This site has been archived on 19/11/14

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Yesterday I was invited to hand out prizes for the EuropeAid 2009 Communication Awards - Project of the Year. The main prize went to… the EU-UNICEF project for the improvement of Mother and Child Care Health Services in Uzbekistan.

Through this project, the EU and UNICEF are working with the government to help Uzbekistan's hospitals and health workers attain modern international standards in maternal and newborn care. 14.5 million people will benefit from improved quality of health care as 19 000 health providers will be trained and 17 training centres will be renovated. The EU and UNICEF assistance is making an essential contribution to help Uzbekistan achieve two Millennium Development Goals: reducing child mortality and improving maternal health.

This project is just one example out of thousands showing how EU aid is changing lives all over the world. But it must inspire other EU funded projects to scale up their communication activities. We indeed have to let people know what we can achieve with our aid.

Dernière mise à jour : 19/11/2014 |  Haut de la page