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EURODAC annual report issued

3 August 2010

The 2009 annual report on the activities of EU wide database EURODAC was published today by the European Commission. Among other things, the report shows that the number of registered asylum applications rose by eight percent in 2009 compared to the year before.

EURODAC is a European database for storage of so called biometric data. The purpose is to facilitate the implementation of the Dublin regulation, which is the regulatory framework that decides the Member State responsible for examining an asylum application.

"EURODAC is an essential part of the EU's Common European Asylum System. The report published today shows the effective contribution of this EU-wide fingerprint database in managing asylum applications, by helping to establish which Member State should examine each of them through the storage and comparison of the fingerprints of asylum seekers and illegal entrants and preventing the submission of multiple asylum requests", " stated Cecilia Malmström, EU Commissioner responsible for Home Affairs.

Read more in the press release or read the report pdf - 440 KB [440 KB] Deutsch (de) français (fr) svenska (sv) in full.