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Moldova: First visit of the new Speaker of Parliament to Brussels

Moldova: First visit of the new Speaker of Parliament to Brussels

Brussels (18th June) –Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy Štefan Füle met with the new Speaker of the Moldovan Parliament Igor Corman in Brussels on Tuesday. After the meeting he said:

"This was an opportunity to take stock of the positive political developments in Moldova since the end of May and ahead of the EU-Moldova Cooperation Council next week. We discussed priorities for action from both sides, keeping in mind the urgency of paying attention to the short-term and long-term needs of the population when designing and implementing reforms. I told Igor Corman that in this context balanced cooperation between the Government and Parliament was essential for Moldova’s positive development in the coming months. I also underlined the need to reach out to opposition and to include it in the decision-making processes.

We agreed that the priority for Moldova is to consolidate its democratic safeguards and put in place an efficient and workable system of constitutional checks and balances in order to prevent the resurgence of similar political crises in the future. In this context it is important to learn from the past and work on strengthening the stability and independence of the state institutions. We also agreed on the importance of implementing Moldova’s international commitments, including towards the European Union, such as the fight against corruption at all levels.

Finally, we discussed the forthcoming Eastern Partnership Summit in Vilnius and the shared ambition we have in this respect: to initial the text of the Association Agreement between the EU and Moldova."

Last update: 19/06/2013 |  Top