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Commissioner Cioloş in Lithuania to take stock of the situation following Russian restrictions on EU agri-food exports English (en)


Commissioner Dacian Cioloş was in Vilnius today and held meetings with representatives of the Lithuanian agricultural and food sector, the Minister of Agriculture, Virginija Baltraitiene, and the European Affairs, Rural and Economic Affairs committees of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania.

En savoir plus… English (en)

Dacian Cioloș
Renforcer la promotion des produits agricoles de l’Union pour répondre à moyen terme à l’embargo russe


La Commission a confirmé aujourd'hui son intention de consacrer, à partir de 2015, 30 millions € supplémentaires au financement par l’Union des programmes de promotion dans le cadre de la PAC, en plus des 60 millions € prévus chaque année dans le budget de la PAC. Ces régimes étant cofinancés, ce changement pourrait apporter un montant supplémentaire de 60 millions € en faveur d’actions de promotion. Visant à atténuer les effets des mesures russes à l’encontre de certains produits agricoles de l’Union, cet effort supplémentaire portera sur les programmes de promotion qui doivent être présentés d’ici fin septembre.

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Commission announces emergency market support measures for the milk sector English (en)


The European Commission has announced today that it will open Private Storage Aid for butter, Skimmed Milk Powder (SMP) and certain cheeses in order to alleviate the impact of Russian restrictions on imports of EU dairy products and to limit the negative effects on the internal market. The Commission has also confirmed that the period for public intervention of butter & SMP will be extended until the end of the year.

En savoir plus… English (en)

Exceptional support measures for EU producers of perishable fruit & vegetables English (en)


In the context of Russian restrictions on imports of EU agricultural products, the European Commission is moving as from today to introduce support measures for certain perishable fruits & vegetables.

Commenting on the decision, Commissioner Dacian Cioloş stated: “Taking into account the market situation following the Russian restrictions on imports of EU agricultural products, with effect from today, I am triggering CAP emergency measures which will reduce overall supply of a number of fruit and vegetable products on the European market as and when price pressures become too great in the coming months. All farmers of the concerned products - whether in producer organisations or not - will be eligible to take up these market support measures where they see fit. Acting early will provide an efficient support to the price paid to producers on the internal market, help the market adjust and be cost effective."

En savoir plus… English (en)

Commission statement after Management Committee meeting today to assess the potential impact of Russia measures against EU Agriculture products English (en)


The Commission held a very useful first exchange of views with Member State experts this morning on the potential impact of the Russian restrictions announced last week on imports of certain agricultural products.
Understanding the concerns of EU farmers across Europe, Commissioner Dacian Cioloș stated: "I have two announcements to make today. First, as of early next week, I will come forward with the next  market stabilisation measure, targeting  a number of perishable fruit and vegetable products which are now clearly in difficulty. This action will be proportionate and cost effective.

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Statement by Commissioner Dacian Cioloș concerning the ban on EU agricultural exports into the Russian Federation English (en)


"I understand the concern expressed in the EU farming sector. I want to underline that the Common Agricultural Policy has new and modernised tools to stand by them, as soon as it is needed, including our crisis reserve, which is already available now. I am confident that our resilient farm sector will reorient rapidly towards new markets and opportunities.

But there must be support to help this transition happen smoothly. This requires a joined up, European response. I have spoken with Farm Ministers from across Europe, and in particular the Italian Farm Minister and Council President. In the current context, the most important is to react in a proportionate and rapid way should the situation arise.

En savoir plus… English (en)

Meeting between the COMAGRI President and Coordinators and Commissioner Dacian Cioloş English (en)


Commissioner Dacian Cioloş, met today with the President of the COMAGRI, Czesław Siekierski and the coordinators of the political groups Albert Dess and Michel Dantin (EPP), Paolo De Castro (S&D), James Nicholson (ECR), Jens Rohde (ALDE),  Martin Haeusling (Greens-EFA), Maria Lidia Senra Rogriguez (EUL-NGL) and John Stuart Agnew (EFDD).

En savoir plus… English (en)

Strengthened cooperation in agriculture between European Commission and European Investment Bank English (en)


Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development Dacian Cioloş and Vice President of the European Investment Bank (EIB) Wilhelm Molterer signed today a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the European Commission and the EIB for co-operation in agriculture and rural development in 2014-2020.

En savoir plus… English (en)

EU Commissioner Cioloş meets U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack English (en)


EU Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development Dacian Cioloș had a meeting with the United States' Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today in Brussels. The meeting was an occasion to discuss respective agricultural policies and the challenges ahead.

En savoir plus… English (en)

EU Commissioner Dacian Cioloș meets Chinese Minister of Agriculture Han Changfu in Bucharest English (en)


EU Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development Dacian Cioloș had a meeting with the Chinese Minister of Agriculture, Han Changfu in Bucharest today. The meeting was an occasion to continue constructive dialogue on agriculture, in the framework of the EU-China Cooperation Plan in Agriculture and Rural Development signed in 2012.

En savoir plus… English (en)

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