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EU-Turkey: Meeting with E. Bagis

EU-Turkey: Meeting with E. Bagis

Brussels (2 October) – Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy Štefan Füle met with Turkish Minister for EU Affairs and Chief Negotiator Egemen Bagis in Brussels today. They discussed the state of play in the EU accession negotiations and the upcoming Progress Report.

"I have underlined the importance of continuous EU engagement in Turkey and of the EU remaining the benchmark for reform in Turkey, not the least to enhance respect for fundamental rights. I have therefore welcomed the reference by Prime Minister Erdogan earlier this week, when announcing the democratisation package, to the guiding role of the EU in Turkey's reforms," Commissioner Füle said after the meeting.

Commissioner Füle stressed the importance of the continuation and implementation of reforms with the full engagement of all stakeholders in the country. 

He underlined that accession negotiations need to regain momentum and that the formal opening of chapter 22 on regional policy will represent an important step. Finally, he expressed the wish that a dialogue leading to a visa free regime for Turkish citizens will start shortly, along with the signature of an EU-Turkey readmission agreement.

Last update: 16/10/2013 |  Top