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Commissioner Cioloş talks on global food security in Beijing

On this Picture, Commissioner Cioloş, with Vice Premier Hui Liangyu

European Commissioner for Agriculture, Dacian Cioloş, and Chinese Vice Premier Hui Liangyu discussed on Friday the need to enhance cooperation in the field of food security both on bilateral and multilateral level.

They agreed that feeding 1.3 billion people in China and half a billion in Europe is a huge challenge in a world facing demographic growth, climate change and increasing pressure on natural resources. In order to guarantee global food security and to promote a common development, Commissioner Cioloş underlined the key role of multi-channel and multi-level communication and cooperation between Europe and China.

In Beijing, Commissioner Cioloş also had fruitful exchanges with Chinese Trade Minister Chen Deming, Agriculture Minister Han Chengfu, Industry and Commerce Vice Minister Fu Shuangjian, discussing a wide range of topic such as progress on the Doha Round talks, G20 discussions about food security, and bilateral trade issues.

Earlier in the week, Commissioner Cioloş visited several farms, showing the growing importance of quality food products - in LongJin Tea area - and the common willingness of Chinese and European authorities to promote a sustainable agriculture - especially around Suzhou where he visited joint EU/China pilot agro-environement projects.

A video, pictures and speeches can be found following these links:



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