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In the European Parliament, October 2011. Photo: European Parliament.In the European Parliament, October 2011. Photo: European Parliament.

The Trade Commissioner and Parliament: A Vital Relationship

3 December 2014: Cecilia Malmström - Commissioner for Trade Brussels - Meeting of the European Parliament's International Trade Committee Chairman Lange, Members of the International Trade Committee, Ladies and gentlemen, This is my first chance to meet you in this Committee since...

TTIP and Consumers: The Good (without the Bad or the Ugly)

18 November 2014: Cecilia Malmström, European Commissioner for Trade European Parliament, Conference "TTIP and Consumers: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly" Ladies and gentlemen, I like the title of this event.

EU takes eradication of trafficking in human beings from words to action

17 October 2014: Between 2010-2012, 30.146 women, men, girls and boys were registered as victims of trafficking in the EU Member States. That means 30.146 broken lives, and as many broken dreams.

How far have we come in uniting against child sexual abuse online?

30 September 2014: Attorney General, Ministers, Excellences, ladies and gentlemen, I am so sorry I cannot be with you in Washington today.

Strengthening the EU's response to violent extremism: From ideas to action

17 June 2014: Colleagues, friends, ladies and gentlemen, Good morning and thank you all for coming to Brussels today.

Cecilia Malmström's acceptance speech when receiving the ''Estrella de Europa'' award in Zaragoza

4 June 2014: The Estrella de Europa is awarded every year by the Municipality of Zaragoza to people or institutions active in upholding European values.

Unlocking the potential of migration for inclusive development

15 May 2014: Dear Chair, your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, Seven months ago in New York, we took important steps during the UN High-level Dialogue on International Migration and Development.

New EU visa rules: fostering economic growth and jobs through enhanced mobility

1 April 2014: First of all let me thank Vice-President Antonio Tajani for his excellent cooperation which has allowed us to design, present and adopt this package of new measures that will seriously...

Common European Asylum System: challenges and perspectives

24 March 2014: A Common European Asylum System I will focus on a fundamental right that is very close to my heart, one that is easy to proclaim...

The Future of Home Affairs: an Open and Secure Europe

11 March 2014: When I took office as EU Commissioner for Home Affairs in 2009, an ambitious agenda was set out by the Stockholm program.

Tackling corruption in the EU: it is time for action

6 March 2014: Ladies and gentlemen, colleagues, It is a pleasure to be here today to talk about the EU anti-corruption report and discuss how we can...

An Intense first year for the European Cybercrime Centre

10 February 2014: The EC3 was created within Europol only year ago as the EU focal point in the fight against cybercrime. The Centre was set up to help protect European citizens and businesses.

Commission unveils first EU Anti-Corruption Report

3 February 2014: Corruption erodes trust in public institutions and in democracy, it undermines our internal market, it hampers foreign investment, it costs tax payers millions, and in many cases it helps organised crime groups do their dirty work.

Rebooting Trust? Freedom vs. Security in Cyberspace

31 January 2014: There is sometimes a notion – as the title of today's panel indicates – that there is a trade-off between freedom and security. I disagree with this notion and will explain why.

An Open and Safe Europe –What’s next?

29 January 2014: Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, dear friends In June this year the European Council will provide us with its view on where the European Union needs to move in the area of Justice and Home Affairs.

Strengthening the EU's response to radicalisation and violent extremism

15 January 2014: We are currently facing a growing extremist threat which has mutated and evolved in the last few years, spreading across our continent.

Press point on the signature of the EU-Turkey readmission agreement and on the launch of the EU-Turkey visa liberalisation dialogue

4 December 2013: Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, It is indeed a very important afternoon and I am honoured to stand here with you Minister Davutoğlu and Commissioner Füle.

EU-US agreements: Commission reports on TFTP and PNR

27 November 2013: Today we adopted a number of reports and documents on the EU-U.S. cooperation in the Home Affairs and Justice area.

Combating hate crime in the EU

12 November 2013: Minister, Director, Ladies and Gentlemen, The Fundamental Rights Agency has chosen an extremely important topic for this year' conference – hate crimes.

Reducing gun violence in the EU

21 October 2013: Tragic gun attacks in Europe have repeatedly caught our attention in recent years, notably in Norway, Belgium, Finland, France and Italy to mention but a few.

Commissioner Malmström's intervention in the European Parliament on the EU-US TFTP Agreement

10 October 2013: European Commission Cecilia Malmström EU Commissioner for Home Affairs Commissioner Speech - Commissioner European Parliament Plenary/Strasbourg 9 October 2013 Dear Madam President, Honourable members, ladies and gentlemen.

Commissioner Malmström's intervention during the press conference in Lampedusa

9 October 2013: Mi aggiungo ai Presidenti Letta e Barroso e al Ministro Alfano nell'esprimere le mie condoglianze alle famiglie delle vittime. Questa tragedia interpella la coscienza di ognuno di noi.

Keynote speech at United Nations High Level Dialogue on Migration and Development

4 October 2013: European Commission Cecilia Malmström EU Commissioner for Home Affairs Speech - United Nations High Level Dialogue on Migration and Development / New York 3 October 2013 Migrants can make very powerful contributions to our societies.

Trafficking in Human Beings and Gender – the EU Perspective

30 September 2013: Your Majesty, your Excellencies, and distinguished guests, As we speak here today, thousands of women and girls across the world and within the...

Intervention by Cecilia Malmström during the Relocation Forum

25 September 2013: We are here today to discuss a very important topic – the relocation of beneficiaries of international protection and also of asylum seekers from one Member State to another.

Intervention by Cecilia Malmström on the EU-US TFTP Agreement in the European Parliament

24 September 2013: Dear President, Honourable members, ladies and gentlemen. I am here today to share with you my views on the press allegations about the possible access of the U.S.

Progress in EU migration policy since 1999

13 September 2013: Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be part of this important event with such a wide and dynamic composition of researchers, policy makers and practitioners from all over the world.

Raoul Wallenberg - To me there's no other choice

19 June 2013: European Commission Cecilia Malmström EU Commissioner for Home Affairs Speech: Kazerne Dossin, Mechelen, Belgium 18 June 2013 Last January, in the European Parliament, I participated at a ceremony in remembrance of the Holocaust. A film from the ghetto in Warsaw was shown.

EU and U.S. will set a Transatlantic group of experts to discuss the U.S. programmes more in details

14 June 2013: Let me first thank the Irish Presidency for the organisation of this event. The EU-U.S.

EU Civil Society joins the fight against Human Trafficking

31 May 2013: Good morning ladies and gentlemen. I am very pleased to be here with you today, to launch the EU Civil Society Platform against Trafficking in Human...

The rise of right-wing extremism in Europe

27 May 2013: Mr President, Ladies and Gentlemen, First I would like to thank the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung for organising this conference on a very important subject.

Delivering a cybersecurity strategy to protect an interconnected Europe

16 May 2013: Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen, Cyberspace, and the internet in particular, have become an integral part of our lives.

The Internal Security Dimension and Perspectives

16 May 2013: Good morning ladies and gentlemen, You know better than anyone the impact of natural disasters in Europe.

Europe should give migrants the opportunities they deserve

9 May 2013: Today is 9 May 2013. If we look 30 years ahead, on 30 May 2030, the world will look quite different.

Next step in the EU - US cooperation on Cyber security and Cybercrime

2 May 2013: European Commission Cecilia Malmström EU Commissioner for Home Affairs Speech: Homeland Security Policy Institute, George Washington University / Washington 30 April 2013 Ladies and Gentlemen, I'd like to thank the organisers and in particular director Frank Cilluffo for inviting me. Cyber security is now an issue on everyone's mind.

EU Member States must respond to the increase in human trafficking

15 April 2013: More than 23.600 people were identified or presumed victims of trafficking in the EU over the period 2008 to 2010.

Making the EU more attractive for foreign students and researchers

25 March 2013: Let me first of all thank Fatma and Bellarminus for being here with us today to share their views and their personal stories.

Anti-money laundering as part of the fight against organised crime

15 March 2013: Good afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen, I am delighted to participate in today’s conference on money laundering in the EU, and to have the opportunity to speak to such an impressive...

Fighting corruption: From intentions to results

5 March 2013: Ladies and Gentlemen, colleagues and friends. Good morning I am very pleased to be here today, and I want to thank you all for coming to this workshop...

'Smart Borders': for an open and secure Europe

28 February 2013: In June 2011 the EU Heads of State and Government asked the European Commission to reinforce the management of external borders and guarantee the free movement of persons.

Unveiling the changing face of the EU drug market

31 January 2013: It is both a pleasure and an honour to be here today together with Wolfgang Götz, Director of the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, EMCDDA, and...

Opening speech: Empowering local actors to prevent violent extremism

29 January 2013: Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to thank you all for coming to Brussels today.

Stand up against violent extremism

28 January 2013: In September 2011 I launched the Radicalisation Awareness Network in order to sharpen EU and Member States tools to counter violent extremism.

Stand up against intolerance: a Homage to Raoul Wallenberg

23 January 2013: European Commission Cecilia Malmström EU Commissioner for Home Affairs SPEECH - Inauguration of the Raoul Wallenberg room in the European Parliament at the occasion of the Holocaust Remembrance Day/Brussels 22 January 2013 Nearly 70 years have passed since Nazi Germany lost its suffocating grip on Europe, and European countries began...

Protecting personal data in the EU: EDPS Strategy 2013-2014

22 January 2013: Dear Mr Hustinx, Mr Buttarelli, Mr Docksey, dear guests, It is a pleasure for me to be here to mark the launch of the new EDPS Strategy, together with so many...

EC³, a European response to cybercrime

11 January 2013: Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to welcome you all to Den Haag and the opening of our European Cybercrime Centre, the EC³.

12 December 2012: Mr President, Honourable Members, Let me first of all congratulate the Rapporteur, Mr Swoboda and the European Parliament for a very substantive and timely...

5 December 2012: Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to welcome and thank you all for coming to Brussels today.

Cecilia Malmström's remarks at the VIP corner on the Global Alliance against Child Sexual Abuse Online

5 December 2012: First of all I would like to thank US Attorney General Eric Holder for being here with me today.

Fight against arms trafficking: Where do we stand?

19 November 2012: I am delighted to welcome you all to our conference on the fight against illicit trafficking in firearms, in the EU and beyond.

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