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L'UE alloue €65.9 millions pour supportre le maintien de la paix en Somalie

Durant la réunion annuelle conjointe des Ministres des finances et de l'économie de l'Union africaine, le Commissaire Piebalgs a confirmé le support de la Commission européenne à la mission de l'Union africaine en Somalie (AMISOM) en annonçant EUR 65,9 millions additionnels pour aider la force de maintien de la paix et leur donner les moyens de faire leur travail plus facilement, en incluant des soins médicaux, transport et des indemnités.

EU Commissioner for Development, Andris Piebalgs, said: "There is no development without security. AMISOM does a vital job in Somalia, ensuring that human rights are respected, citizens are protected and internally displaced persons and refugees can return home in safety and dignity. This additional funding will enable the African mission to carry out its role in helping to protect the people of Somalia. "

Today's increase in funding brings the EU allocation to AMISOM to a total of EUR 208 million funded under the African Peace Facility (APF) since 2007.
AMISOM has had an uninterrupted peacekeeping presence in Mogadishu since March 2007. The renewed EU support will mean that it can continue to provide protection to the Transitional Federal Institution, assist in the implementation of the National Security and Stabilisation plan (NSSP), facilitate humanitarian operations and provide support to disarmament and stabilisation efforts.

Dernière mise à jour : 19/11/2014 |  Haut de la page