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European Commission Digital

DSS v5.5

Download DSS v5.5

Here, you can download the latest version of the Digital Signature Services open-source library released in October 2019. You can read more about DSS and how it can help you here.

Source code is available in .zip and tar.gz

Release note

Bug / Issue

  • [DSS-1756] - Incorrect signing algorithm in diagnostic time stamp basic signature
  • [DSS-1765] - XAdES level T with a self-signed certificate ends with an error in 5.5.RC1
  • [DSS-1766] - PAdES : possibility to deleguate the CMS creation
  • [DSS-1767] - JdbcRevocationSource - drop table not working
  • [DSS-1768] - PLAIN-ECDSA Cryptographic check fails...
  • [DSS-1770] - Enveloped XaDES scope validation issue
  • [DSS-1788] - XAdES: PublicKey only validation is not handled correctly
  • [DSS-1789] - Cannot sign DocumentDigest with CAdES Baseline LT ou LTA
  • [DSS-1791] - Handling of unknown key sizes (algorithm expiration date not found)
  • [DSS-1801] - ETSI VR misspelled SignatureValidationProcessID URI
  • [DSS-1803] - Standalone demostration app error configuring mock TSA keystore
  • [DSS-1804] - Rootfile attribute missing when a new ASiCArchiveManifest is added to ASIC-E with CAdES container
  • [DSS-1805] - ASiC-E: Adding the revocation data for a previous ArchiveTimeStamp modifies the CAdES signature file
  • [DSS-1807] - ETSI VR Certificate Chain - Intermediate certificate
  • [DSS-1811] - XAdES : incorrect digest algorithm used for detached references (DigestDocument)