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Joint statement of Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy, Štefan Füle, Rapporteur of the European Parliament on the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Richard Howitt, and former President of the European Parliament, Jerzy Buzek, on their mission to Skopje

Joint statement of Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy, Štefan Füle, Rapporteur of the European Parliament on the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Richard Howitt, and former President of the European Parliament, Jerzy Buzek, on their mission to Skopje

Today, we visited the former Yugoslav Republic Macedonia on a joint mission to meet key political partners and to address ways on how to overcome the current political crisis.

We have met President Gjorge Ivanov, Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, leader of the SDSM party Branko Crvenkovski, and the leader of the DUI party Ali Ahmeti.

We came with a strong belief that politicians of this country would find the way out of the political deadlock which is derailing the country from its Euro-Atlantic path at present.

We are pleased to see that the political leaders have finally been able to show their political responsibility and courage to agree on a solution which should bring the country back to the resumption of normal functioning of the political institutions and continuing constructive work on its Euro-Atlantic priorities for the ultimate benefit of the country and its people.

Now we look forward to a swift implementation of the agreement so that the European integration agenda comes back on track, the reform process is intensified and the European Parliament and the European Commission can proceed with their respective reports on the country.

Proposal for solution to political crisis

  • to support the state's strategic priorities:
    • by means of a cross-party Memorandum of Understanding  (or a parliamentary resolution) confirming support for the Euro-Atlantic integration agenda, and commit to refrain from actions undermining this goal
  • to resume normal political life:
    • all parties to return to Parliament and participate in the scheduled local elections
  • to support immediate key reform measures, including:
    • improving the functioning of parliament, including President's initiative to convene an ad hoc Commission of Inquiry (to look into, inter alia, the events on and before 24 December, including their constitutionality, security in and outside of Parliament, and revision of the parliamentary rules of procedure), the results of which would be reflected in the Commission's Progress Report in Autumn 2013
    • electoral reform, after the local elections, including in relation to the voters' registry (e.g. post-election audit of list) and other OSCE/ODIHR recommendations
    • freedom of expression, e.g. resumption of dialogue with journalists, led by the Association of Journalists, and other confidence-building measures
  • to an election calendar:
    • to give adequate time to register the lists of candidates for the local elections
    • to meet immediately after the local elections to discuss the internal political situation, including the findings of the Commission of Inquiry on the 24/12 events, and to continue the discussions, in good faith, on all options, and without prejudice for defining the timing of the next parliamentary elections, on the basis of the implementation of OSCE/ODIHR recommendations, so that the results can be taken into account in the next Commission Progress Report
  • The EU:
    • a fourth meeting of the HLAD to be scheduled with the European Commission (March), involving the government and the National Council for European Integration
    • the European Commission to present its Report, as requested by Council, by mid-April
    • the European Parliament  to schedule a vote on its Report in a positive and constructive framework
Last update: 04/03/2013 |  Top