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Montenegro: After successful elections full focus on negotiations

Montenegro: After successful elections full focus on negotiations

"I would like to congratulate the winning coalition from Sunday's parliamentary elections. I also wish to congratulate Montenegro and its citizens on the peaceful conduct of the elections which were held in a peaceful and pluralistic environment and in a professional and transparent manner; although in line with the assessment of OSCE-ODIHR, further confidence-building is needed. These elections took place just four months after the opening of accession negotiations with Montenegro, which marked a new chapter in our relations. The country's leadership has now received a strong mandate to pursue the goal of EU membership with equal commitment. I am now looking forward to the early resumption of work in the parliament and the prompt constitution of a new government. With this popular mandate, the Montenegrin government now has a full term to pursue the work on the country's EU agenda.

The opening of accession negotiations with Montenegro was possible because of the broad national consensus and support for reforms. It will be essential to maintain this consensus among all relevant stakeholders and ensure the inclusiveness of the reform process to achieve the necessary progress in the accession negotiations. This would not only confirm that EU membership is within reach, it would also allow Montenegro to continue to set a positive example in the region. I wish Montenegro every success in addressing the challenges that lie ahead, above all the ones related to economic growth and further progress on the country's EU path. The accession negotiations will be a demanding task for the entire Montenegrin administration. The European Commission will continue to support and closely accompany the country's efforts in preparing for EU membership.  I look forward to continuing our excellent cooperation."

Last update: 16/10/2012 |  Top