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World Food Day - Zero Hunger: the only acceptable target Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr)


By Dacian Cioloș and José Graziano da Silva

The 32nd World Food Day being celebrated on October 16 this year brings mixed news regarding the fight against hunger.
Latest figures show that we have made progress in reducing hunger in the past two decades. Around one billion in the world went hungry in 1990: today 868 million are still undernourished and, with an extra push we can achieve the first Millennium Development Goal of halving the prevalence of hunger on the planet by 2015.

Detalii Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr)

Europa aprobă alocări de 500 de milioane EUR pentru programul pe 2013 privind produsele alimentare destinate persoanelor celor mai defavorizate


Alocarea de fonduri UE pentru programul pe 2013 privind produsele alimentare destinate persoanelor celor mai defavorizate a fost aprobată de Comitetul de gestionare a organizării comune a pieței unice astăzi. Se așteaptă ca peste 18 milioane de persoane din 19 state membre ale UE să beneficieze de bugetul de 500 de milioane EUR disponibil pentru persoanele cele mai defavorizate.


"Milk package" fully applicable English (en)


The so-called "Milk Package", designed with a view to the longer term future of the dairy sector following the end of the EU dairy quota system in 2015, is fully applicable from today, 3 October.

Detalii English (en)

"Strengthening rural areas and agricultural sectors to boost growth, competitiveness and sustainability of EU farms" English (en)


 COPA-COGECA Congress, Budapest

Detalii English (en)

Ultima actualizare: 01/04/2015 |  Începutul paginii