2 February 2012

European Commission > Directorate-General for Energy > Newsletter

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EU gas market: Commission refers Ireland and the United Kingdom to Court to ensure European law is properly implemented

Brussels, 26 January 2012 - The best way for ensuring security of supply and affordable energy prices is to have a competitive internal EU energy market. An efficient and properly functioning internal market in natural gas will give consumers the choice between different companies across national borders. EU legislation aims at facilitating cross-border gas trade and increasing the capacity on gas markets. The European Commission considers that Ireland and the United Kingdom are not fully in line with EU gas market rules and has decided today to refer these countries to the Court of Justice of the European Union.

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More information: Current figures on infringements in general: http://ec.europa.eu/eu_law/infringements/infringements_en.htmTop


EESC gives new momentum to European energy policy

In a bid to advocate its proposal for the European Energy Community as a means of achieving a common EU energy policy, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and European think-tank Notre Europe brought together prominent EU decision makers, stakeholders and civil society representatives at a major conference.


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More information: EESC webpage



On a recent study on shalegas

In January the Commission published a study on the licensing and permitting procedures for shale gas project. Based on a sample of four Member States (France, Germany, Poland and Sweden) the study concludes that there are no significant gaps in coverage in the current EU legislative framework, at least for regulating the current level of shale gas activities. As regards possible areas for improvement of national regulatory frameworks the study especially considers it as problematic that currently public participation in the authorisation process for exploration projects is often rather limited. It also stresses that the application of the Environmental Impact Assessment Directive should not be linked to gas production thresholds alone and it emphasises that regulations should provide legal certainty for investors.

The study is available on the Commission's website http://ec.europa.eu/energy/studies/energy_en.htm


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