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Déclaration conjointe sur le processus électoral au Niger par la Haute-représentante de l'UE Catherine Ashton et le Commissaire pour le développement Andris Piebalgs

Nous accueillons le grand sens de responsabilité montré par les électeurs nigérians qui ont rejoint en paix les urnes pour voter pour le premier tour des élections présidentielles ainsi que les élections parlementaires et nous louons les efforts pour respecter la feuille de route pour laquelle ils se sont engagés depuis avril 2010.

Following the constitutional referendum of 31 October 2010, these elections mark a milestone in the process of transition to democracy and a major step towards the restoration of full cooperation between Niger and the European Union, as agreed during consultations held in the framework of the article 96 of the Cotonou Agreement.

The European Union is very closely monitoring the electoral process in Niger, to which it contributed technically and financially with over €20 million.

As part of its firm commitment to supporting the elections, the European Union also sent an independent Electoral Observation Mission led by the MEP Santiago Fisas Ayxela, which will make specific proposals for improving future ballots.

We urge the candidates, the authorities and the Independent National Electoral Commission to continue to ensure the highest possible level of transparency in the process and to respect the will of the electorate in Niger and invite the Transitional Constitutional Council to do everything possible to ensure that the detailed final results are soon published.

Dernière mise à jour : 19/11/2014 |  Haut de la page