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Facilité alimentaire de l'UE - un combat rapide et efficace contre la faim

The global food crisis, stemming from soaring food prices in 2007 and 2008, was a wake-up call to the international community to get agriculture back on track in the fight against hunger. Faced with the urgency, the European Union reacted quickly by adopting the € 1 billion EU Food Facility aiming to respond to the food insecurity in 50 countries worst hit by the high food prices and the economic crises. Only a year and a half after the adoption of the regulation, half of its budget – € 500 billion – has already been disbursed and projects helping people out of hunger are being implemented all over the world.

For example, in Niger, the EU and UNICEF started a partnership in 2009 for the treatment of 65,000 severely malnourished children under-five years old in therapeutic feeding centres. On top of that, an additional contribution of € 5 million has recently been signed to stop the escalating nutrition crisis in Niger by addressing the country’s food scarcity and nutritional problems, targeting the most vulnerable children.

Read more about the projects and the food facility objectives in The Food Facility – A rapid response from the European Union and have a look at the video clip on the EU Food Facility.

The European Commission is also calling on other donors to help funding food facility projects under the "Food Facility Auction Floor". The purpose of the 'Food Facility Auction Floor' is to put forward well-rated proposals thoroughly evaluated by the European Commission to investors and donors. These proposals, not selected only because of budget limitations, are 'European Commission quality stamped' and ready to be financed. In the Auction Floor booklet the best of these project proposals as well as the projects funded by the EU under the Food Facility Call for Proposals are showcased.

Have a look at the Food Facility Auction Floor booklet: Food Security projects – A match for development.

Dernière mise à jour : 19/11/2014 |  Haut de la page