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European Commission Digital

DSS v4.6.0

This page collects the Digital Signature Service v.4.6.0, released in March 2016. 

Download DSS v4.6.0


The release contains :

  • Bundle for demonstration
  • Source code

  1. Source code is located at Contributions can be proposed at

  2. The artefacts are published on both Joinup DSS project page and Joinup Maven repository

  3. Issues, bugs or feature requests can be submitted at More information on

  4. A demonstration web application for signing a document and verifying a signature can be found at

Release Notes


  • [DSS-642] - CAdES countersignature doesn't work
  • [DSS-684] - Cades archive-time-stamp-v3 not properly created
  • [DSS-693] - Migration of validation policy edition screens
  • [DSS-718] - Expose signature methods as REST service


  • [DSS-714] - Without signing certificate expiration check, signatures signed clearly after certificate expiration still validate successfully
  • [DSS-727] - Validation of CAdES countersignatures fail
  • [DSS-728] - The signature policy is not validated because expects ASN1
  • [DSS-729] - Error extending CAdES with 2 signatures to LTA
  • [DSS-732] - The demo application validates documents before TSL loading has finished
  • [DSS-733] - PKCS#11 EC Encryption leading to DSSException
  • [DSS-738] - ASiC files created with a digest algorithm different than SHA-256 fail validation
  • [DSS-740] - The demo application discards existing certpool cache when reloading tsl
  • [DSS-741] - PKCS11SignatureToken bug when space in the file path
  • [DSS-750] - XAdES : problem with SignaturePolicySpuri
  • [DSS-761] - Schema validation errors after extending signature to XAdES-C
  • [DSS-766] - Possibly wrong element places in XML.
  • [DSS-767] - XAdES : Invalid level LT detection
  • [DSS-768] - An error occurred ! org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; lineNumber: 11; columnNumber: 23; The reference to entity "FD2" must end with the ';' delimiter.
  • [DSS-771] - jnlp Unable to load resource
  • [DSS-777] - XAdES and PKCS12
  • [DSS-796] - Unable to generate ASiC-E containers using the standalone application
  • [DSS-802] - PAdES validation report in Adobe Reader
  • [DSS-809] - Handle OCSP revocation when reason is not given
  • [DSS-810] - Wrong XAdES SPURI recognition
  • [DSS-811] - CommonDataLoader : wrong timeout parameter
  • [DSS-812] - ASiC : set encryption algorithm
  • [DSS-813] - ASiC : wrong signatureFilename parameter usage

New Feature

  • [DSS-679] - https (with mutal authentication) timestamping support
  • [DSS-746] - Standalone application


  • [DSS-690] - Light applet
  • [DSS-709] - XAdES : support digest signing
  • [DSS-717] - TrustedListsCertificateSource: setLotlCertificate() to support multiple certificates
  • [DSS-722] - Demo : allow to generate ASiC signature with CAdES as underlying format
  • [DSS-723] - Demo : Separate the "TSL signature" as a new complete option
  • [DSS-724] - Demo : Signature policy values input is confusing
  • [DSS-725] - Demo : Packaging selection in the augmentation process
  • [DSS-748] - Improve dss-cookbook
  • [DSS-757] - Unable To sign and verify large file
eSignature standards
Digital Signature Services (DSS)
ETSI Signature Conformance Checker
eSignature Service Desk
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