worker.cronExpression from admin console-properties page
  • [EDELIVERY-8034] - Submitting messages with bodyload fails for the new plugin.
  • [EDELIVERY-8035] - Updating ws plugin properties at runtime affects only the new plugin implementation.
  • [EDELIVERY-8037] - change properties at runtime not working for
  • [EDELIVERY-8039] - Error in logs when starting bamboo plans
  • [EDELIVERY-8054] - Fix pull mechanism after database refactoring
  • [EDELIVERY-8081] - Fix the list of SignalMessages in the admin console
  • [EDELIVERY-8082] - Fix the ConnectionMonitoring underlying query (admin console)
  • [EDELIVERY-8103] - Payload Profiling Error When Sending Message from c2 to c3 in Docker
  • [EDELIVERY-8120] - Service type is ignored when parsing the pmode.
  • [EDELIVERY-8121] - MimeType value is case sensitive
  • [EDELIVERY-8136] - Domibus on Tomcat/OracleXE fails to send message
  • [EDELIVERY-8137] - NullPointerException when receiving a test message on 5.0
  • [EDELIVERY-8138] - Domibus ErrorLog page shows an error
  • [EDELIVERY-8140] - Admin console: the "Message Type" column is always empty in the Messages page
  • [EDELIVERY-8142] - Domibus shows error at startup
  • [EDELIVERY-8143] - Domibus unable to send message from C2 to C3
  • [EDELIVERY-8146] - PMode configuration: adding new service/action is not taken in account
  • [EDELIVERY-8147] - Duplicate entry 'MimeType' for key 'tb_d_part_property.UK_D_PART_PROP_NAME'
  • [EDELIVERY-8148] - Domibus pull mechanism - message in send failure
  • [EDELIVERY-8149] - User messages parameters extraction issues.
  • [EDELIVERY-8150] - ErrorLog page - filtering by AP Role doesn't work
  • [EDELIVERY-8152] - Admin console: the Messages page shows both test and regular messages at the same time
  • [EDELIVERY-8153] - quartz scheduler issues when rescheduling/removing jobs
  • [EDELIVERY-8154] - Error while retrieving messages
  • [EDELIVERY-8155] - Exceptions and standard errors returned instead of properly intercepting the errors
  • [EDELIVERY-8164] - Can't send simplest message with 5.0 version
  • [EDELIVERY-8170] - Wrong error in log when submitting message
  • [EDELIVERY-8182] - Circular deps: multitenant + 2Lcache
  • [EDELIVERY-8220] - Pull requests are not sent.
  • [EDELIVERY-8221] - Issue with retention worker.
  • [EDELIVERY-8222] - Message parsing error in the logs.
  • [EDELIVERY-8223] - proxy error when submitting a message with a non empty agreementRef.
  • [EDELIVERY-8234] - ORA-00920: invalid relational operator on RetentionWorker - Weblogic, Oracle
  • [EDELIVERY-8235] - Issue with ID_PK on TB_MESSAGE_PROPERTIES table
  • [EDELIVERY-8236] - NullPointer when converting SoapFault, Weblogic/Oracle
  • [EDELIVERY-8238] - Performance assessment of hibernate sequence SCALE EXTEND in Domibus
  • [EDELIVERY-8239] - Fix issue with pMode not showing in the UI
  • [EDELIVERY-8247] - Fix failing Bamboo plans following database refactoring
  • [EDELIVERY-8254] - Quartz jobs can start before schema is fully initialized
  • [EDELIVERY-8259] - AgreementRef type might not be taken into account
  • [EDELIVERY-8260] - Submitting a message with more than 28 attachments succeeds.
  • [EDELIVERY-8263] - Error when submitting a message via jms plugin.
  • [EDELIVERY-8264] - Review Rfc on cryptography
  • [EDELIVERY-8266] - LazyInitializationException when sending a split-and-join message
  • [EDELIVERY-8278] - Cannot create users
  • [EDELIVERY-8279] - The unique constraint on tb_d_part_property doesn't behave as expected on mysql
  • [EDELIVERY-8280] - PMode validation: we should accept parties without party id type
  • [EDELIVERY-8285] - Pull request handling issue in case of multitenancy.
  • [EDELIVERY-8286] - Errors when running oracle-5.0-SNAPSHOT.ddl
  • [EDELIVERY-8305] - Could not create backup file for TLS truststore
  • [EDELIVERY-8314] - The order of the payloads is not preserved
  • [EDELIVERY-8315] - Timezone difference between soapui and domibus containers.
  • [EDELIVERY-8317] - Fix dynamic discovery following database refactoring
  • [EDELIVERY-8318] - Bring the migration scripts up to date with the latest updates on the database schema
  • [EDELIVERY-8329] - Metadata missing for property
  • [EDELIVERY-8331] - Oracle&Multi-tenancy: Sequence does not exist in general schema
  • [EDELIVERY-8332] - Weblogic/Oracle MT - sequence does not exist
  • [EDELIVERY-8333] - Delete Database Data Script Not Working
  • [EDELIVERY-8334] - Update of properties at runtime doesn't seem to be propagated in a clustered deployment
  • [EDELIVERY-8335] - Sometimes messages are handled by the wrong filter.
  • [EDELIVERY-8336] - The pmode id needs to be changed from int to long
  • [EDELIVERY-8340] - Users with no domain can be created using the REST API
  • [EDELIVERY-8341] - Super can create on one domain users with another domain assigned
  • [EDELIVERY-8364] - MT/WL bamboo plan fails with ConstraintViolationException in PartyId dictionary tables
  • [EDELIVERY-8367] - NPE in WSPluginLoggingEventSender
  • [EDELIVERY-8371] - NPE when deleting failed sent message
  • [EDELIVERY-8372] - refToMessageId is missing from the signal message for certificate-related issues
  • [EDELIVERY-8373] - BouncyCastle NoClassDefFound
  • [EDELIVERY-8385] - NullPointerException in retentionWorkerJob
  • [EDELIVERY-8393] - Pmode Parties Page- Blank error on edit identifier pop up for Party with no partyIdtype
  • [EDELIVERY-8394] - Forbidden character detected in property root->username error message in login page needs correction
  • [EDELIVERY-8396] - Extra word "class" appears in some rows in Logging page
  • [EDELIVERY-8397] - Unexpected warnings in domibus logs - Bambo load tests plans failing
  • [EDELIVERY-8409] - Assist in analysing bamboo plans failures.
  • [EDELIVERY-8410] - Properties values registered in case not needed.
  • [EDELIVERY-8411] - Cannot create users
  • [EDELIVERY-8415] - Several exceptions observed in the logs of Domibus deployed on wildfly.
  • [EDELIVERY-8416] - Data Migration for TB_SEND_ATTEMPT is missing in 5.0 (Step 2)
  • [EDELIVERY-8417] - Data Migration for TB_SEND_ATTEMPT is missing in 5.0 (Step 2)
  • [EDELIVERY-8419] - DSS Refresh Connection timeout parameter- development
  • [EDELIVERY-8422] - [WEBLOGIC] WARN e.d.c.j.m.DomainMessageListenerContainer:929 - Execution of JMS message listener failed, and no ErrorHandler has been set.
  • [EDELIVERY-8423] - Issue with the password encryption at startup
  • [EDELIVERY-8425] - Exception returned instead of proper error in case of an issue with domibus deployed in multitenancy
  • [EDELIVERY-8428] - Errors encountered during load tests in Bamboo
  • [EDELIVERY-8455] - Delete operation is not working on Alert page
  • [EDELIVERY-8456] - Issue with property "domibus.connection.cxf.ssl.offload.enable"
  • [EDELIVERY-8457] - Download message has not the right filename
  • [EDELIVERY-8462] - Create index on TB_SIGNAL_MESSAGE
  • [EDELIVERY-8463] - Logging page grid is not sortable but columns are marked as sorted when clicked
  • [EDELIVERY-8464] - Exception in the response in case the SMP https connection fails.
  • [EDELIVERY-8466] - Alerts are not marked as processed or deleted
  • [EDELIVERY-8469] - Wildfly cluster - Party changes in one node not reflect on a different node
  • [EDELIVERY-8473] - Wildfly Cluster Not Starting Due to Missing JDBC Modules
  • [EDELIVERY-8477] - ProcessingType is missing from the sample metadata.xml distributed with fs-plugin
  • [EDELIVERY-8479] - Fix the cause for ERROR and WARN log entries
  • [EDELIVERY-8502] - SQL exception returned instead of proper error in case of an issue with domibus deployed in multitenancy
  • [EDELIVERY-8505] - FS-Plugin: issue with opt-out
  • [EDELIVERY-8506] - wsplugin's push mode doesn't work properly in multi-tenancy
  • [EDELIVERY-8507] - Fix the cause for ERROR and WARN log entries
  • [EDELIVERY-8508] - Hibernate query cache and second level cache is not working
  • [EDELIVERY-8509] - Error when creating super user
  • [EDELIVERY-8515] - H2 commits a lot
  • [EDELIVERY-8516] - Broken pipe error while loading metrics from metrics servlet
  • [EDELIVERY-8542] - Error when uploading trustore
  • [EDELIVERY-8547] - Alert Ids on Alert page are incorrect
  • [EDELIVERY-8548] - Domibus Admin console: Alerts page: Buttons disappear on click of 'Show Columns'
  • [EDELIVERY-8550] - Detect a domain in the domains folder.
  • [EDELIVERY-8555] - 2 properties in default domain properties file are missing "default" prefix.
  • [EDELIVERY-8557] - Fix the cause for ERROR and WARN log entries - TLS truststore
  • [EDELIVERY-8558] - Fix the cause for ERROR and WARN log entries -weblogic - synchronization feature
  • [EDELIVERY-8577] - Domain Properties of type Password are not encrypted in plugins
  • [EDELIVERY-8593] - getStatus request not taking into account original sender property linked to the plugin user.
  • [EDELIVERY-8599] - Wrong error when uploading TLSTrustore
  • [EDELIVERY-8600] - Error while processing pmode for multitenancy.
  • [EDELIVERY-8601] - Error in multitenancy configuration for the fs plugin.
  • [EDELIVERY-8609] - Metrics do not display properly
  • [EDELIVERY-8610] - Pull message exchange not working anymore for the old ws plugin.
  • [EDELIVERY-8617] - Remove GSon dependencies
  • [EDELIVERY-8624] - Circular bean dependency in domibus
  • [EDELIVERY-8627] - When ws schema validation is enabled, submitting a message without ProcessingType parameter fails
  • [EDELIVERY-8629] - Sometimes login ends in error
  • [EDELIVERY-8630] - Weblogic122_(Oracle)-DYN-Weblogic122_(Oracle)-DYN plan is failing - [PartyInfo/To/PartyId] is not provided
  • [EDELIVERY-8631] - eArchiving: decompress payloads for sent messages
  • [EDELIVERY-8633] - UI: sometimes the domain selector shows on pages it wasn't supposed to
  • [EDELIVERY-8638] - Changing properties at runtime seems not working in a cluster deployment.
  • [EDELIVERY-8645] - Create a WSDL for the services/msh endpoint
  • [EDELIVERY-8658] - eArchiving: SANITIZER request type should not be exposed to the client
  • [EDELIVERY-8661] - Error logged when sending test message
  • [EDELIVERY-8662] - Set archived message status
  • [EDELIVERY-8671] - Issue detected in the logs for submitting a message with old ws plugin.
  • [EDELIVERY-8672] - eArchiving: Timestamp in REST call
  • [EDELIVERY-8675] - LOAD bamboo plan: Duplicate error
  • [EDELIVERY-8677] - Issue with handling duplicate message detection.
  • [EDELIVERY-8688] - General Schema Audit: Events for adding/editing a super user are not present in Audit
  • [EDELIVERY-8694] - Extra column in exported CSV from Trustore page
  • [EDELIVERY-8695] - Batch status set to "STARTED" in case of successfull export.
  • [EDELIVERY-8698] - NullPointerException in log when receiving a duplicate message
  • [EDELIVERY-8702] - Property "domibus.earchive.batch.retryTimeOut" backup value seems not working
  • [EDELIVERY-8711] - Stuck threads and oracle session blocked
  • [EDELIVERY-8718] - eArchiving: send an alert if continuous date has NOT changed
  • [EDELIVERY-8721] - eArchiving: [REST] GET and PUT sanitizer start date
  • [EDELIVERY-8722] - ECAS access to multiple tenants
  • [EDELIVERY-8723] - Compression: MimeType
  • [EDELIVERY-8726] - Send 2 body attachments returns 200
  • [EDELIVERY-8730] - mysql-5.0-SNAPSHOT-data imported on multi tenancy docker environment
  • [EDELIVERY-8732] - Invalid response in eArchiving REST endpoint
  • [EDELIVERY-8736] - Fix Sonar reported bugs
  • [EDELIVERY-8743] - Improve the default password mechanism
  • [EDELIVERY-8744] - Enforce the use of strong passwords
  • [EDELIVERY-8745] - No HTTP Strict-Transport Security Header
  • [EDELIVERY-8755] - Refactor PartInfo PostConstruct in a service
  • [EDELIVERY-8757] - Cannot create, edit or reorder message filters
  • [EDELIVERY-8758] - Cannot create or edit parties
  • [EDELIVERY-8765] - findFailedMessages - queryString incorrect
  • [EDELIVERY-8766] - findMessageStatus instead of findOrCreate
  • [EDELIVERY-8767] - findByEntity -> hibernate initialization
  • [EDELIVERY-8770] - Parties not marked as (IR) for processes
  • [EDELIVERY-8773] - Delete All action in JMS Monitoring page doesn't refresh the grid and shows no success message
  • [EDELIVERY-8774] - Validation Sender presence
  • [EDELIVERY-8776] - MessageProperty ClassCast exception
  • [EDELIVERY-8778] - [Test] Daos layer
  • [EDELIVERY-8783] - Error message shown when configuring https connector for tomcat server.
  • [EDELIVERY-8784] - Messages are not archived.
  • [EDELIVERY-8786] - Default jms plugin only transforms specific partInfo properties.
  • [EDELIVERY-8787] - Change the description of the property domibus.earchive.batch.retry.timeout
  • [EDELIVERY-8788] - Message stuck in WAITING_FOR_RETRY state
  • [EDELIVERY-8789] - UI replication accessement
  • [EDELIVERY-8794] - Login fails with error for user SUPER on Wildfly_Mysql_MT docker environment
  • [EDELIVERY-8795] - Messages duplicate exports
  • [EDELIVERY-8796] - [Multitenancy] Migration script to convert from local dates to UTC
  • [EDELIVERY-8797] - Upload PMode: IT Tests
  • [EDELIVERY-8799] - Messages are deleted despite not being exported yet.
  • [EDELIVERY-8800] - Messages in ACKNOWLEDGED status are not exported.
  • [EDELIVERY-8812] - FSPluginPropertiesMultitenantIT - fix tests
  • [EDELIVERY-8813] - In case of a failed export, the referred message ID in the notification is wrong.
  • [EDELIVERY-8814] - SubmitMessageIT - fix tests
  • [EDELIVERY-8815] - BackendNotificationServiceTest
  • [EDELIVERY-8828] - IT tests WSPLUGIN: tests for rest methods ignored
  • [EDELIVERY-8830] - Second payload is printed although domibus.logging.payload.print is set to false
  • [EDELIVERY-8831] - Not possible to submit messages with average payload size.
  • [EDELIVERY-8832] - Tomcat multitenancy docker environment doesn't start
  • [EDELIVERY-8833] - On business validation error before Msg creation in DB, throws foreign key violation error for TB_ERROR table
  • [EDELIVERY-8836] - Check if EARCHIVE QUEUE property is needed
  • [EDELIVERY-8837] - No clear notification in case eArchiving client is not reachable.
  • [EDELIVERY-8838] - 1 hour offset between message timestamp and batch metadata
  • [EDELIVERY-8842] - List queued export request filter does not seem to work properly.
  • [EDELIVERY-8843] - Submiting a message via WebService plugin with an existing message id results in error containing SQL statement
  • [EDELIVERY-8848] - Delete all JMS messages from a queue - when deleting Domibus doesn't logs anything in logs
  • [EDELIVERY-8849] - "Delete All" message in JMS queue button is always active even when queue is empty
  • [EDELIVERY-8850] - JMS Monitoring page shows error when selecting a queue with more than 3000 messages in it
  • [EDELIVERY-8851] - Messages page shows error when system has more than 6000 messages
  • [EDELIVERY-8852] - Error in the response for messages exported in a batch request.
  • [EDELIVERY-8853] - Messages exported list returned is not aligned with the actual exported list in case of a failed batch.
  • [EDELIVERY-8854] - The response message, for get exported messages request, in case batch ID does not exist, can be improved.
  • [EDELIVERY-8863] - Not possible to submit a "list not archived messages" request.
  • [EDELIVERY-8865] - nothingPolicy not found in load plans
  • [EDELIVERY-8866] - ARCHIVING_START_DATE_STOPPED alert created by sanitizer even if messages are in a final state.
  • [EDELIVERY-8871] - Deleted messages should not be exported.
  • [EDELIVERY-8872] - Alert not created in case the eArchiving client is not reachable.
  • [EDELIVERY-8873] - Messages belonging to a failed batch must be handled by the sanitizer
  • [EDELIVERY-8874] - RuntimeException when Domibus is using credentials to access the endpoint of the e-archiving client
  • [EDELIVERY-8875] - Some audit logs for eArchiving are not present.
  • [EDELIVERY-8877] - Possible issue for set bach archive status.
  • [EDELIVERY-8884] - First PullRequest in error Bamboo LOAD
  • [EDELIVERY-8885] - Wildfly Full on 5.0 snapshots is broken
  • [EDELIVERY-8886] - Alert "ARCHIVING_START_DATE_STOPPED" created for the sanitizer start date instead of the continuous date
  • [EDELIVERY-8887] - Sometimes the messageId is still missing for some logs entries
  • [EDELIVERY-8902] - Tomcat local environment needs to have keystore/trustore passwords encrypted even if
  • [EDELIVERY-8903] - Password change for users
  • [EDELIVERY-8905] - Wildfly Full on 5.0 snapshots misses domibus.config.location
  • [EDELIVERY-8911] - Domibus-default-ws-plugin-backend-ws-test Client
  • [EDELIVERY-8913] - Truststore and keystore files are not loaded from files at startup.
  • [EDELIVERY-8914] - EU Login Weblogic docker environment doesn't deploy domibus
  • [EDELIVERY-8915] - Wrong error message returned related to certificate extraction.
  • [EDELIVERY-8916] - Issue with printing payloads in the logs.
  • [EDELIVERY-8919] - Issues with REST endpoint to mark messages as DELETED in case message ID is not found.
  • [EDELIVERY-8920] - Issues with REST endpoint to mark messages as DELETED in case message in final state
  • [EDELIVERY-8921] - Issues with REST endpoint to mark messages as DELETED in case message not linked to user
  • [EDELIVERY-8922] - Issues with REST endpoint to mark messages as DELETED while specifying the time interval
  • [EDELIVERY-8929] - [Docker] Oracle 19c Image Startup Errors
  • [EDELIVERY-8948] - Issue when submitting messages with dynamic initator for pull MEP.
  • [EDELIVERY-8949] - Submitting a message does not succeed in case optional parameter mpc is not provided.
  • [EDELIVERY-8952] - [Docker] Oracle Images updates
  • [EDELIVERY-8956] - domibus-earchive-client: default value -> webhook
  • [EDELIVERY-8959] - Error returned in case of an unauthorized user for clear all caches request.
  • [EDELIVERY-8960] - Repeated logs related to clearing cache in weblogic cluster deployment.
  • [EDELIVERY-8963] - Investigate startup error in Weblogic
  • [EDELIVERY-8965] - Batch folder not deleted unless it is archived (or failed to be archived).
  • [EDELIVERY-8966] - Exception from the retention worker when trying to delete archived messages.
  • [EDELIVERY-8967] - Connection monitoring test message invalid if MPC validation is enabled
  • [EDELIVERY-8969] - For messages in Send Failure state downloading the envelope results in empty zip
  • [EDELIVERY-8970] - Domain selector is visible for admin and user roles
  • [EDELIVERY-8973] - Export of acknowledged messages with 2 payloads fails.
  • [EDELIVERY-8974] - After the first update value of is not taken into consideration anymore
  • [EDELIVERY-8975] - Init values for 2 new domibus jms properties.
  • [EDELIVERY-9006] - Docker images don't contain clientauthentication.xml file making the TLS Trustore page untestable
  • [EDELIVERY-9008] - Plugin user not linked to the final recipient of a message is able to download its payload.
  • [EDELIVERY-9022] - Expired Partitions handling is not clear.
  • [EDELIVERY-9025] - Deleting using partitions: messages are deleted before their retention expires.
  • [EDELIVERY-9027] - Sometimes rest services return 500 error and message containing SQL statements
  • [EDELIVERY-9028] - Changing preferred domain for super user is not logged in Audit
  • [EDELIVERY-9029] - Add metadata for properties in the DSS module
  • [EDELIVERY-9030] - Error message needs improvement in TLSTruststore page
  • [EDELIVERY-9031] - Create on-the-fly metadata for external module properties
  • [EDELIVERY-9032] - Fsplugin jobs are not created.
  • [EDELIVERY-9033] - No confirmation pop up shown when removing certificate in TLS Trustore page
  • [EDELIVERY-9035] - Error When upgrading Oracle to Domibus 50
  • [EDELIVERY-9049] - Not possible to encrypt DSS extension's password.
  • [EDELIVERY-9053] - MT: Unable to delete a user if it was not configured properly for MT
  • [EDELIVERY-9054] - Add support for Content Security Policy (CSP)
  • [EDELIVERY-9056] - Fix XML External Entity attacks
  • [EDELIVERY-9067] - Typo in domibus-distribution-5.0-20220310.110709-562
  • [EDELIVERY-9068] - Domibus 5.0 RC docs update
  • [EDELIVERY-2602] - Improve error message.
  • [EDELIVERY-5517] - UIReplication synchronization issue: improve UPDATE mechanism
  • [EDELIVERY-6086] - Users page - Minor difference in csv file vs grid(Domain Name in UI and Domain Code in csv file)
  • [EDELIVERY-7137] - The configuration for the default domain is confusing
  • [EDELIVERY-7786] - Error when searching messages by Message Status when UI replication is enabled
  • [EDELIVERY-7813] - Timezone Issues When Saving and Restoring Date Time Objects
  • [EDELIVERY-7822] - Provide a solution to tackle the timezone issues detected
  • [EDELIVERY-7842] - Pagination is reset to page 1 if user tries to navigate to another page as the grid is loading
  • [EDELIVERY-8027] - Sometimes Domibus fails to start.
  • [EDELIVERY-8286] - Errors when running oracle-5.0-SNAPSHOT.ddl
  • [EDELIVERY-8333] - Delete Database Data Script Not Working
  • [EDELIVERY-8338] - Update Domibus v5.0 Database Migration Process
  • [EDELIVERY-8364] - MT/WL bamboo plan fails with ConstraintViolationException in PartyId dictionary tables
  • [EDELIVERY-8419] - DSS Refresh Connection timeout parameter- development
  • [EDELIVERY-8606] - It is possible to create a plugin standard user with an empty original user via rest call.
  • [EDELIVERY-8609] - Metrics do not display properly
  • [EDELIVERY-8624] - Circular bean dependency in domibus
  • [EDELIVERY-8661] - Error logged when sending test message
  • [EDELIVERY-8694] - Extra column in exported CSV from Trustore page
  • [EDELIVERY-8723] - Compression: MimeType
  • [EDELIVERY-8726] - Send 2 body attachments returns 200
  • [EDELIVERY-8730] - mysql-5.0-SNAPSHOT-data imported on multi tenancy docker environment
  • [EDELIVERY-8742] - Fix dynamic discovery for sending and receving messages
  • [EDELIVERY-8743] - Improve the default password mechanism
  • [EDELIVERY-8770] - Parties not marked as (IR) for processes
  • [EDELIVERY-8783] - Error message shown when configuring https connector for tomcat server.
  • [EDELIVERY-8788] - Message stuck in WAITING_FOR_RETRY state
  • [EDELIVERY-8789] - UI replication should be removed
  • [EDELIVERY-8797] - Upload PMode: IT Tests
  • [EDELIVERY-8812] - FSPluginPropertiesMultitenantIT - fix tests
  • [EDELIVERY-8828] - IT tests WSPLUGIN: tests for rest methods ignored
  • [EDELIVERY-8833] - On business validation error before Msg creation in DB, throws foreign key violation error for TB_ERROR table
  • [EDELIVERY-8844] - Metadata missing for property domibus.earchive.sanitizer.cron
  • [EDELIVERY-8850] - JMS Monitoring page shows error when selecting a queue with more than 3000 messages in it
  • [EDELIVERY-8851] - Messages page shows error when system has more than 6000 messages
  • [EDELIVERY-8884] - First PullRequest in error Bamboo LOAD
  • [EDELIVERY-8887] - Sometimes the messageId is still missing for some logs entries
  • [EDELIVERY-8915] - Wrong error message returned related to certificate extraction.
  • [EDELIVERY-8921] - Issues with REST endpoint to mark messages as DELETED in case message not linked to user
  • [EDELIVERY-8948] - Issue when submitting messages with dynamic initator for pull MEP.
  • [EDELIVERY-8963] - Investigate startup error in Weblogic
  • [EDELIVERY-8966] - Exception from the retention worker when trying to delete archived messages.
  • [EDELIVERY-8967] - Connection monitoring test message invalid if MPC validation is enabled
  • [EDELIVERY-8969] - For messages in Send Failure state downloading the envelope results in empty zip
  • [EDELIVERY-8973] - Export of acknowledged messages with 2 payloads fails.
  • [EDELIVERY-8974] - After the first update value of is not taken into consideration anymore
  • [EDELIVERY-9008] - Plugin user not linked to the final recipient of a message is able to download its payload.
  • [EDELIVERY-9020] - Typo in upgrade-info.txt for 5.0 (development branch)
  • [EDELIVERY-9022] - Expired Partitions handling is not clear.
  • [EDELIVERY-9025] - Deleting using partitions: messages are deleted before their retention expires.
  • [EDELIVERY-9027] - Sometimes rest services return 500 error and message containing SQL statements
  • [EDELIVERY-9028] - Changing preferred domain for super user is not logged in Audit
  • [EDELIVERY-9029] - Add missing metadata for properties in the DSS module
  • [EDELIVERY-9030] - Error message needs improvement in TLSTruststore page
  • [EDELIVERY-9059] - Fix the cause for WARN log entries -wildfly WARN o.a.c.p.PhaseInterceptorChain:468 and WARN e.d.c.m.p.PullMessageSender
  • [EDELIVERY-9062] - A tenant can disable the fsplugin even if it is the only installed plugin.
  • [EDELIVERY-9073] - Error running script for multitenancy mysql-4.2.3-to-5.0-data-migration-step1-4
  • [EDELIVERY-9075] - Running MySQL Migration Scripts Witout the root User
  • [EDELIVERY-9078] - Database Migration Errors for Partitioning Columns
  • [EDELIVERY-9079] - Original user not checked when authorizing access to "ext/monitoring/messages/failed" ressource
  • [EDELIVERY-9080] - All failed messages are returned when requesting "ext/monitoring/messages/failed" ressource with an empty finalRecipient
  • [EDELIVERY-9081] - 4.2.7 to 5.0 migration issue for Error Messages page and MySql DB
  • [EDELIVERY-9082] - Error shown in Mesasge Log page when user opens Advanced filters and presses Reset button
  • [EDELIVERY-9091] - Fix EAcrhive plan on bamboo
  • [EDELIVERY-9094] - Error while getting role from MSHRoleEntity
  • [EDELIVERY-9114] - Domibus returns an error about party role instead of partyId type.
  • [EDELIVERY-9115] - Message without mime type is submitted correctly.
  • [EDELIVERY-9120] - Tomcat OpenJDK 11/MySQL docker environment fails to start with error java.sql.SQLException: Connection is closed
  • [EDELIVERY-9122] - FailSafe is not failing with IT failures
  • [EDELIVERY-9124] - getMessageErrorsResponse returns an empty list when the messageId does not exists
  • [EDELIVERY-9125] - Wildfly/MySQL MT - cannot login using super user after the first session expired
  • [EDELIVERY-9131] - Domibus property has an extra special character in its default value.
  • [EDELIVERY-9137] - Users of all roles can login and use the Domibus even if their domain is disabled
  • [EDELIVERY-9142] - Error in the log that indicates that the fsplugin can't be disabled.
  • [EDELIVERY-9143] - The value of a fsplugin property displayed in the admin console is misleading.
  • [EDELIVERY-9144] - Weblogic Cluster MT environment is not starting
  • [EDELIVERY-9145] - On fresh MT installation, the super user cannot login
  • [EDELIVERY-9147] - BeanCreationException in log when the saveCertificateAndLogRevocationJob is triggered during startup
  • [EDELIVERY-9148] - Circular reference in Domibus core
  • [EDELIVERY-9166] - WS Plugin: The backend wsdl and xsd should be distributed as zip in the Domibus distribution module
  • [EDELIVERY-9183] - NullPointerException when domibus receives a message without MessageProperties
  • [EDELIVERY-9185] - Issue when running stress test with partition
  • [EDELIVERY-9186] - domain prefixed fs plugin property is present in defaut fsplugin properties file.
  • [EDELIVERY-9187] - 4.2.9 to 5.0 migration issue for Audit page and MySql DB
  • [EDELIVERY-9192] - Modifying property domain.title makes the system unusable
  • [EDELIVERY-9198] - After 4.2.9 to 5.0 migration I can't search for signal messages in Admin Console
  • [EDELIVERY-9199] - After 4.2.9 to 5.0 migration info about missing envelops appears in logs
  • [EDELIVERY-9201] - Domibus MySql DB migration from 4.2.9 to 5.0 is to slow
  • [EDELIVERY-9202] - MessageProperties are not properly migrated when MIGRATE ONGOING MESSAGES 50 to 50
  • [EDELIVERY-9203] - Review the indexes TB_MESSAGE_PROPERTIES - Inefficient table/index
  • [EDELIVERY-9206] - In multitenancy mode, messages without mimetype are accepted
  • [EDELIVERY-9213] - DEFAULT_USER_AUTOGENERATE_PASSWORD is set to FALSE regardless of user choice in docker image weblogic122
  • [EDELIVERY-9220] - Domibus 5.0-RC1 upgrade from 4.2.8, SQL error when writing TB_ERROR_LOG
  • [EDELIVERY-9222] - Error when sending dynamic discovery messages via fsplugin.
  • [EDELIVERY-9225] - MySQL 4.2.9 to 5.0 migration issue - For dictionary tables the ID_PK is not correctly formatted
  • [EDELIVERY-9226] - For TB_ERROR_LOG system not handling properly Null value for MSH_ROLE_ID_FK
  • [EDELIVERY-9228] - When password is autogenerated and checkDefaultPassword is set to true super user is asked to change his password at first login
  • [EDELIVERY-9229] - 4.2.9 to 5.0 migration issue - not always filters on "Message Filter" page after migration are in the same order
  • [EDELIVERY-9231] - On a TCMT env, sometimes, login fails with "object unsubscribed" error message
  • [EDELIVERY-9233] - Messages IDs are wrong and duplicate in the admin console.
  • [EDELIVERY-9242] - Message in "SEND_FAILURE" status is not deleted by the partition deleting strategy.
  • [EDELIVERY-9248] - java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: max-results cannot be negative
  • [EDELIVERY-9249] - Error when restarting managed server
  • [EDELIVERY-9250] - One stuck thread linked to earchiving
  • [EDELIVERY-9252] - Warning is present in logs when sending a message using FS-plugin
  • [EDELIVERY-9254] - Exception in earchiving
  • [EDELIVERY-9261] - Error message when accessing the "Alerts" page in Domibus admin console.
  • [EDELIVERY-9272] - Cannot login to 5.0-SNAPSHOT, no users created on DB
  • [EDELIVERY-9276] - Blank page with error message shown when user tries to download CSV from TLS trustre page when no trustore has ever been uploaded
  • [EDELIVERY-9277] - Fix warning: WARN o.s.s.c.a.w.b.WebSecurity:294 - You are asking Spring Security to ignore Ant [pattern=
  • [EDELIVERY-9279] - IT tests cannot be run on windows
  • [EDELIVERY-9281] - 500 error after user disables domain
  • [EDELIVERY-9282] - Download message envelopes icon is enabled for SEND_ENQUEUED messages
  • [EDELIVERY-9289] - Fix duplicate detection
  • [EDELIVERY-9291] - Admin Console: the downloaded attachments should have the correct extension
  • [EDELIVERY-9292] - The value used to detect blocked Quartz jobs should use a Domibus property
  • [EDELIVERY-9308] - Domibus 5.0 Domain [UPPERCASE] cannot be found
  • [EDELIVERY-9311] - Wrong message status indication in the logs.
  • [EDELIVERY-9314] - When password properties encryption is activated some properties are encrypted by default
  • [EDELIVERY-9315] - Not possible to create a plugin user with a peppol "original user" type
  • [EDELIVERY-9317] - Domibus accepts messages signed with key corresponding to a different party
  • [EDELIVERY-9319] - Domain name is case sensitive in the pmode.
  • [EDELIVERY-9321] - Add/Remove certificate from TLS truststore page is not logged in Audit
  • [EDELIVERY-9322] - Updating the property "domibus.msh.retry.cron" affects the number of retries.
  • [EDELIVERY-9323] - Header mismatch in alert page CSV file
  • [EDELIVERY-9324] - Email missing from users csv export
  • [EDELIVERY-9326] - Headers from Message Log CSV export don't match the UI
  • [EDELIVERY-9334] - No action on a certificate plugin user is logged in Audit
  • [EDELIVERY-9335] - Importing certificate from Edit party popup is logged incorrectly in Audit page
  • [EDELIVERY-9336] - Disabling the prefered domain of the super user crashes the system
  • [EDELIVERY-9338] - JMS error shown when starting Wildfly server
  • [EDELIVERY-9339] - Message acknowledgment not sent successfully from C3 to C2(wildfly)
  • [EDELIVERY-9341] - Sometimes the OK button doesn't enable even if the create user dialog is filled with valid data
  • [EDELIVERY-9344] - Domibus 5.0 WS plugin PUSH notifications CXF not visible
  • [EDELIVERY-9345] - Delete All button deletes all messages from a queue even if there are filters applied
  • [EDELIVERY-9346] - Add a second check to enable the partition deletion
  • [EDELIVERY-9348] - Cyclic dependency exception
  • [EDELIVERY-9350] - Fix PULL retry for lost receipt
  • [EDELIVERY-9354] - Cannot enable new domain
  • [EDELIVERY-9361] - Filtering by invalid JMS selector results in request stuck in pending forever
  • [EDELIVERY-9362] - Opening Audit page as domain admin result in .SQLGrammarException
  • [EDELIVERY-9366] - PMode duplicate detection IS case sensitive
  • [EDELIVERY-9376] - fsplugin password properties are not encrypted.
  • [EDELIVERY-9377] - In multitenancy, password properties are not encrypted in the main properties file.
  • [EDELIVERY-9382] - Error for step3 of migration procedure for some test data
  • [EDELIVERY-9383] - UnsatisfiedDependencyException (unresolvable circular reference) at deploy on Tomcat
  • [EDELIVERY-9392] - Message exchange with dynamic receiver fails.
  • [EDELIVERY-9407] - Performance optimization when consuming alerts
  • [EDELIVERY-9408] - Wrong error message when disabling the default domain
  • [EDELIVERY-9409] - Super user can disable it's preferred domain making it impossible for him to login afterwards
  • [EDELIVERY-9410] - Error while triggering an alert for partition deletetion
  • [EDELIVERY-9411] - Super user can login even if preferred domain is disabled
  • [EDELIVERY-9412] - Error when changing the property dynamically from the Domibus Admin Console
  • [EDELIVERY-9423] - Fix sonar bugs
  • [EDELIVERY-9424] - Domibus accepts the message in case of decompression failure in C3 side.
  • [EDELIVERY-9425] - 500 error after super tries multiple times to disable its own preffered domain
  • [EDELIVERY-9438] - upgrade-info.txt file - Domibus upgrade procedure could be improved
  • [EDELIVERY-9442] - Error reloading TLS in a clustered environment
  • [EDELIVERY-9443] - WS Plugin Backend: Push notification exception in logs
  • [EDELIVERY-9444] - MT Weblogic is failing with timeout exception
  • [EDELIVERY-9446] - Circular reference issue on Wildfly docker
  • [EDELIVERY-9451] - Weblogic Cluster java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: ORA-00001: unique constraint (DOMIBUS.PRIMARY_05) violated
  • [EDELIVERY-9452] - Migration scripts for ongoing messages between 5.0 and 5.0 - fails
  • [EDELIVERY-9457] - Envelop zips contains file with name signal_message_envelope.xml only
  • [EDELIVERY-9459] - Authorization Issue When Receiving Messages in Dynamic Discovery
  • [EDELIVERY-9461] - inserted partition key does not map to any partition
  • [EDELIVERY-9462] - 500 error when super user disables "default" domain after switching preferred domain


  • [EDELIVERY-967] - Split JUnit and integration tests
  • [EDELIVERY-1694] - Configure hibernate to use a third party connection pool for Tomcat
  • [EDELIVERY-2130] - Some statuses in the message flow diagram are not implemented in Domibus
  • [EDELIVERY-3480] - TwoWay/PushAndPush - mandatory RefToMessageId
  • [EDELIVERY-3636] - UIReplication: Improve performance of Messages page - Oracle hints and other optimizations
  • [EDELIVERY-4095] - Implement integration test for testing large files using Docker Tomcat
  • [EDELIVERY-4681] - Make Domibus port configurable on Fiware image at launch time
  • [EDELIVERY-4716] - Create a builder Maven module
  • [EDELIVERY-4734] - Remove dependency from JMX
  • [EDELIVERY-4842] - TrustStore configured in Client Authentication XML should be exposed to the plugins per domain
  • [EDELIVERY-4867] - Delete all messages from a queue
  • [EDELIVERY-4879] - Possibility to force the Content-Length header on the C3 response
  • [EDELIVERY-5419] - Implement setting of composable properties at run-time
  • [EDELIVERY-6114] - Include the WebLogic tweaked configuration used in stress tests in Domibus installation scripts
  • [EDELIVERY-6443] - Clean code within branch 6419 and merge to development.
  • [EDELIVERY-6552] - Include small files SoapUI tests for split and join in Bamboo plans
  • [EDELIVERY-6623] - Performance testing of Domibus 4.2 with Foreign Server in Taxud environment
  • [EDELIVERY-6781] - Upgrade JMockit framework
  • [EDELIVERY-6886] - Domibus should not use classes inside JDK package sun.*
  • [EDELIVERY-7007] - Add Evict-Cache method on Rest api
  • [EDELIVERY-7092] - Create Bamboo plan with DSS extension and UUMDS
  • [EDELIVERY-7106] - Upgrade alerts tests are not stable enough to be move to Bamboo plan
  • [EDELIVERY-7132] - Align mechanism with the rest of the plugins
  • [EDELIVERY-7139] - Prepare procedure for cleaning folders from git
  • [EDELIVERY-7141] - Update bamboo plans to use new domibus-test repository
  • [EDELIVERY-7142] - Domibus git repository cleanup
  • [EDELIVERY-7147] - ReliabilityChecker analize and implement ReceiptionAwareness or NRR found but not expected
  • [EDELIVERY-7270] - Encrypt the passwords in DSS extension
  • [EDELIVERY-7280] - Hibernate and Configuration entity issue when adding new temporal sub-entities
  • [EDELIVERY-7283] - Update all libraries to the latest version
  • [EDELIVERY-7285] - Add Bamboo plans for 5.0
  • [EDELIVERY-7366] - Improve the decoupling of the Domibus core from the plugin implementations
  • [EDELIVERY-7383] - Update library - Liquibase to the latest version
  • [EDELIVERY-7384] - Update library - Hibernate validator to the latest version
  • [EDELIVERY-7385] - Update library - commons-vfs2 to the latest version
  • [EDELIVERY-7390] - Update library - Apache cxf to the latest version
  • [EDELIVERY-7393] - Update library - org.reflections to the latest version
  • [EDELIVERY-7395] - Update library - activemq client to the latest version
  • [EDELIVERY-7396] - Update library - wss4j-ws-security and xmlsec to the latest version
  • [EDELIVERY-7401] - Update library - jaxb and related to the latest version
  • [EDELIVERY-7404] - Update library - Ehcache to 3.8.x version
  • [EDELIVERY-7409] - Tomcat IT tests - failing from time to time -
  • [EDELIVERY-7411] - FSPlugin test - inconsistent result on Bamboo
  • [EDELIVERY-7423] - Update library - Wildlfy 20 warning on guava new version
  • [EDELIVERY-7428] - Analyse offloading the SSL traffic to an external component
  • [EDELIVERY-7431] - Merge Dev to 5.0
  • [EDELIVERY-7437] - Clean expired error logs that are not linked to message ids
  • [EDELIVERY-7464] - Refactor IT tests which are using Thread.sleep()
  • [EDELIVERY-7515] - FSPlugin should check about domain location and throw friendly exception
  • [EDELIVERY-7553] - DomibusProperties API for Plugins mechanism get/set is not consistent because of Cacheable
  • [EDELIVERY-7555] - Refactor DSS refresh command
  • [EDELIVERY-7557] - Migration of ongoing messages from one database to a new database
  • [EDELIVERY-7598] - Add a new method on domainTaskExecutor: submitWithSecurityContext that preserves the sec context
  • [EDELIVERY-7610] - Refactor SetDomainFilter class to reuse getLoggedUser method from AuthenticationServiceBase
  • [EDELIVERY-7616] - Update Bamboo plans after 4.2 release
  • [EDELIVERY-7619] - Refactor soapui groovy scripts - after 4.2 - part 2
  • [EDELIVERY-7620] - Extend test guide project to include sending simple message to Weblogic and Wildfly using Jms
  • [EDELIVERY-7622] - Docker registry - Request job users and create wiki for the TO
  • [EDELIVERY-7625] - Run full Taxud scenario on Azure environment
  • [EDELIVERY-7627] - Upgrade OS on edelquality to latest OS version
  • [EDELIVERY-7632] - Evaluate the best way to test a clustered WL, Oracle and UUMDS setup
  • [EDELIVERY-7635] - Bamboo Mysql migration plans are failing since the merge of 5.0 to Dev
  • [EDELIVERY-7636] - Failed unit test from 2021
  • [EDELIVERY-7637] - weblogic deployment warnings in server log
  • [EDELIVERY-7639] - Table "SPRING_SESSION" not found error in build logs
  • [EDELIVERY-7641] - Bamboo Oracle + others migration plans should have failed since the merge of 5.0 to Dev
  • [EDELIVERY-7643] - Default WS Plugin: Possibility to implement PUSH - Performance issue get finalRecipient + OriginalSender
  • [EDELIVERY-7644] - Eliminate the use of Lazy injection of SignalService from DomibusCacheServiceImpl class
  • [EDELIVERY-7646] - FSPluginPropertiesIT should be the only one loading test
  • [EDELIVERY-7664] - Replace XStream library
  • [EDELIVERY-7667] - Fix Sonar issues
  • [EDELIVERY-7668] - Possibility to set the database schema version associated to the release
  • [EDELIVERY-7669] - Adapt the compatibility plan for 5.0
  • [EDELIVERY-7672] - Create new database structure
  • [EDELIVERY-7694] - Investigate EUCEG PROD issue
  • [EDELIVERY-7705] - Rest API to clear all caches expose to an external service
  • [EDELIVERY-7738] - Rename *Test classes to *IT
  • [EDELIVERY-7744] - Upgrade dss-utils libraries
  • [EDELIVERY-7746] - Bamboo plan Domibus Plugin compatibility need buildKey to be added
  • [EDELIVERY-7750] - Refactor soapui groovy scripts - after 4.2 - part 3
  • [EDELIVERY-7775] - Domibus Liquibase - refactoring and organize scripts
  • [EDELIVERY-7787] - Check the possibiliy to add maven-enforcer-plugin in order to sanitize project dependencies
  • [EDELIVERY-7793] - Error on OracleXE for WSPlugin table
  • [EDELIVERY-7799] - Investigate OWASP reported threats
  • [EDELIVERY-7802] - Implement offloading the SSL traffic when Domibus communicates with SMP
  • [EDELIVERY-7803] - Adapt the JPA entities to reflect the new database schema - part1
  • [EDELIVERY-7804] - Create a basic list of security tests for domibus.
  • [EDELIVERY-7812] - Missing property metadata for error log cleaner
  • [EDELIVERY-7828] - Data source switching exception in Domibus 4.1
  • [EDELIVERY-7832] - Create a basic list of security tests for domibus admin console.
  • [EDELIVERY-7833] - Implement the migration script from 4.2 to 5.0 - part 1
  • [EDELIVERY-7840] - Assign better names for indexes, foreign keys, etc in the liquibase scripts
  • [EDELIVERY-7843] - Implement integration tests for the retention worker
  • [EDELIVERY-7845] - Add missing remarks and remove self explanatory column remarks on the liquibase scripts
  • [EDELIVERY-7848] - Upgrade DSS to version 5.8
  • [EDELIVERY-7849] - Use UTC for now property defined in the SQL scripts
  • [EDELIVERY-7850] - Adapt the JPA entities to reflect the new database schema - part2
  • [EDELIVERY-7856] - Create functional tests for the retention worker
  • [EDELIVERY-7877] - Data migration script from 4.2 to 5.0 - TB_USER_MESSAGE and TB_SJ_ tables
  • [EDELIVERY-7878] - Data migration script from 4.2 to 5.0 - TB_RAWENVELOPE_LOG
  • [EDELIVERY-7879] - Data migration script from 4.2 to 5.0 - TB_MESSAGE_LOG, TB_SIGNAL_MESSAGE, TB_RECEIPT, TB_RECEIPT_DATA
  • [EDELIVERY-7892] - Implement the migration script from 4.2 to 5.0 - part 2
  • [EDELIVERY-7895] - Align azure environment with TAXUD environment
  • [EDELIVERY-7900] - Adapt the JPA entities to reflect the new database schema - part3
  • [EDELIVERY-7923] - Junit Mapper DomibusExtMapper & MonitoringMapper
  • [EDELIVERY-7927] - No warning when user have no roles
  • [EDELIVERY-7947] - Multihop analysis
  • [EDELIVERY-7948] - Adapt the JPA entities to reflect the new database schema - part4
  • [EDELIVERY-7969] - [URGENT] TimeZone issue
  • [EDELIVERY-7970] - Data migration script from 4.2 to 5.0 - integration with Liquibase
  • [EDELIVERY-7972] - Implement the mapper between jpa entities and ebms3 classes
  • [EDELIVERY-7973] - Fix DomibusCoreMapper following database schema refactoring - part 1
  • [EDELIVERY-7974] - [WSPLUGIN] GetNestedProperties is not first level only anymore
  • [EDELIVERY-7975] - Data migration script from 4.2 to 5.0 - TB_PART_INFO, TB_PROPERTY
  • [EDELIVERY-7977] - Mysql Database migration plans are failing
  • [EDELIVERY-7982] - Adapt the JPA entities to reflect the new database schema - part5
  • [EDELIVERY-8006] - Data migration script from 4.2 to 5.0 - TB_ERROR_LOG, TB_MESSAGE_ACKNW, TB_MESSAGE_ACKNW_PROP
  • [EDELIVERY-8011] - Use UTC for now property defined in the H2 SQL scripts
  • [EDELIVERY-8012] - Merge the development branch into domibus50 branch
  • [EDELIVERY-8013] - Merge the development branch into domibus50 branch
  • [EDELIVERY-8014] - Merge the development branch into domibus50 branch
  • [EDELIVERY-8015] - Merge the development branch into domibus50 branch
  • [EDELIVERY-8016] - Fix the sending of a UserMessage from C2 to C3
  • [EDELIVERY-8017] - Fix the receiving of a UserMessage from C3 to C2
  • [EDELIVERY-8018] - Merge the development branch into domibus50 branch
  • [EDELIVERY-8025] - Create automated tests in SoapUI for ext Domibus API - part 1
  • [EDELIVERY-8038] - Fix the sending and receiving for Split and Join
  • [EDELIVERY-8045] - Analyze the UTC_TIMESTAMP issue in Mysql8
  • [EDELIVERY-8046] - Add tasks in bamboo plan to run soapUI tests against new ws plugin.
  • [EDELIVERY-8047] - Merge the development branch into domibus50 branch
  • [EDELIVERY-8048] - Merge the development branch into domibus50 branch
  • [EDELIVERY-8049] - Merge the development branch into domibus50 branch
  • [EDELIVERY-8050] - Merge the development branch into domibus50 branch
  • [EDELIVERY-8051] - Refactor the integration tests architecture
  • [EDELIVERY-8052] - Failing tests must be ignored
  • [EDELIVERY-8055] - Investigate OWASP reported threats
  • [EDELIVERY-8056] - Merge the development branch into domibus50 branch
  • [EDELIVERY-8057] - Create Bamboo plan for domibus50 branch
  • [EDELIVERY-8062] - Create automated tests in SoapUI for ext Domibus API - part 2
  • [EDELIVERY-8065] - default boolean value Domibus property
  • [EDELIVERY-8067] - Database migration plans are failing
  • [EDELIVERY-8068] - MessageAcknowledgeConverter: call userMessage
  • [EDELIVERY-8069] - Core Queue name in api
  • [EDELIVERY-8073] - Investigate/fix OWASP reported threats (Angular)
  • [EDELIVERY-8083] - Merge EDELIVERY-7779 into domibus50 branch
  • [EDELIVERY-8084] - Fix the ErrorLog page (admin console)
  • [EDELIVERY-8085] - Fix the UserMessage download feature (admin console)
  • [EDELIVERY-8113] - Errors after IT tests are shutting down
  • [EDELIVERY-8116] - Merge DSS 5.8 into Domibus 5.0 branch
  • [EDELIVERY-8117] - Revert Authorization spi changes
  • [EDELIVERY-8118] - Fix the soapUI tests after Domibus DB updates in 5.0 releases.
  • [EDELIVERY-8119] - Improve performance of findFailedMessages and findSendEnqueuedMessages by removing left join on TB_PROPERTY table
  • [EDELIVERY-8124] - Investigate OWASP reported threats (Angular)
  • [EDELIVERY-8125] - Implement the migration script from 4.2 to 5.0 for MySQL- part 1
  • [EDELIVERY-8126] - Analyze how to adapt the SQL query used for eArchiving to unzip the payloads for sent messages
  • [EDELIVERY-8128] - Performance improvements when C2 sends messages - part 1
  • [EDELIVERY-8141] - Transform MessageLogInfoFilterTest & derivates into IT tests
  • [EDELIVERY-8160] - Update soapUI project for the new plugin implementation.
  • [EDELIVERY-8161] - Update security related soapUI tests.
  • [EDELIVERY-8165] - Fix failing Tomcat-Wildfly Docker Bamboo plan
  • [EDELIVERY-8166] - Merge 4.2.2 branch into domibus50 branch
  • [EDELIVERY-8176] - [SOAP UI] Investigation sending multipart
  • [EDELIVERY-8219] - Optimize pull locking - PoC with high number of messages in the JMS queue
  • [EDELIVERY-8224] - Change the Domibus plugin specification for pulling.
  • [EDELIVERY-8226] - Merge domibus50 into development
  • [EDELIVERY-8231] - Integrate the the override the default identity generator with MySQL identify generator
  • [EDELIVERY-8237] - Integrate POC for new hibernate sequence format into Domibus
  • [EDELIVERY-8242] - Make 5.0 work on automation
  • [EDELIVERY-8243] - Improve elastic search dashboard
  • [EDELIVERY-8244] - Investigate OWASP reported threats
  • [EDELIVERY-8245] - Document the received notifications in the default plugins
  • [EDELIVERY-8246] - Document all JMS queues + SO presentation
  • [EDELIVERY-8253] - Adapt soapUI tests to have seperate project files.
  • [EDELIVERY-8261] - OWASP report for Test module
  • [EDELIVERY-8265] - Write eArchiving solution document
  • [EDELIVERY-8274] - Estimate Taxud MoU proposal
  • [EDELIVERY-8275] - TAPAS | eArchiving requirements document analysis
  • [EDELIVERY-8282] - Implement downgrade procedure from 5.0 to 4.2.x
  • [EDELIVERY-8291] - Fix Bamboo plans
  • [EDELIVERY-8299] - Adapt soapUI project files for new/old ws plugins.
  • [EDELIVERY-8300] - Monitor bamboo plans and fix errors in case needed
  • [EDELIVERY-8320] - Adapt soapUI project files for new/old ws plugins: target manual test suites.
  • [EDELIVERY-8322] - Asses Domibus 4.2.2 performance in the automation environment
  • [EDELIVERY-8362] - Fix the vulnerabilities from the ZAP report
  • [EDELIVERY-8363] - Review eArchiving solution document following Taxud comments
  • [EDELIVERY-8378] - Update retention worker to delete partitions
  • [EDELIVERY-8379] - Update the MySql entity id generation to the same format as the oracle hibernate sequence.
  • [EDELIVERY-8380] - Change the queries used in the code to make use of the new format.
  • [EDELIVERY-8383] - LocalDateTime Should Always Use UTC Timezone When Converting to Date
  • [EDELIVERY-8384] - Fix failing Bamboo plans following database refactoring
  • [EDELIVERY-8387] - Investigate pending issues for bamboo plans.
  • [EDELIVERY-8400] - Refactor ErrorLogDao
  • [EDELIVERY-8401] - Automation - Add weblogic monitoring
  • [EDELIVERY-8402] - Performance baseline for Domibus 5.0
  • [EDELIVERY-8403] - Merge 4.2.3 into development
  • [EDELIVERY-8426] - [TOMCAT] ehcache warnings
  • [EDELIVERY-8430] - eArchiving: possibility to create the EARK-SIP batch folder structure - part 1
  • [EDELIVERY-8431] - Support for EUCEG
  • [EDELIVERY-8432] - Refactor Domibus sending mechanism to use small transactions
  • [EDELIVERY-8435] - eArchiving: possibility to create the METS.xml manifest file
  • [EDELIVERY-8440] - Adapt server configuration files to remove eDeliveryDs XA transaction
  • [EDELIVERY-8441] - Migration of Primary Keys From the v4.2.x Format to the New v5.0 Format - part 1
  • [EDELIVERY-8443] - FileStorage: refactor to reuse the VFS in eArchiving functionality
  • [EDELIVERY-8444] - Implement downgrade procedure from 5.0 to 4.2.x
  • [EDELIVERY-8445] - Performance baseline for Domibus 5.0 with higher disk IO - part 1
  • [EDELIVERY-8448] - Move the Domibus properties from the the configuration file into the database - part 1
  • [EDELIVERY-8449] - eArchiving: possibility to create the EARK-SIP batch folder structure - part 2
  • [EDELIVERY-8450] - eArchiving: implement the continuous export mechanism - part 1
  • [EDELIVERY-8451] - eArchiving: implement the Domibus REST interface - part 1
  • [EDELIVERY-8452] - Refactor Domibus sending mechanism to use small transactions - part 2
  • [EDELIVERY-8459] - Upgrade OpenApi version to 3.0.1 and use the lates swagger tools (libs and plugins)
  • [EDELIVERY-8468] - Investigate the possiblity to use of zapp tool for security tests.
  • [EDELIVERY-8471] - Automation - Add weblogic monitoring
  • [EDELIVERY-8475] - Some of the ws-plugin properties should be 'domain' properties
  • [EDELIVERY-8487] - eArchiving: implement the continuous export mechanism - part 2
  • [EDELIVERY-8488] - Move the Domibus properties from the the configuration file into the database - part 2
  • [EDELIVERY-8489] - eArchiving: implement the logic behind the Domibus REST interface - part 1
  • [EDELIVERY-8491] - Performance baseline for Domibus 5.0 and Domibus 4.2.4
  • [EDELIVERY-8492] - Create ICD for the old WS Plugin
  • [EDELIVERY-8493] - Refactor Domibus sending mechanism to use small transactions - part 3
  • [EDELIVERY-8494] - eArchiving: load testing of the continuous export mechanism on local environment
  • [EDELIVERY-8498] - Modify the Bamboo plans to use the new multitenancy configuration structure
  • [EDELIVERY-8499] - Investigate the impact of adapting the TAPAS specific configuration
  • [EDELIVERY-8504] - Perform stress test on 4.2.4 on loaded db as asked by TAXUD
  • [EDELIVERY-8513] - Test if a rolling upgrade is possible in WebLogic cluster
  • [EDELIVERY-8514] - TomcatIT tests failing
  • [EDELIVERY-8519] - Make the jms pull plugin backward compatible for TAPAS
  • [EDELIVERY-8521] - Implement/test the retention mechanism with multitenancy
  • [EDELIVERY-8522] - Test Domibus 5.0 snapshot with enhanced transactions on the sending side.
  • [EDELIVERY-8525] - Upgrade libraries to the latest version
  • [EDELIVERY-8526] - Messages should be deleted only by the retention worker
  • [EDELIVERY-8527] - Possibility to add a new domain without downtime - part1
  • [EDELIVERY-8529] - REST endpoint to mark messages as DELETED
  • [EDELIVERY-8530] - Refactor Domibus receiving mechanism to use small transactions - part 1
  • [EDELIVERY-8551] - eArchiving: Implementation of the eAchive rest api-client/servlet example
  • [EDELIVERY-8554] - Sometimes, domibus weblogic cluster deployed on docker fails to start properly.
  • [EDELIVERY-8568] - Possibility to add a new domain without downtime - part 2
  • [EDELIVERY-8574] - Start prepare test cases for earchiving feature.
  • [EDELIVERY-8575] - Progress on security tests.
  • [EDELIVERY-8578] - eArchiving: clear exported files after the notification from the archiving client
  • [EDELIVERY-8579] - Refactor Domibus receiving mechanism to use small transactions - part 2
  • [EDELIVERY-8583] - eArchiving: Sanitizer
  • [EDELIVERY-8585] - eArchiving: batch.json
  • [EDELIVERY-8588] - Improve Swagger distribution
  • [EDELIVERY-8592] - WildFly startup error when upgrading Spring
  • [EDELIVERY-8608] - Create Webhook Rest API module for eArchiving in Domibus
  • [EDELIVERY-8611] - Move tests automated for local run to the bamboo test suite - Part 1
  • [EDELIVERY-8612] - Perform round tripping test for Maarten
  • [EDELIVERY-8615] - eArchiving: implement the continuous export mechanism - part 3
  • [EDELIVERY-8616] - Explore feature and create simplest tests for eArchiving
  • [EDELIVERY-8621] - Merge 4.2.5 changes in 4.2.6 and development branches
  • [EDELIVERY-8622] - Refactor Domibus receiving mechanism to use small transactions - part 3
  • [EDELIVERY-8623] - eArchiving: create bamboo-docker with example integration tests
  • [EDELIVERY-8637] - eArchiving: simplify with messageId in Table Batch_UM
  • [EDELIVERY-8648] - Analyze licensing of libraries in Domibus
  • [EDELIVERY-8653] - Create azure C2 with Oracle and Weblogic.
  • [EDELIVERY-8655] - Zip raw envelopes before saving to database
  • [EDELIVERY-8659] - Progress in writing functional eArchiving test cases
  • [EDELIVERY-8660] - Prepare the eArchiving testing startegy for the configuration and data preparation.
  • [EDELIVERY-8678] - Exported batch enahncement
  • [EDELIVERY-8679] - Migration of Values for Columns that Have Become Not Nullable in 5.0
  • [EDELIVERY-8696] - [Multitenancy] Migration of Primary Keys From the v4.2.x Format to the New v5.0 Format - part 3
  • [EDELIVERY-8703] - [UI] Update the Messages page to show the default search interval
  • [EDELIVERY-8704] - Migration script to compress envelopes in the database
  • [EDELIVERY-8707] - Client for easy way to prepare test data in Domibus:
  • [EDELIVERY-8712] - Analyze the security report
  • [EDELIVERY-8713] - Run performance tests for Domibus 5.0
  • [EDELIVERY-8715] - eArchiving: add batchId to /ext/archive/batches/exported
  • [EDELIVERY-8731] - UI property update
  • [EDELIVERY-8738] - Review eArchiving proposal document following changes in the implementation
  • [EDELIVERY-8739] - Improve code coverage
  • [EDELIVERY-8741] - Investigate high memory consumption for large files
  • [EDELIVERY-8746] - Create REST endpoint to create plugin users using plugin admin user
  • [EDELIVERY-8751] - Rolling upgrade of Domibus to a new version produces error
  • [EDELIVERY-8818] - Run performance tests for Domibus 5.0
  • [EDELIVERY-8819] - Implement end to end test in Bamboo for earchiving
  • [EDELIVERY-8822] - Merge 4.2.6 into development
  • [EDELIVERY-8824] - Adapt/align docker to cope with the new user creation process.
  • [EDELIVERY-8827] - Test eArchiving feature.
  • [EDELIVERY-8839] - Specify that the continuous export date is rounded to hours.
  • [EDELIVERY-8845] - Analyze and provide feedback to Taxud raised issue regardin the migration scripts
  • [EDELIVERY-8876] - Support for certificate policy check on dynamic discovery
  • [EDELIVERY-8879] - Run performance tests for Domibus 5.0
  • [EDELIVERY-8891] - IT test for the quartz start/pause/resume features from DomibusQuartzStarter/DomibusSchedulerExtService
  • [EDELIVERY-8892] - Fix the ignored unit tests
  • [EDELIVERY-8893] - Check that the reply to the EO is working fine between DB schemas
  • [EDELIVERY-8894] - Check that the migration of messages from 4.2 to 5.0 can be done on a live Domibus instance
  • [EDELIVERY-8895] - Check the SQL scripts of the migration procedure
  • [EDELIVERY-8912] - Message retention mechanism with stored procedure should be deleted
  • [EDELIVERY-8918] - Failing ignored tests must be fixed and re-enabled - part 1
  • [EDELIVERY-8935] - Merge 4.2.7 into development
  • [EDELIVERY-8936] - Run performance tests for Domibus 5.0
  • [EDELIVERY-8937] - All libraries should be migrated to the latest version
  • [EDELIVERY-8940] - Oracle job to create partitions
  • [EDELIVERY-8971] - CacheExtResourceIT should not use mocks
  • [EDELIVERY-8983] - Tests maintenance activities.
  • [EDELIVERY-8992] - Failing ignored tests must be fixed and re-enabled - part 2
  • [EDELIVERY-9007] - EDelivery Platform migration - new URL with "digital-building-blocks".
  • [EDELIVERY-5544] - Admin console user can move message to same Jms queue
  • [EDELIVERY-6182] - Session IDs stored in cookies shall have the "Secure" flag set to TRUE
  • [EDELIVERY-6183] - Session IDs stored in cookies should have the domain attribute blank
  • [EDELIVERY-6185] - Only accept cookies as a means for session ID exchange management
  • [EDELIVERY-6186] - Session idle timeouts
  • [EDELIVERY-6189] - The HSTS header should be pre-loaded into browsers
  • [EDELIVERY-6191] - The X-Frame-Options header shall be used
  • [EDELIVERY-6609] - Eliminate the use of Lazy injection/applicationContext.getBean in domibus property management.
  • [EDELIVERY-7374] - Non-XA switch for 3 servers: Tomcat, WildFly and WebLogic
  • [EDELIVERY-7375] - Refactoring the database to include the performance optimizations
  • [EDELIVERY-7376] - Fix the UI due to the impact of refactoring the database
  • [EDELIVERY-7410] - Decouple Jaxb annotations from the Jpa annotation for the ebms3 classes - part 1
  • [EDELIVERY-7426] - Change the truststore location, type and password in tandem.
  • [EDELIVERY-7427] - Truststore Backup
  • [EDELIVERY-7435] - Domibus proxy password should be able to change the at runtime
  • [EDELIVERY-7439] - Prefer Startup Server Parameters to Modifying the File
  • [EDELIVERY-7445] - Non-XA switch for 3 servers: Tomcat, WildFly and WebLogic - part 1
  • [EDELIVERY-7447] - Create new version of Domibus WS Plugin
  • [EDELIVERY-7475] - Default WS Plugin: Possibility to implement PUSH - enable/disable property
  • [EDELIVERY-7476] - Default WS Plugin: Possibility to implement PUSH - reschedule worker
  • [EDELIVERY-7477] - Default WS Plugin: Possibility to implement PUSH - Implement Submit message for C4
  • [EDELIVERY-7478] - Default WS Plugin: Possibility to implement PUSH - use JMS queue
  • [EDELIVERY-7479] - Default WS Plugin: Possibility to implement PUSH - send Alert in case of failure
  • [EDELIVERY-7480] - Default WS Plugin: Possibility to implement PUSH - retry
  • [EDELIVERY-7495] - Default WS Plugin: Possibility to implement PUSH - Change Message Status
  • [EDELIVERY-7510] - Split SuperUserManagementService class in 2 classes
  • [EDELIVERY-7521] - Some properties should be excluded from validations because it could lead to situations where user cannot update properties anymore
  • [EDELIVERY-7547] - Set the security context in the base class of Job classes
  • [EDELIVERY-7567] - Package javax.xml.* not available in OpenJDK. Find alternative
  • [EDELIVERY-7618] - [UI] search fields should remove spaces
  • [EDELIVERY-7670] - Disable autocommit in hibernate and disable aggressive release
  • [EDELIVERY-7677] - Display Service and Action information in the Domibus Admin console.
  • [EDELIVERY-7680] - Default WS Plugin: Possibility to implement PUSH - update ICD wsPlugin
  • [EDELIVERY-7783] - DomainCoreDefaultConverter should be removed
  • [EDELIVERY-7824] - FS Plugin should use only MT for multiple tenants
  • [EDELIVERY-7826] - FS Plugin: a tenant should have the option to optout
  • [EDELIVERY-7829] - DomainExtConverter/DomainExtDefaultConverter should be removed
  • [EDELIVERY-7847] - Non-XA switch for 3 servers: Tomcat, WildFly and WebLogic - part 2
  • [EDELIVERY-7851] - Hibernate transaction isolation default value
  • [EDELIVERY-7852] - Investigate if the hibernate sequence should be scalable
  • [EDELIVERY-7863] - FS Plugin - remove decryption service calls
  • [EDELIVERY-7881] - We should not use interfaces for defining Constants
  • [EDELIVERY-7903] - hibernate.jdbc.fetch_size should configurable
  • [EDELIVERY-7937] - Remove Joda Time Dependency
  • [EDELIVERY-7976] - Possibility to override the default identity generator with MySQL identify generator
  • [EDELIVERY-8077] - Activate second level cache for all dictionary entities
  • [EDELIVERY-8167] - Fix the UI due to the impact of refactoring the database - part 1
  • [EDELIVERY-8225] - Integrate hibernate.jdbc.fetch_size into domibus50
  • [EDELIVERY-8376] - JMSPlugin: use a qualifier when injecting jndi destination resolver
  • [EDELIVERY-8647] - Possibility to change the keystore without having to manually modify the db data
  • [EDELIVERY-8768] - PMode validation: we shouldn't accept invalid signatureMethod values
  • [EDELIVERY-8841] - Response message in case batch ID does not existe can be improved.
  • [EDELIVERY-8860] - Display the failed batches in the response of the request "history of exported batches"
  • [EDELIVERY-8862] - Response message in case batch ID does not existe can be improved (manual export request).
  • [EDELIVERY-8942] - List queued export request specific filter response.
  • [EDELIVERY-8976] - Domain selector dropdown should have "default" domain as first option and the rest to be sorted alphabetically
  • [EDELIVERY-9016] - No indication that keystore was successfully reloaded.
  • [EDELIVERY-9055] - Change to SHA-256 algorithm fot certificate fingerprints
  • EDELIVERY-6948] - Internal Xerces class used
  • [EDELIVERY-7270] - Encrypt the passwords in DSS extension
  • [EDELIVERY-7280] - Hibernate and Configuration entity issue when adding new temporal sub-entities
  • [EDELIVERY-7610] - Refactor SetDomainFilter class to reuse getLoggedUser method from AuthenticationServiceBase
  • [EDELIVERY-7620] - Extend test guide project to include sending simple message to Weblogic and Wildfly using Jms
  • [EDELIVERY-7744] - Upgrade dss-utils libraries
  • [EDELIVERY-7750] - Refactor soapui groovy scripts - after 4.2 - part 3
  • [EDELIVERY-7834] - Implement the scripts from scratch for the UI replication tables
  • [EDELIVERY-7971] - Edelquality plans: Roles are not checked by default
  • [EDELIVERY-8119] - Improve performance of findFailedMessages and findSendEnqueuedMessages by removing left join on TB_PROPERTY table
  • [EDELIVERY-8427] - [WILDFLY] jar does not point to a valid jar for a Class-Path reference.
  • [EDELIVERY-8602] - Migration of Primary Keys From the v4.2.x Format to the New v5.0 Format - part 2
  • [EDELIVERY-8654] - Zip payloads before saving to database/file system
  • [EDELIVERY-8679] - Migration of Values for Columns that Have Become Not Nullable in 5.0
  • [EDELIVERY-8824] - Adapt/align docker to cope with the new user creation process.
  • [EDELIVERY-8846] - Migration scripts for ongoing messages between 5.0 and 5.0
  • [EDELIVERY-8892] - Fix the ignored unit tests
  • [EDELIVERY-8894] - Check that the migration of messages from 4.2 to 5.0 can be done on a live Domibus instance
  • [EDELIVERY-8923] - Update DB upgrade instructions
  • [EDELIVERY-8955] - Add task scheduler to the backendJmsListenerContainerFactory bean
  • [EDELIVERY-8986] - Migration scripts for ongoing messages between 5.0 and 5.0
  • [EDELIVERY-8992] - Failing ignored tests must be fixed and re-enabled - part 2
  • [EDELIVERY-9007] - EDelivery Platform migration - new URL with "digital-building-blocks".
  • [EDELIVERY-9013] - Update the domibus test guide doucment for the 5.0 release.
  • [EDELIVERY-9026] - Upgrade Tomcat and Wildfly version in Domibus 5.0 and define upgrade procedure for older versions using the distribution
  • [EDELIVERY-9039] - Upgrade cxf, wss4j and xmlsec to the latest version
  • [EDELIVERY-9040] - Domibus 5.0 documentation update
  • [EDELIVERY-9085] - Fix the links pointing to the old cefdigital website
  • [EDELIVERY-9086] - Migration scripts ongoing messages between 5.0 and 5.0 for new 5.0 tables - Split & Join / eArchiving / WS Plugin Message Log
  • [EDELIVERY-9089] - Update Tomcat and Wildfly versions in docker
  • [EDELIVERY-9099] - Trigger alert when partitions are not properly created in advance
  • [EDELIVERY-9100] - Integrate the basic message exchange tests of taxud to a bamboo plan.
  • [EDELIVERY-9263] - Adapt the retry worker to run less frequently
  • [EDELIVERY-9313] - Update ActiveMQ to the latest version
  • [EDELIVERY-8656] - eArchiving: improve data in the notifications sent to the earchiving client
  • [EDELIVERY-9009] - Log error when specific jms properties are null.
  • [EDELIVERY-9010] - When message is not found in payload download rest request, 400 is returned.
  • [EDELIVERY-9023] - Partition logs are not clear.
  • [EDELIVERY-9034] - User should be permited to add certificate even if all certificates have been deleted from TLS Trustore page
  • [EDELIVERY-9060] - Move the Lazy annotation in a better place in FsPlugin
  • [EDELIVERY-9071] - Domibus property for the default value of the recent parameter drop-down
  • [EDELIVERY-9083] - Please confirm that warning about different number of records for MIGR_TB_MESSAGE_PROPERTIES and TB_PROPERTY is not an issue
  • [EDELIVERY-9119] - Http error code for ressource /ext/monitoring/messages/delete in case plugin user is not authorized.
  • [EDELIVERY-9184] - WS Plugin Backend: Push notification log cxf
  • [EDELIVERY-9381] - Description of property domibus.quartz.trigger.blocked.duration can be improved
  • [EDELIVERY-9390] - TLS trustore changes in the Audit page should list a valid db ID

Known issues and limitations

  • [EDELIVERY-2608] - Unable to use Admin Console in IE (not EDGE)
  • [EDELIVERY-3250] - Improve sending a message to the same Access Point
  • [EDELIVERY-9394] - Domibus not loading rest controllers defined in plugins
  • [EDELIVERY-9692] - Data migration script from 4.2.9 to 5.0 fails on Oracle 12c
  • [EDELIVERY-10036]  - Missing messages on message log page after 5.0 data migration
  • [EDELIVERY-10460]  - Reload key issue: due to a caching issue in the reload keystore functionality, Domibus requires restart when changing the keystore.

For more information, please contact us via our portal or by e-mail: