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Le Commissaire Piebalgs ouvre le sommet annuel politique sur l'Afrique

On Monday, 27 September, Commissioner for Development Andris Piebalgs and African Union Commissioner for Economic Affairs Maxwell M Mkwezalamba will open the policy summit in Brussels hosted by the Friends of Europe: «Partnership Africa: New Horizons for EU- and Inter-African Cooperation». Just two months ahead of the forthcoming EU-Africa summit in November 2010 in Tripoli the stakeholders will address common concerns and global challenges of the EU and Africa such as governance, healthcare, and climate change.

The participants include development and Africa experts from EU institutions, national governments and agencies of the member states, pan-African institutions and governments of African states, representatives of international organisations, business and industry, civil society, media and press.

For detailed programme and more information, please consult the website of the organisers.

Dernière mise à jour : 19/11/2014 |  Haut de la page