
European Commission Digital

EU eGovernment Action Plan 2016-2020 Accelerating the Digital Transformation of Government

The Commission this week launched a package of measures that will help European industry, SMEs, researchers and public authorities to take full advantage of new digital technologies.

"The industrial revolution of our time is digital," said Andrus Ansip, Vice-President for the Digital Single Market. "We need the right scale for technologies such as cloud computing, data-driven science and the internet of things to reach their full potential. As companies aim to scale up across the Single Market, public e-services should also meet today's needs: be digital, open and cross-border by design. The EU is the right scale for the digital times." Commissioner for Digital Economy & Society, Günther Oettinger, underlined that "Europe will only be able to maintain its leading role if the digitisation of its industry is successful and reached fast".

The measures will, among others, support and connect national initiatives to digitise industry, boost investment through strategic partnerships and strongly encourage the use of the opportunities offered by the EU Investment Plan and European Structural and Investment Funds. In total, they should mobilise more than €50 billion of public and private investment, including €500 million for a European network of digital innovation hubs where businesses can get advice and test digital innovations.

The industry package includes a European cloud initiative as well as the new eGovernemnt Action Plan which collected EU citizens' and businesses' needs and expectations from eGovernment services in the EU, and what public administrative bodies can or plan to deliver. The eGovernment Action Plan 2016-2020, aims to modernise digital public services and make the EU a better place to live, work and invest, and foresees the adoption of the CEF building blocks.

The launch of the Action Plan follows a public consultation on the eGovernment Action Plan 2016-2020.

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Trust Services Forum 2016

Trust Services Forum 2016

CEF eDelivery will be presented at the Trust Services Forum 2016.

ENISA, in collaboration with the European Commission eIDAS Task Force, is organizing, for the second consecutive year, the Trust Services Forum 2016.

The Forum will take place on May 24th 2016 in Brussels at the EC premises, Madou building.

The forum will focus on emerging issues related to trust services across Europe, as the date for entry in force of the provisions related to trust services of the eIDAS Regulation, July 1st 2016, approaches.

 The forum aims to:

  • Share good practices and experience on the implementation of trust services.
  • Discuss the latest developments on the framework surrounding trust service providers including standards, implementing acts and technical guidelines.
  • Exchange views on identified implementation and operational issues of qualified trust services.
  • Discuss strategies to promote the adoption of qualified trust services.

Registration is now open and free of charge but subject to availability as the places are limited. For registration and additional information, visit the Trust Services Forum 2016 at ENISA.

Information session on the AS4

The European Commission is holding a half day information session on Thursday 26 May for software vendors, system integrators, implementers and training providers interested in AS4 with the following objectives:

1. Launch CEF eDelivery's conformance testing services of the AS4 profile created by the e-SENS Large Scale Pilot.

2. Explain the process for participants interested in implementing the AS4 profile to:

a. participate in and complete conformance testing; and

b. describe their conformance tested products for inclusion here in the CEF Digital 2018 Single Web Portal.

3. Provide an overview of the financial support available to participants to support their development of software compliant with the aforementioned AS4 profile in different policy areas of the European Union.

The European Commission aims to develop the European Digital Single Market to foster economic growth by removing barriers that impede data from flowing across borders and sectors. The Large Scale Pilot e-SENS and the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), which operationalises services developed in the Large Scale Pilots, have been working closely on the implementation of secure message exchange in several policy domains of the Union, commonly known as eDelivery. To make this a reality, a profile of the AS4 message exchange specification was developed and is now being promoted for adoption by software vendors under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF).

Released! 3.1 RC2 (Release Candidate 2) of Domibus

Access Point v3.1 (Release Candidate 2) RC2, a software implementation of eDelivery Access Point, has been released as open source software under the EUPL license

This release is the result of significant collaboration among different EU policy projects' IT delivery teams and the CEF eDelivery DSI and includes a range of improvements since version 3.00.

  • Added support for clustering
  • Added support of Weblogic 12c
  • Additional unit testing
  • Introduction of the new plugin architecture
  • Improved documentation
  • Fixing bugs and issues

In addition, this 3.1 RC2 (Release Candidate 2) introduces a new architecture facilitating backend integration. There is now a clear separation between the 'core' of Domibus and the 'plugins'.

Domibus is an ebMS3 gateway, written in Java and based on the Apache CXF framework. It complies with the e-SENS AS4 profile and the additional features defined in that profile. Please note, however, that this version is still being improved with a view to becoming a fully production-ready release by 13 May 2016

Download Access Point from the CEF Digital 2018 Single Web Portal now!