
European Commission Digital

Domibus 5.1.2 released on 21 December

Domibus, eDelivery’s sample AS4 Access Point implementation, received an update on 21 December. The release 5.1.2 marks a minor yet significant enhancement to the 5.1.x product line.

Domibus 5.1.2 maintains backward compatibility with version 5.1, which ensures a seamless integration for current users. While upgrading to this last version is not mandatory, it is strongly recommended. And our recommendation stems from the continuous effort to refine Domibus and to guarantee you benefit from its latest advancements.

Key features of Domibus 5.1.2:

  • Improved HQL query performance: The update optimises HQL queries by eliminating unnecessary cross joins, resulting in enhanced overall performance.
  • Flexible truststore updates: Users can now update the truststore with varying types and passwords, increasing adaptability.
  • Upgraded libraries: This version includes library upgrades to mitigate known vulnerabilities, enhancing system security.
  • Robust dynamic discovery: Enhancements in the dynamic discovery process contribute to a more stable and reliable operation.

Please note that, starting in the preceding version 5.1.1, we have enhanced the way of handling database upgrade scripts. These scripts play a crucial role in facilitating smooth version transitions. We have improved the process of identifying the correct scripts for better clarity and efficiency. The upgrade scripts now operate independently from Domibus releases, with their own lifecycle and versioning. 

On top of the enhancements, version 5.1.2 addresses a vulnerability in ActiveMQ. For detailed information on this security aspect, please refer to our guide.

For all changes introduced in the latest release, see Domibus 5.1.2.

And if you are interested in what we are preparing in Domibus 5.2, and for a summary of Domibus updates in 2023, please see

The eDelivery Building Block   

eDelivery is a building block that provides technical specifications and standards, installable software and ancillary services to allow projects to create a network of nodes for secure digital data exchange. 

Stay tuned for the latest updates on eDelivery services by checking the Building Block's X and web page. For more information, do not hesitate to register for personalised news or contact us via our portal or by e-mail:

Connect and learn: Join eDelivery events in 2024

The eDelivery calendar for 2024 year is packed with opportunities to learn and to connect! Read on for an overview of the events planned for the next year. You can sign up straight away to be informed about them here.

Of course, we will continue our long-standing community events, the eDelivery interoperability Forum and the eDelivery Informal Cooperation Network meetings.

The eDelivery Interoperability Forum is a platform for software and service vendors to connect with the eDelivery team and to exchange ideas, ensuring that products using eDelivery are interoperable! For this reason, a close exchange with private-sector eDelivery solutions is invaluable. Topics that will be following us through 2024 will range from discussing the interoperability of the eDelivery AS4 2.0 and SMP 2.0 specifications, the finalisation of how we present and promote conformant solutions and many more. Apart from the network meetings on 29 February, 18 April and 24 October 2024, there will also be an interoperability event (read here), so keep your eyes peeled for updates! Sign up to become a member of the network and receive the calendar invitations if you think joining these conversations would benefit you and us!

The eDelivery Informal Cooperation Network provides an opportunity for Member States to connect and get the latest policy updates. Members of the Network are closely involved with the implementation of eDelivery projects at national level and can therefore serve as contact points for eDelivery implementations in their country. We are looking forward to have meetings with eDelivery ICN members on 15 May (remote) and 26 November (remote) 2024. We are still adding members to the network – if you think you should be part of it, please register here.

In 2024 the eDelivery team will provide a wealth of learning opportunities for everyone to join!

For the more implementation-minded (soon-to-be) users of eDelivery, there will be webinars and additional how-to videos published providing in-depth insights and useable knowledge.

The eDelivery team will present the latest upgrades and functionalities of the Commission’s sample implementation of eDelivery in the form of instructional how-to videos. The first one will be available as soon as 19 March, expanding on the use and possibilities of DomiSMP 4.2. The second how-to video will provide you with a chance to learn about new features of Domibus 5.1 and 5.2 and it will be available in the Q4 2024.

This year's webinars will talk about what is possible with Dynamic Discovery on 26 September and you will have the opportunity to learn about eDelivery Trust Models in depth in 2025.

You are thinking about using eDelivery? Join our Value Proposition Webinar to find out about other users’ experience! 

Owing to the success of the previous Value Proposition Webinar, in which people shared their experience of using eDelivery to power large digital ecosystems, we will have a second Value Proposition Webinar on 12 December. This time it will be Member States sharing their experience of using eDelivery from a national perspective!  


We are very much looking forward to connecting with you and sharing information over the course of 2024. If you are looking for further learning opportunities, we recommend browsing our website and also having a look at the recordings of previous webinars. 

Please note that the calendar for 2024 is subject to change.  

Stay tuned for the latest updates on eDelivery services by checking the Building Block's X and web page. For more information, do not hesitate to register for personalised news or contact us via our portal or by e-mail:

The eDelivery Building Block  

eDelivery is a building block that provides technical specifications and standards, installable software and ancillary services to allow projects to create a network of nodes for secure digital data exchange.  

Domibus is the sample software provided by the European Commission to implement an eDelivery AS4 Access Point for the interoperable, secure and reliable data exchange. It is based on the eDelivery AS4 profile, an open technical specification for the secure, web-based, payload-agnostic exchange of data or documents.   

DomiSMP is the sample software provided by the European Commission to implement an eDelivery Service Metadata Publisher for publishing and retrieving data necessary for an eDelivery party to dynamically configure its system for message exchange with counterparties using eDelivery. It is based on the  eDelivery SMP profile, an open technical specification for publishing service metadata within a 4-corner network.   

DomiSMLis the sample software provided by the European Commission to implement an eDelivery Service Metadata Locator for an eDelivery party to discover the URLs of other counterparties using eDelivery Access Points and their corresponding metadata. It is based on the eDelivery BDXL profile, an open technical specification for locating Access Points within a network, and on the PEPPOL SML Specification, a technical specification defining a BDXL administration API.   

Update your eDelivery bookmarks: new links now live 


The eDelivery team would like to share some important updates about our website resources.

What's new?

We have made some changes to our website links. While some recent links may redirect you to the new addresses, older ones might not work anymore. But no worries, we have got you covered! 

What does this mean for you?

This means it is time to update your bookmarks. We understand that this might be a bit inconvenient, and we apologise for any confusion caused. However, we assure you that this change is a step forward in making our online website more efficient and user-friendly.  

Next steps

We encourage you to start using the new links, which we have listed below. These will take you directly to the eDelivery resources you may already know. Please note that we will not be using the old links anymore, so it is important to make the switch. 

eDelivery homepage: 

eDelivery news (brings you information on what the eDelivery team is building, releasing and promoting):

eDelivery knowledge base (learn about best practices and address common problems):

eDelivery User Community (lets stakeholders share experiences and best practices on digital data exchange):  

eDelivery Support (EU Login required to browser and create tickets):  

eDelivery Governance (includes Operational Management Board monthly reports & consultation resources): 

We are here for you

We understand that changes like these can be unsettling, but we want to reassure you that this decision was necessary for us to continue providing you with the best possible service. We kindly ask for your understanding and cooperation during this transition.

We are committed to making this transition as smooth as possible for our eDelivery community. Stay tuned for the latest updates on eDelivery services by checking the Building Block's X and web page. For more information, do not hesitate to register for personalised news or contact us via our portal or by e-mail:

Save the date for an Interoperability Event on updated eDelivery AS4 profile specifications

The eDelivery team is happy to announce an interoperability event in June 2024, the date of which will be confirmed soon. This is an opportunity for participants – software vendors and service providers – to test their (proof of concept) implementation of the message exchange in the AS4 profile version 2.0 using the new cryptography.

Why this event matters

The eDelivery's AS4 profile is a standard for secure and reliable data exchange over the internet, used by public and private organisations to transmit electronic documents and data. It ensures that information is sent and received accurately and securely.

In its new version, the profile replaces RSA with Ed25519 (or, alternatively, EDDSA) and key transport with key exchange. Section "Message Encryption" provides updated technical specifications for the message’s security header, with instructions for the sending and receiving AS4 MSH.

Before this new version is adopted as final, it is important for the updated message exchange specifications to be validated in implementations. This event will provide a platform to do so via direct testing among different implementations.

Although the update contains further changes, it is only the message exchange changes that are subject to validation during the event.

Who should be interested? 

eDelivery AS4-conformant solution providers should take note. This event is an opportunity for them to validate their (proof of concept) solutions, participate in joint learning and gain exposure.

Moreover, it is a unique opportunity to contribute to the finalisation of the AS4 profile 2.0 specifications.

This event is not of interest for current or prospective users of eDelivery who do not also create software (or services) that implement the eDelivery specifications as it will be exclusively dedicated to testing. 

What to expect  

The interoperability event will most likely be co-organised with the European Network for Transmission System Operators for Gas (ENTSOG), who are preparing an AS4 profile update with similar cryptography changes. More details will follow in early 2024.

We plan to feature a limited interoperability test of the new profile version, involving scenarios like one-way push exchanges with valid signing and encryption keys. Configuration details and test scenarios will be prepared and shared in advance.

Getting ready 

To be part of this event, we encourage interested parties to prepare their (proof of concept) implementations in line with our revised 2.0 draft specifications, due to be released at the end of January 2024.

We will share the link to the revised specifications as soon as they are available.

This preparation will give all participants a head start in adopting the updated AS4 profile.

Save the date! 

While the exact date in June 2024 is yet to be announced, we invite you to plan your implementations come February 2024. This event is not only a chance to test and validate your solutions but also a platform to connect with peers.

You can express your interest to participate by writing to us at

Stay tuned for more details and let us make this event a milestone in the journey of eDelivery!

The eDelivery Building Block

eDelivery is a building block that provides technical specifications and standards, installable software, and ancillary services to allow projects to create a network of nodes for secure digital data exchange. 

Stay tuned for the latest updates on eDelivery services by checking the Building Block's X and web page. For more information, do not hesitate to register for personalised news or contact us via our portal or by e-mail: 

Enhanced security & user experience with recent eDelivery product updates

eDelivery sample products have evolved a lot in 2023. In our quest for better serving our users, here's a summary of the recent developments in the eDelivery product suite. 

Domibus: making upgrades & operations safer

Domibus is currently on version 5.1.1 for the 5.1.x product line and on version 5.0.7 for the 5.0.x product line. Expected to release version 5.2 in Q2 2024 and 6.0 in Q2 2025. A minor version 5.1.2 is planned for 18 December 2023.

Starting with Domibus, one of the main improvements introduced in version 5.1.1 is the way we handle database upgrade scripts, which are essential for smooth version upgrades. In the past, the process for fixing bugs in upgrade scripts was such that it was not always clear to users which scripts they should use. We changed the process to address this issue. 

The upgrade scripts are now independent from the Domibus releases, having their own lifecycle and respective versioning. This means that users benefit from better clarity and support when things go wrong. This also makes the scripts more easily maintainable. 

We have also been busy with fortifying security. Releases such as Domibus 5.0.7 (out in November) and 5.1.2 (planned for 18 December) address an ActiveMQ vulnerability. Note that before releasing both patch versions, we had guided our community on the necessary precautions related to the reported ActiveMQ vulnerability. 

In the pipeline for Q2 2024, we are working to prepare the release of Domibus 5.2. This update will be largely a technically focused one, introducing Java 11 support, improving performance and preparing the group for upcoming cryptography changes. 

DomiSMP: revamped interface and expanded functionality

DomiSMP is currently on version 5.0.1. Expected to release version 5.1 in Q4 2024.

DomiSMP has introduced version 5.0 in June. This major release addresses security vulnerabilities and introduces a new user interface. This update also adds more functionality for administrators, such as better control over record updates and delegation of rights. Moreover, version 5.0 supports more document types, ensuring compatibility and flexibility for different use cases. 

To showcase these changes, we will publish a video in early 2024 as part of an upcoming series of similar presentation videos. 

We are already working on DomiSMP 5.1, planned for late 2024. It will include more features and enhancements based on your feedback and industry trends. Some of the features we are planning to add are the docs-as-code approach to documentation, more integrations with third-party applications and services, and more customisation options. 

DomiSML: focused maintenance and future aspirations

DomiSML is currently on version 4.3. The eDelivery team expects to resume development in late 2024 to release version 5.0 in Q2 2025.

In the realm of DomiSML, the version 4.3, released in October 2023, brings a maintenance-oriented update, bolstering validation support and incorporating new cryptographic elements. 

The roadmap ahead, specifically targeting DomiSML 5.0 for 2025, anticipates compliance with an updated BDXL standard, presenting both technical and business-oriented features. 

Towards a more accessible future 

Our eDelivery sample products are continuously evolving to meet the community's needs. We aim to maintain a good balance between features, security and quality, all the while catering to a growing and more demanding ecosystem. 

Here is a visualisation of our roadmap for the eDelivery sample products:


For a detailed roadmap, see Release calendar of eDelivery sample software. 

Your feedback and suggestions are invaluable to us, and we look forward to hearing from you. If you have any questions or encounter any issues, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to help and eager to learn more about how we can serve you better. 

Update: Second iteration of the eDelivery AS4 and SMP 2.0 profiles

The public consultation for eDelivery AS4 and SMP 2.0 specification changes was open from 19 June to 10 November 2023. The team is currently working on addressing the feedback received with a view to publishing the disposition of public review comments in early 2024.

For your reference, you can find the consultation pages here:

Your responses to the consultations 

Following the preliminary feedback received during the eDelivery Interoperability Forum on 27 June 2023, we published the recommendations of cryptography experts (at the bottom of the AS4 consultation page) and further requested their advice concerning the replacement of key transport with key agreement. Also, a note was added to the consultation for the eDelivery SMP 2.0 profile concerning using separate values for the U-NAPTR service field.

During the consultation period, our team received written feedback from two parties and a meeting request from a third one.

Next steps

The eDelivery team will prepare and publish the “Disposition of public review comments” and a second iteration of the draft specifications soon. The results of the consultation as well as the updated specifications will be discussed with the Interoperability Forum members

Following this, the updated specifications will undergo a second public consultation in the first half of 2024.


The eDelivery team would like to thank you for your engagement with the consultation and helping us adopt the best possible version of the new AS4 and SMP 2.0 specifications that will power digital ecosystems for the next decade. 


Stay tuned for the latest updates on eDelivery services by checking the Building Block's X and web page. For more information, do not hesitate to register for personalised news or contact us via our portal or by e-mail:

The eDelivery Building Block  

eDelivery is a building block that provides technical specifications and standards, installable software and ancillary services to allow projects to create a network of nodes for secure digital data exchange.  

Enhancements in eDelivery monitoring for better insights into digital transformation

We are thrilled to share some exciting enhancements to our monitoring system, designed to offer stakeholders a more comprehensive view of eDelivery's operational landscape. These improvements are intended to facilitate informed decisions about adopting eDelivery and highlight its extensive use across Europe.

The eDelivery Digital Monitoring Dashboard is an online tool that displays metrics related to eDelivery. We have split it into two key indicators, Engagement and Reuse of eDelivery.


This section includes reporting on events and attendees to give you an idea of the number of eDelivery events organised and the level of participation. We also report here on the number of newsletter subscribers to track the growing community of eDelivery news followers. 

Reuse of eDelivery 

This section shows statistics on how eDelivery is used across Europe. And so, you can view the locations of the Access Points that enable eDelivery message sending and receiving, as well as the digital ecosystems these Access Points are part of. A map displays Access Points that belong to eDelivery digital ecosystems per country.

Going further, you can see the number of messages exchanged in the last four quarters and the number of entities connected to exchange those messages through eDelivery from both the public and private sectors. You can also understand the level of support required, reflected by requests handled by the eDelivery Support Office.

Lastly, the section offers a glimpse into the eDelivery digital ecosystems. By visualising their status and descriptions, you can gain insights into the adoption of eDelivery within their respective sectors.

These metrics are regularly updated and can help you understand the operational environment of eDelivery, as well as the benefits and challenges of using it. You can also compare different countries, regions and sectors, and see how eDelivery is supporting cross-border and cross-sector interoperability in Europe.

eDelivery Building Block

eDelivery is a Building Block that provides technical specifications and standards, installable software and ancillary services to allow you to create a network of nodes for secure digital data exchange.

We are constantly working to enhance our eDelivery Digital Monitoring Dashboard and to add new features. We invite you to visit our monitoring website and explore the data we offer.

Stay tuned for the latest updates on eDelivery services by checking the Building Block's X and web page. For more information, do not hesitate to register for personalised news or contact us via our portal or by e-mail: 


Last eDelivery ICN meeting: Uniting efforts for digital data exchange solutions

The eDelivery Informal Cooperation Network (ICN) held its ninth meeting on 9 November 2023. This gathering, which took place in Brussels and was also accessible remotely, provided a dynamic platform for Member States to explore the latest developments surrounding eDelivery, discuss advancements and learn from each other about different eDelivery implementations. 

The ICN meeting turned out to be a place where you in fact see how eDelivery is driving digital transformation across Member States. To put that EU's initiative into a broader perspective, Maya Madrid, policy officer in charge of eDelivery, spoke about eDelivery’s vast potential within the context of the Digital Europe programme. 

One of the highlights was a presentation by Lia Potec, from DG MOVE, on the Electronic Freight Transport Information (eFTI) Exchange Environment. The eDelivery ICN members had an opportunity to learn about new eDelivery ecosystem and its potential. 

We are thrilled to have eFTI on board. The eFTI regulation is set to simplify the administrative complexities of the transport sector. By 2029, the shift towards electronic proof of compliance will revolutionise cross-EU information access, significantly reduce paperwork and boost efficiency with QR codes facilitating smoother transport of goods within the EU. 

As expected, eFTI’s presentation sparked a lot of interest from the audience. Ms Potec explained the intricate details of the eFTI regulation and the crucial role of eDelivery in the eFTI Exchange Environment. 

Clara Pezuela, the Vice President Funded Programs at Fiware Foundation shared insights into the Data Spaces Support Centre (DSSC). Presenting DSSC outcomes and activities, Ms Pezuela highlighted the potential of data spaces. It is expected that data spaces will revolutionise data sharing, ensure trusted transactions and promote data sovereignty. As showcased, the DSSC’s blueprint (still in process) provides guidelines for building data spaces, in line with European regulations and boosting interoperability and collaboration. 

The November event also offered a wealth of national experiences. Representatives from Czechia, Lithuania, Denmark and Luxembourg shared their experiences using eDelivery. Czechia created a successful, but closed eDelivery system. Lithuania shared advancements in Once-Only Technical System (OOTS) and eInvoicing integration. Denmark showcased the integration of eDelivery with Peppol infrastructure. And Luxembourg exemplified the usage of eDelivery across various sectors, particularly in experiencing substantial growth in Peppol-based invoices.  

The spotlight of the national experiences was the Swedish National Platform for communication (SDK) presentation. Along with the answers to various questions, the representative of Sweden underscored the potential for secure digital communication across borders not just within a country. Sweden opted for eDelivery due to its secure, interoperable and cost-effective nature. The session was inspirational for other Member States’ representatives and there is an interest to reuse Swedish solution elements and knowledge elsewhere. eDelivery team is very happy to learn about diverse approaches to eDelivery and various implementations across Member States. 

Last, but not least, Bogdan Dumitriu, policy officer in charge of eDelivery implementation, showed a recent redesign of the monitoring dashboard aimed at gathering data on eDelivery digital ecosystems. Participants learnt about developments in eDelivery adoption and updates about eDelivery profile changes, conformance testing and the plan future webinars. 

The closing discussion and Q&A session revealed participants' preferences for future meetings to be either on-site or entirely online. eDelivery ICN members, present in the room and online, expressed a keen willingness to assist each other and share their experiences also beyond the ICN meetings.

In summary, the eDelivery ICN event embodied the collaborative spirit at the heart of European digital transformation. eDelivery keeps on enhancing cross-border communication and cooperation. As we look forward to our next meeting on 15 May 2024, our collective drive towards a digitally connected Europe remains strong. 

Stay tuned to know what happens in the eDelivery ICN community and to discover how pioneering projects and upcoming changes are shaping the landscape of secure data exchange. 

All documentation of the meeting is available on the meeting page for eDelivery ICN.

Sources: Visuals 1 & 3: eDelivery team. Visual 2: Adobe Stock #611241633.