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European Commission Digital

DSS v4.6 RC2

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DSS v4.6 RC2

This page collects the Digital Signature Service v.4.6 RC2, released in March 2016. 

Download DSS v4.6 RC2


The release contains :

  • Bundle for demonstration
  • Source code

  1. Source code is located at Contributions can be proposed at
  2. The artefacts are published on both Joinup DSS project page and Joinup Maven repository
  3. Issues, bugs or feature requests can be submitted at More information on
  4. A demonstration web application for signing a document and verifying a signature can be found at

Release Notes


  • [DSS-771] - jnlp Unable to load resource
  • [DSS-777] - XAdES and PKCS12
  • [DSS-796] - Unable to generate ASiC-E containers using the standalone application
  • [DSS-802] - PAdES validation report in Adobe Reader
  • [DSS-809] - Handle OCSP revocation when reason is not given
  • [DSS-810] - Wrong XAdES SPURI recognition
  • [DSS-811] - CommonDataLoader : wrong timeout parameter
  • [DSS-812] - ASiC : set encryption algorithm
  • [DSS-813] - ASiC : wrong signatureFilename parameter usage
eSignature standards
Digital Signature Services (DSS)
ETSI Signature Conformance Checker
eSignature Service Desk
What is an electronic signature?
Start using DSS
Apply for eSignature grants